Gods and Monsters Chargen

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The cops call you a menace, the media calls you a vigilante, but most of the city has probably never even heard of you. You don't catch meteors hurtling towards earth. You catch bad guys. Til now, you've stayed in your corner and kept an eye on your neighborhood and the petty crooks that trouble it.

Then everything changed

The Event disrupted electronic infrastructure in every city and every nation across the globe. Nobody knows what caused it, and all but the poorest regions recovered quickly, but nothing has been the same since.

Now the heroes powerful enough to be known the world over are nowhere to be found, and the villains they once kept in check are growing bolder.

Source Material[edit]

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We will be using the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Core Book and the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Super Powers Companion for this game.

Setting Rules[edit]

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Born A Hero: Heroes may ignore Rank qualifications for Edges during chargen (excluding Legendary Edges).

Fanatics: Henchmen may take the hit for Wild Card NPCs as appropriate.

Heroes Never Die: As implied, things that should kill you somehow don't. Wild Card NPCs get similar benefit.

High Adventure: Spend a Bennie to gain a one time use of a combat edge of your rank or lower if you otherwise meet its prerequisites (excluding Trait scores).

More Trait Points: PCs begin with 6 attribute points instead of 5 and 15 skill points instead of 12. Additionally, Focus is treated as a Core Skill, starting at d4 instead of Untrained. This skill is required to activate certain super powers.

Species Template[edit]

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PCs use the Human template.

Campaign Requirements[edit]

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PCs start play with the Super Powers edge at power level 2 [30pts] and have Secret Identity as a drawback outside their normal elected hindrances.

Secret Identity should be fleshed out with your character's civilian identity, their occupation when not hero-ing, and three close associates that might be used against them if their identity is ever discovered.

Secret Identity does not generate points to spend during chargen.


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Because we will be posting as-available in action scenes, the Hesitant hindrance is unavailable to take.

Young is also off the table, because, though things are not likely to escalate beyond PG-13, I don't want to run minors in an adult game.

Tech Level[edit]

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Modern. Gear associated with superpowers, of course, can reach beyond that.

All characters start with a handheld (phone) and either a tablet or laptop that don't count against their starting funds.


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This game is meant to model a street-level, vigilante sort of supers experience with a gritty, dark backdrop ala Arrow or Daredevil or Punisher and not a splashy, four-color supers feel.

Develop your characters and their stories accordingly.

Remember to include three significant figures from their life that might be used against them if their secret identity is discovered.

Describe their living conditions. If they don't have the Rich edge, keep it simple. If they have the Poverty hindrance, pick something dependent on another (room over a friend's bar, mom's basement, etc) or sketchy (subway tunnel, empty water tower, etc).

Describe their personal transportation if they have it. Same as above. Keep it simple unless you have the Rich edge. Poverty hindrance likely means they walk or rely on public transportation.

Housing and transportation don't count against their starting funds.

Rank and Advances[edit]

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PCs start play as Novices.