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Dufirosim Among the diverse realms that battle and bounce off Chaos is a section of porous realms called the Lands of Flux and Shadow. Thousands of worlds at various levels of technology and sophistication. In amongst these shadows is the collection of realms called the Durirtrusa. It is a realm of beings able to channel great powers of shadow and the elements. In their own realm they live in various manners as delights their kind. And their delights vary.

ON thing is that they are in a nexus of power that allows them to be summoned to place beyond their realms, and make bargains to trade power for powers.


Elementals live in realms of purish energy with little intelligence. They gain intelligence and advancement to Spirit form by existing for periods under bound service. This is why they are easy to bind. As they gain separate sentience, away from their elemental power they gain in their abilities.

  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Air
  • Water
  • Change


These creatures have gained sufficient awareness to have needs and greeds. As they advance the experiences that developed them from elementals to spirits gave them passions. These passions are expressed in their differentiations. They develop singularly for a time but when they develop they may shift to other spirit forms many times before rising to the Avasa Dufirosim.

Cleanliness Combat Defense Speed Growth
h 12 Braldig's Tinkery 13 Vine River 14 14. Wala Heights, Taxorami 15 15. Mandalay
16 16. Castle Arden 17 Adrian's Dramaturgy 18 Vale of Rocks 19 Phil's Diner 20 20. The Church of the Unicorn, Amber
21 Jeweled Road, Cantal, Diega 22 Halzir, Taxorami 23 The Berlin Train Station 24 Vale of Flowers 25 Big Tree

Avasa Dufirosim

The Avasa are the first evolution of the Dufirosim to gain the ability to resist binding, and therefore negotiate for better returns. They trade their racial powers for whatever their heart desires.

Masoja Dufirosim