For Fortune and Glory:Murdoch Ironfist

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Murdoch Ironfist

Fate Points: 3

Refresh: 3


Khai Boran1.jpg


High Concept: Loyal seneschal of the von Degurechaffs

Trouble: Conflicted spy for Amalathian Inquisitor

Phase One: Ship-born, void-savvy

Phase Two: Mind like a steel trap

Phase Three: My word is my bond


Great (+4) Resources

Good (+3) Contacts, Provoke

Fair (+2) Academics, Deceive, Will

Average (+1) Fight, Investigate, Notice, Shoot


Physical [1] [2]

Mental [1] [2] [3]


Mild [2]: _________________________

Moderate [4]: _____________________

Severe [6]: _______________________


Grease the Wheels. You can use Resources instead of Rapport in any situation where bribes will be accepted.

Instant Functionary. You’re skilled at seeing the shape of an organization from the underside, and in organizations of sufficient size, you can easily convince anyone that you’re just another cog in the machine. This allows you to substitute your Resources skill for Deceive whenever pretending to fill the role of a minor functionary of a target organization.

Not to Be Trifled With. When you make it clear how dangerous you are, roll Provoke against your target’s Will. If you succeed, that target will not attack you or willingly come near you unless you take action against him first. If you succeed with style, neither will anyone with a lower Will than your target.


Khai's on the run from the Mandarinate, the ruling Heng Nyyep oligarchy. They have a pretty sophisticated off-world intelligence network with a long reach. Much of it is devoted to economic and technological intelligence-gathering, but it still does the job. So he has to stay one step ahead of them, and of the intelligence services of the oligarchy's allies.

Khai's a lone wolf. Part of his frustration is that his native world is so placid. The few other liberation movements in his opinion are far too ignorant and amateurish to accomplish anything - and probably shot through with informers. Part of his off-world knowledge quest is to learn more sophisticated revolutionary political techniques. Right now he's in his Motorcycle Diaries phase, while studying revolutionary activism and working out his own creed.

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