Nicolette le Farre

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Nicolette le Farre.jpeg

There is no God in this place. Just His echo. You can hear it in the crumbling mausoleums – in the ivy-choked gravestones rotting in their cemeteries. You can hear it in the doleful churches; empty of worship…except to pay respect to the dead and the gone. It is a farce! But a funny one. A carnival full of people in ugly masks. Hiding how empty they are inside.

Nicolette is empty too. She sold her heart and sold her soul. Sold more than she could pay and then sold more besides. But she bought, too, the things that have made her rich. She has bought status and power. Influence and a place to belong. A place in Hell. There is still no God here. Not one Nicolette can hear. But the Devil and his servants answer when you call. And they are so very reasonable…

So reasonable that the things they ask are trifles. So here Nicolette is. In the old city. Seeing to a trifling matter: the debts of Lord Ambrose Hygarth Jackdaw. Many and varied, he has defaulted on them all! But debts unpaid rarely vanish. And there are always others to collect from!


Bride of the Devil[edit]

Adaptation (Mythos)

Nicolette knows black magic and how to summon and bind the Hellspawn in service to Satan. While this power grants her abilities that defy the laws of nature, rarely are they goodly by temper or capable of helping people directly – lest they want to pay a price…

Mystery: How could a man slip through the Devil's fingers?

Power Tags

  • a) “I’m the bad sort of witch...”
  • d) The proper ritual
  • h) A menagerie of demons.
  • j) “We can make a bargain…”

Weakness Tags

  • a) The prices I pay
  • c) For dark purpose

The Sins of the Father[edit]

Mission (Logos)

...trickle down to his children. The debts of Andrew Jackdaw cannot be absolved with death alone. There are prices still to be paid - lines of credit left hanging, empty, on crumpled ledgers. Nicolette is here to collect. One debt at a time, tugging at the silken strands of Jackdaw's spiderweb-family until every last, little sin is properly accounted for...

Theme: "Nothing personal; it's just business."

Power Tags

  • a) A silver tongue
  • e) Seduction and lies
  • d) A book of debts and a detailed family tree

Weakness Tags

  • d) The web of Jackdawn's debts is dark and tangled

Call My Name Three Times[edit]

Mobility (Mythos)


Power Tags

  • a) Step Out From the Shadows
  • c) Luck of the Devil
  • h) Close your eyes, and don't ever-ever open them

Weakness Tags

  • d) The lingering smell of brimstone

Daddy Was a Gambler, He Gambled Big and Small[edit]

Training (Logos)

Theme: "It was a calculated risk!"

Power Tags

  • a) Diehard gambler
  • e) Unflappable
  • i) Taking a risk

Weakness Tags

  • b) Just can't help myself