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Dostępność WWW (ang. web accessibility) to dezidzina wiedzy z zakresu interakcji człowieka z komputerem zajmująca się problematyką tworzenia stron i serwisf3w internetowych dostępnych dla jak najszerszego grona odbiorcf3w, ze szczegf3lnym uwzględnieniem osf3b niepełnosprawnych. Dostępność serwisu internetowego oznacza stopień w jakim może być on postrzegany, rozumiany i przeglądany przez wszystkich użytkownikf3w, niezależnie od ich cech lub upośledzeń, a także niezależnie od właściwości używanego przez nich oprogramowania i sprzętu. więcej na :
> A more up-to-date list of open games can be found on the [http://livingfree.wikidot.com/list-of-libre-games Year of Living Free wiki].
This page collects all the games under an open license like the [[Open Game License]] and various [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_licenses Creative Commons Licenses].
= Definition: What is an Open License? =
This page operates under the following definition:
"An Open License allows the free and perpetual re-use of original material by anybody willing to follow the restrictions of said license, without an explicit contact or negotiation between original author and licensee."
In other words, if something is available under an open license, I can use and re-use it for free, as long as I respect the restrictions laid out in the license, without having to contact the author.
= Retroclones =
'''Retro-clones''' are new games that are compatible with games that are now out-of-print. They are listed separately to the other games.
= The List: =
The following systems are available under an open license and are thus free to use in your own publications. (Though with varying restriction on the use of the material.)  
Also a good reference, thnkas for the link!Maybe one of these days I'll get motivated and write a little JavaScript faceted navigation sniblet  it seems like the SRD would reduce to the Archive as long as you could filter, and even within the Archive it would be nice to be able to filter/sort e.g. the feat table easily  multiple select checkboxes for sources, etc.
== Other Systems Using OGL ==
* [http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=29076 Iridium System]
* [http://www.battlefieldpress.com/?q=node/17 Open Core Roleplaying System] - uses Open Content from several OGL systems
* [http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/srd/srd_runic/index.html Runic], Runequest RPG
* [http://www.spellchrome.com/ Spellchrome] (OGL and Non-Open Game Content)
== Open Game License and Trademark License ==
These games release their material as Open Game Content, but also provide another, more restricted, license to allow publishers to refer to Product Identity.
* [http://www.goblinoidgames.com/mutantfuture.htm Mutant Future] (OGL and Mutant Future Trademark License)
* [http://www.goblinoidgames.com/gore.htm GORE] (OGL and GORE License)
* [http://www.fudgerpg.com/fudge.html FUDGE] (OGL and FUDGE System Trademark License; also under its own license)
* [http://www.roninarts.com/store/default.php?cPath=5_14 vsM Engine]
===Fudge based===
* [http://www.faterpg.com/dl/Fate-SRD-2005-03-31.rtf Fate 2.0] (direct link to the file)
* [http://www.faterpg.com/dl/sotc-srd.html Spirit of the Century]
* [http://www.vsca.ca/Diaspora/diaspora-srd.html Diaspora]
== Creative Commons Licenses ==
* [http://6d6rpg.com/ 6d6 RPG] 6d6 Fireball (Attribution-Share Alike)
* [http://www.eclipsephase.com/ Eclipse Phase] Posthuman Studios (Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License)
* [http://www.bullypulpitgames.com/games/index.php?game=drowning_and_falling Drowning and Falling] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
* [http://tsoy.crngames.com/ The Shadow of Yesterday] (Attribution)
* [http://open.crngames.com/src/donjon.html Donjon] (Attribution/Share-Alike)
* [http://www.lulu.com/content/866835 Wushu Open] (Attribution)
* [http://wiki.saberpunk.net/Wushu/OpenReloaded Wushu Open Reloaded] (Attribution/Share-Alike)
* [http://www.harlekin-maus.com/games/shadows/shadows.html Shadows] (Attribution)
* [http://www.sanestudios.co.uk Myriad] (Attribution)
* [http://www.fatesworsethandeath.com/ORC/index.htm Organic Rules Components (ORC)] (Attribution)
* [http://www.costik.com/weblog/2005_08_01_blogchive.html#112454587656432430 Violence] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
* [http://rpg.starwreck.com Star Wreck] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
* [http://www.allenvarney.com/noteworthy.html Noteworthy] (Attribution/Non-Commercial)
* [http://gregstolze.com/ExecutiveDecision.zip Executive Decision] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike; direct link to file)
* [http://gregstolze.com/inSpaaace.zip ...in Spaaace!] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike; direct link to file)
* [http://www.scribd.com/doc/16493874/Sufficiently-Advanced Sufficiently Advanced] (Attribution/Non-Commercial)
* [http://www.treasurerpg.com/ Treasure] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
* [http://tower.newcenturycomputers.net/tsgs.html The Simple Game System (TSGS)] (Attribution/SHare-Alike)
* [http://www.dangerpatrol.com/ Danger Patrol] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
* [http://www.onesevendesign.com/ladyblackbird/ Lady Blackbird] (Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike)
* [http://www.emptygamebox.com/iliamna-unknown Iliamna Unknown] (Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike)
* [http://yggdrasildistro.wordpress.com/free-diy-roleplaying-material-including-rugs-and-saga/ Saga, a rules-light narrative universal system] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
* [http://www.jumpersrpg.com/ Jumpers, a multi-dimensional, multi-genre sci-fi RPG] (Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License)
== GNU licenses ==
* [http://www.godsmonsters.com/ Gods and Monsters] (GNU Free Documentation License)
* [http://worldforge.org/dev/content/rules/circe/ Circe] (GNU Free Documentation Licence and GNU General Public License)
* [http://webdav.freeroleplay.org/fringe/trunk/ Fringe] (OpenOffice Writer format) (GNU General Public License)
== Other ==
* [http://www.dominionrules.org/ Dominion Rules] (Dominion Rules Licence)
* [http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=28830 Action! System] (Action! System Open License)
* [http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=2589 Active Exploits] (Active Exploits Distribution and Expansion License)
* [[Redbox Hack]] ([http://4csystem.wikidot.com/redbox-hack-2-srd view wiki]) (license unclear; readers told to "do what you'd like with the thing").
* [[Dungeons and Dragons Fourth Edition]] ([http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/welcome Game System License])
* [http://basicroleplaying.com/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=11 Fire and Sword] 4E (Free Art License)
* [[4C System]] for the Marvel RPG ([http://hazardstudio.net/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/4csystem.zip download]) (Public Domain; Direct link to file)
* [http://www.amagi-games.org/danger-rolls The Far Towers] (Public Domain)
* [http://www.amagi-games.org/token-wagering Hoard 1st Edition and Microcosm] (Public Domain)
* [http://www.theonosis.com Theonosis, an open fantasy setting] - The [http://www.osl.theonosis.com Open Setting License] allows the setting to be used with any game.

Revision as of 23:21, 4 May 2012

Dostępność WWW (ang. web accessibility) to dezidzina wiedzy z zakresu interakcji człowieka z komputerem zajmująca się problematyką tworzenia stron i serwisf3w internetowych dostępnych dla jak najszerszego grona odbiorcf3w, ze szczegf3lnym uwzględnieniem osf3b niepełnosprawnych. Dostępność serwisu internetowego oznacza stopień w jakim może być on postrzegany, rozumiany i przeglądany przez wszystkich użytkownikf3w, niezależnie od ich cech lub upośledzeń, a także niezależnie od właściwości używanego przez nich oprogramowania i sprzętu. więcej na :