RPG-specific Websites

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AlternityRPG - Official alternity system resource.

Call of Cthulhu

Yog-Sothoth - for all aspects of Cthulhu and Delta Green.


Champions Write-ups - your favorite heroes, Champions style.

Cyberpunk 2020

Blackhammer Project - Cyberpunk 2020 site.

D6 System/OpenD6

D6 Online

Dungeons & Dragons

D&D Adventures

AD&D 1st edition

Dragonsfoot - specializing in 1st Ed. AD&D.

Fading Suns

Bletchley RolePlaying Group
Renaissance - Byzantium Secundus
D.J.'s Fading Suns Page
Noblesse Oblige
That Without Shadow
Yahoo Group


Lokarnos - Index to Gloranthan websites.


Mikeeze Wurld - Hackmaster specialist.

James Bond 007

Paul Kasper's site
Scott Rhymer's Q Manual

Mutants and Masterminds

E-CORE - Resources and Superlink News.


BITS - British Isles Traveller Support.
Downport - for all versions of Traveller.

Star Wars

Rancor Pit ForumsStar Wars D6

Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play

Roysten Crow campaigns, adventures, supplements, expansions, rules, maps, illustrations, and more

Mad Alfred's WFRP Pages


Aether Traveller - concentrates on the old GDW games.