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[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/TheStarsAreRight:RedlandJack '''Return to Redland Jack's page''']
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/TheStarsAreRight:RedlandJack '''Return to Redland Jack's page''']
With a sigh, Redland puts down the weeks-old journal article he's been trying (unsuccessfully) to read and looks around for Mr. Parsons. Seeing him in conversation with Carl, he continues to leaf listlessly through the article, while he waits for a break in the action. Eventually Carl heads off and Redland tentatively approaches Dale.
With a sigh, Redland puts down the weeks-old journal article he's been trying (unsuccessfully) to read and looks around for Mr. Parsons. Seeing him in conversation with Carl, he continues to leaf listlessly through the article, while he waits for a break in the action. Eventually Carl heads off and Redland tentatively approaches Dale.
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"Er, and I'm afraid I'm completely lacking in knowledge regarding wards, summoning circles, and, indeed, ritual magic entirely. Sorry I'm so ignorant on this stuff... I'm still pretty much aspiring to reach step 1 of the process. It's something that I've discussed with Carl a little bit, but only in pretty broad terms. Unlike a lot of mystical things, this one is not really his cup of tea, I'm afraid. He's often mentioned going to 'the Tower' where they have some sort of summoning room, but we've never really found the time..."
"Er, and I'm afraid I'm completely lacking in knowledge regarding wards, summoning circles, and, indeed, ritual magic entirely. Sorry I'm so ignorant on this stuff... I'm still pretty much aspiring to reach step 1 of the process. It's something that I've discussed with Carl a little bit, but only in pretty broad terms. Unlike a lot of mystical things, this one is not really his cup of tea, I'm afraid. He's often mentioned going to 'the Tower' where they have some sort of summoning room, but we've never really found the time..."
Dale shakes his head, slowly. "Jeez. If your gonna do dis thing, then you gotta know how to do it safely...well, safer. This'll take some time, so don' expect to be doin' a lot too soon." He ponders for a moment. "Well, to begin with, your right that a lot of things Out There are gonna be able to beat you at arm wrasslin': Don't wrassle 'em. Don' play their game, be a tool user. You'd be surprised how many things are vulnerable to a clip of ammo from a .45. Or, better yet, a Tommy Gun. And if that fails, a BAR, or even a luparaloaded with silver and iron shot."
Dale shakes his head, slowly. "Jeez. If your gonna do dis thing, then you gotta know how to do it safely...well, safer. This'll take some time, so don' expect to be doin' a lot too soon." He ponders for a moment. "Well, to begin with, your right that a lot of things Out There are gonna be able to beat you at arm wrasslin': Don't wrassle 'em. Don' play their game, be a tool user. You'd be surprised how many things are vulnerable to a clip of ammo from a .45. Or, better yet, a Tommy Gun. And if that fails, a BAR, or even a lupara loaded with silver and iron shot."
Redland looks a bit confused.
Redland looks a bit confused.
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"Now, with the 'Tempters', it would seem that I just need to be on my guard. One presumes they are more cunning than I am, but it seems that defense would be much simpler than in the case of those who can directly influence."
"Now, with the 'Tempters', it would seem that I just need to be on my guard. One presumes they are more cunning than I am, but it seems that defense would be much simpler than in the case of those who can directly influence."
Dale considers a moment, then begins in his usual matter-of-fact way, looking into space. He takes out an American automatic pistol from under his left armpit, lays it on his desk blotter (facing away from the two of you), and proceeds to disassembles it by touch, while his mind is on your answer. "So, the Night...er Fae- yah, they can do what they call a Compulsion. Mind Control. It takes 'em some time to get it right, and they gotta concentrate hard, too. Mostly, being aware is your best defense. And Violence works, too. Runnin' away, well the Fae can run faster than you, and jump pretty good, too. So, you're better off dumpin' some energy, or a can of black pepper, over your shoulder. Maybe droppin' a flare, if youse got one and the distance is right. And you can just shoot evil fae...if you got the drop one one. Use a big gun, though. Just woundin' one might not stop him. I got a coupla spells that work, too, but the're hard on the spellslinger, too."
Redland makes a mental note here.
"As for getting Theo in some sort of Ward, or puttin' one around you- I wouldn't count on it. What he does, he does because he's got the Sophia on his side. It's above my paygrade." Dale ponders a moment. "I used to know Theo, kinda. Seemed like an OK joe, but who knows, now. Anyhow, he works on a real deep layer, fundamental: Fate. I'm not sure what you can do to stop that. Maybe... I can do some research. I kinda wonder, if the King of Fate is that powerful, why is the old King dead, though?  Oh, and some folk will tell ya that he's gotta touch you to get you: I don' count on that, myself."
Redland grimaces.
He inspects his pistol, then nods, puts it back together by touch. Thinking for a moment, Dale continues. "Yah, the Tempters are tricky, and one of the simplest ways to defend yourself against 'em is to not deal wid' 'em." He looks back at you. "Your path make that kinda impossible. So, knowing that you gotta be on your guard is the next best thing. Don' take what they say at face value- check all da facts you can, and always wonder 'what's in it for dis guy? Who does he work for?' Then, take what they say wid a big bucket of salt. Still, in the war, when we'd captured a kraut, we still found out a lot from the lies he'd tell. Particularly when you could be pretty sure they was lies. Then of course, you gotta wonder if he knows you know, and once you know he knows that you know...und so wieter"
"A couple of quick notes before the questions...: 1) I initiated a conversation, telepathically, with the King of Fate, so he has my signature, which might have been a mistake. 2) I was briefly a 'Companion' of the Fae, when I allowed them to inject me with some of the necrophage, back in Los Angeles, in case that's relevant."
Dale nods, but doesn't seem put off, horrified, or terribly surprised.
He continues in a self-deprecating tone, "If there's something stupid that can be done, rest assured, I've done it ... or at least considered it."
That merits a brief chuckle from Dale, and a wry nod.
"Now, let's see, quick question. It sounds like you're considering the Nightsiders and the Fae to be the same. I've tended to call the Fae, those who have been, sort of, uh, made more human-like by their contact with Medea. I consider the Nightsiders to be the original version. Would you make any distinction between the two?"
Dale's eyes narrow slightly, following your point, but he doesn't interrupt.
He continues on, somewhat rapidly, "Oh, and I could see how a flare might be useful, but why would the black pepper or energy do anything?"
A slight smile at your question, but Dale waits for you to run out for the moment...
He starts to say something else, but then realizes that it'd be wiser to allow Dale some time to answer.
Dale considers for a moment, and counts off his answers. "Lessee. 1. The King Of Fate, if what I've heard is correct, can still find you in lots of ways. The fact that you used Brain Wave Radio on him does give him your BWR signature, and he can use that to Wave you." Pondering, his eyes look off for the moment before he continues. He picks up the strange pen, and begins to fiddle with it again. "That might make it easier for him to influence your fate lines, but it don't mean that your a heck of a lot more vulnerable than anyone else. I think he jus' has ta meet ya." A cog falls into place. "Maybe not even that, directly.... If he has a good idea of what makes you an individual, anyway, he can send a Sprite after you- jus' like Carl. So, tha' fact that ya used Brain Wave Radio to talk to Theo doesn't make you much more screwed-pardon my french- than if ya hadn't, I guess." Dale shrugs. "Ain't nobody safe, so get over it. Just think through the risks against the rewards next time. Before ya jump in the river"
Redland files away the term 'Sprite'.
"2nd. With fae communion, if it's anything like the Nightsiders, ya gotta be worried about getting irreversibly tainted." He grimaces. "I've know guys who got hooked on Communion, and slid over into Taint...kinda like hop-heads or alkies. If you're smart about it, all you get is the rush, a Fae friend...maybe, and you have the after-effects that are...interestin'. You get an idea the life they live...  And, yah, the Original Vamps were the Nightsiders. I know more about them than the Fae. Once the Ambient began to rise, and the Age 'o Miracles started up, they woulda croaked eventually. If they hadn't been Saved by their Principle, Dr. Hannahlore...uh, you'd say 'Medea'...they'd have gotten Power Sick. By sharin' the Birthright, she's brought a lot of 'em into a common society, and she's even made 'em less predatory, and less like bastards. I guess. So, they are different biologically, and a lot of 'em are different in their outlook. Course, even back in the old days, they wasn't all bastards" Dale shrugs, looking a bit uncomfortable on the subject.
Redland makes a mental note about 'Elders'.
"3rd, well, the Nightsiders and the Fae, sorta, have really good senses- they can hear your heartbeat from a distance, they can hear the blood in your veins if they're close. they can see real well in the dark. They also have a real powerful sense of smell. So, you throw a cloud of pepper at 'em, they get hit by it more than you or I would. The sharp senses are great for huntin' but they are also a vulnerable ting'. Same deal with the energy: they can 'see' the energy real well, and a flash of it will distract 'em for a moment. It's the most interestin' show on the radio, for them. So they watch it. My guess is that the Fae are less distracted than the ol' Nightsiders, but it beats boxing with 'em...heck, wrasslin' with 'em is even worse- that's their strong suit." Pauses a moment. "Me, I'd sling a spell at one, unless I had a good gun and the range. If they we'ren't too big an' tough, the spell might kill 'em, or at least damage 'em real bad. Plus, the energy itself will distract 'em. Course, learnin' that spell costs. So does slingin' it." 
"I like that, using your enemies strength against 'em. Also, it might allow you to escape without any violence, which is always a plus, in my book."
A nod and a smile from Dale at that construction
Jack tries to sequence his thoughts before continuing. "I haven't had too many dealings with Nightsiders. I'm given to understand that the rising Ambient you mentioned, combined with the, uh, 'Birthright' thing, have caused their numbers to diminish. The ones that remain struck some sort of deal with various Elders to allow them both to remain here unharmed. The only Nightsider I've met is a guy named Mr. Usher, who agreed to perform (or at least facilitate the performance of) a miracle for me. Presumably, a nice enough chap."
A nod...a slow one, from Dale.
"On the matter of Fae Communion, 'Taint' seems like a somewhat pejorative term. It's my understanding that this is (or was, I guess) the only way in which the Fae can propagate. Plus, it seemed wholly pleasant, unlike, I imagine, the after-effects of alcohol or drug consumption..."
Dale starts to shake his head at that, but waits and listens, instead.
He trails off slightly and then says, "Now, you talked abou something called a 'Sprite.' If I have my mythology right, I would say that is some kind of Faerie, but it sounds more like this 'spell slinging' you've mentioned before. Are either of those thoughts on the right track?"
"Well, Doc, be careful before ya decide to take Squire Usher...or rather his Elders...up on that miracle. I think you got the right idea about the Fae being a product of Hannahlore's Birthright and the rising ambient. And you're right about making deals to host Elders being one way to get around that for the Nightsiders. There may be more that we don' know about. The prospect of bein' cooked tends to get the creative juices flowin.
Jack nods his head in agreement.
Anyhow, if you do too much Communion with tha Fae, too often, the Phage gets ya and your now Fae..or at least at risk of it happenin' next time you share...even if you wait forever.  If you'r careful, you can do Communion a lot of times, so long as you got the guts to go cold turkey and not Commune again until the Taint gets cleared out." A Puzzled expression crosses Dale's face. "Uh Doc, ain't ya never gotten drunk, or tried out somethin' stronger?" Quietly "jeezz. Ya, Communion is like that, only more so...and you kind get hooked on the Fae that gave it to ya, but that passes after you let the Taint fade."
Jack looks chagrined.
"Oh, and a "Sprite" isn't a spell like I know...it's Carl's name...a King thing. Once a King can ID somebody as a fairly unique individual, they can send a sprite, a point of glowin' light made with blood magic, out to...merge...wid that guy. Then, the Sprite comes home ta Papa, carrying information about who that guy is, where he is, what he's doing, and like that. If youse ever been "sprited" you'd know. Feels like getting smacked wid a wet noodle the size of a pillow...only sprirtually speakin'."
Redland laughs. "That's a very evocative description. I like it."
Dale nods and chuckles.
"Oh, on that miracle, my part in it is, basically, done. Rebecca would be the one that would experience the effects of the miracle, if there is any danger."
Dale's eyes narrow, considering, but he says nothing.
He switches gears abruptly. "I've always done my best to not engage in activities that might lead to addiction, and certainly those of a chemical nature: opiates, tobacco, alcohol, etc. I have an, uh, an addictive type of personality. With many things, I think that 'lead us not into temptation' is the right idea. On top of that, I've always avoided things (well, other than ideas, of course) that might externally influence my mind. After all," he says rhetorically, "what else do we really have?"
Dale tilts his head a little and nods- appreciating your point.
He ponders for a moment. "Well, that not entirely true. I used to be careful to avoid those things. Since falling in with this current lot, I've snorted the spirits of the dead, let a nice young lady drink my blood, allowed any number of people to tinker around in my brain, and have coughed up some number of memories to indescribable entities, among other things, I'm sure."
Dale chuckles quietly as he shakes his head.
He offers a crooked smile. "But what should I expect? You Americans are a bad influence!"
Dale's only response is a quiet snort!
He continues on in a quiet, somewhat halting manner. "You said, uh, that the, ... stuff ... passes after the necrophage has left your system. Is that always the case? Or can, er, can things linger?"
Dale considers for a moment, then starts off quietly, considering. "Well, Doc, ya gotta understand that I got limited experience with the Fae...all my close experience was wit the Nightsiders, years ago." He chuckles. "At least it was a nice young Fae lady...." Serious again. "Yup, you might be, uh, kinda sweet on her in the future...and it might be natural feelings about someone ya shared something special wid, or your addictiveness comin' in, or some Fae Glamour she's puttin' out. Hard to say. You might want to stay away from her, or at least keep your distance, or maybe let some warmblood ya trust keep an eye on ya when you're wid her...kinda like a chaperon. But, if you don' feel all like ya gotta go run home to her, and ya don' got a serious jones for Communion of the Non-Father-Pat sort, and you don' have the weird sensory spillover- you don' got thetaint...don't mean yo won't open a vein to her and get it next time you see her..."
Redland looks a touch uncomfortable (or perhaps just embarrassed) during this exchange. It is as though he wants to say something and move on simultaneously.
Dale pauses. Continues mildly. "So, what did you buy for Christmas for our little Becky-Weckio? And what did it cost ya from Squire Usher? If ya spill for me, I'll tell ya a tale that'll give you some idea how things can work...with the Vamps and the Outties, but ya gotta swear ta keep what I tell ya under your hat. Let ya learn from my mistake."
"Ah. I missed Christmas due to some sort of time-slip, and I missed my birthday due to nearly dying onboard a boat (stupid boats!). My new lifestyle has been murder on my holidays."
Dale shrugs, and quietly. "welcome to tha club, doc"
After this pointless aside, he gets (closer) to the point. "I also missed, uh, Becky-Wecki's wedding (It won't shock you to learn that I was doing something stupid), so I call this more of a belated wedding present. I'm not sure if this is entirely my information to share, but it's probably okay, particularly since it might be relevant to the 'Fate of the World' and all that."
An encouraging nod from Dale at that information...
He thinks of the best way to explain, not quite sure what Dale already knows. "Auda and Rebecca formed some sort of mystical bond awhile back (maybe when Auda first became King of the Body?). Technically, she is Auda's 'Consort', kind of like Julian to Carl, I think.
A nod in understanding, and a quiet "yup" from Dale.
As I understand it, it was never a proper pairing. That is, she wasn't the 'true' Consort chosen by the Worldsoul, or whatever. Now, Rebecca has become married to Henrik, and the/a proper Consort for Auda has come to light. It seems that it'd be better for Rebecca and Henrik (and Auda, I suppose) if the bond between Auda and Rebecca was ... undone ..."
Dale's gaze is level, and he looks like he's thinking through the possibilities.
He considers again for a moment. "I don't really remember it very well, but I, apparently, explored a bunch of different options and ascertained that the 'best' way to break the bond was to make it so that it never actually happened ('breaking' the bond being too dangerous). I've been told that if you get three Elders together, they can create a 'miracle'."
Redland sighs. "Like many other things, I don't remember exactly what I agreed to when I struck the bargain with Roderick Usher. When I asked Carl about it later (he was with me when I made the deal), he indicated that I had already fulfilled my end of the bargain. He didn't seem to want to discuss it, so I let the matter drop. I figure he has his reasons for not wanting to tell me."
Dale looks a bit speculative at this idea...
"Anyhow, what I gained, was that he agreed to gather together the requisite three Elders for me, whenever I happened to get the go-ahead from the relevant parties. I'm still waiting on that, as it has been difficult getting ahold of Auda, and I was never able to fully motivate Rebecca or Henrik to go to Vienna to get the ball rolling. I've started to have some reservations about the whole thing. Namely, I wonder if they really want to break the bond."
An approving nod from Dale
A brief pause and then he adds seriously, "Anything you tell me that you don't want me to pass on, I will take to the grave."
Then he gives a wry look. "Well, knowing me, I'll probably actually just forget everything. Either way, I won't say anything to anybody..."
Dale chuckles. "About that, Doc....since you'r so big on avoiding booze and drugs because they change your mind... and your mind is waht really counts, maybe you wanna get cracking on that note-taking thing again. Do you really want to go through life with big gaping holes in your memory. Dontchathink that your memory is kinda they key to who your are...hard to learn from yer mistakes, when you don' got no idea what they are..."
Redland appears at first downcast and then mildly distressed as Dake speaks.
"Anyway, my story isn't Top Secret or nuthin'." When Dale continues, his voice is quiet, and his tone is somber and confessional, pained. He is looking off into the distance, pulling up memories that he'd rather stay buried.  "The Fate of the World don' hang on it...it's jus'...personally embarasssin'. I know a nice Nightsider lady name of Molly. Done tha Communion-thing wid her a buncha times, but I was able to walk away every time before getting irreversibly tainted. Anyway, after the Treaty, when we started to work w/ the 'siders, we were flying in an airplane on our waysomewheres, and I got careless...I spoke a Name. Jus' once, in passing, a little thing of two syllables. Got It's attention. It sent a Servitor to mess wit' the plane. We crashed. Not a real bad crash, but it was daylight...by the time we could get Molly under covers, she'd been burned pretty bad. That kind of hurt even the 'siders don' heal up from." Dale looks up, his voice still quiet, but his tone intent, and his gaze intense, and leveled directly at Redlands. " So...ya gotta know that what your doin' has consequences...and when you screw up, it's not jus' you that pay the price...it's tha folk around you, too, Folk you care about. I do what I can to make it right, but I can never really make it right..." Gently "Walk careful, Doc."
"Ah. That's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that. I'll certainly try to be careful about using the name of, er, the guy associated with my watch. I wouldn't want anyone to come to harm."
An idea strikes Redland, suddenly. "Hey! You appear to know a lot about the Nightsiders. You wouldn't happen to know a woman by the name of Meridon Caine, would you?"
Dale looks a little impatient, but still fairly good-natured. "Nope Doc, it's not jus' that you gotta be careful mentioning the guy holding the other end of your leash...the real point I'm tryin' to get across is that you gotta be careful all the time, in all stuff you do, that deals wid' the occult. That, and even if you try real hard, it isn't always you that pays the price when you screw up.    Your gonna learn how to do lots of stuff, if you don' go nuts or die first, an' you gotta have a healthy respect for how bad your gonna screw up, how bad it can get, and why you gotta build a team that can help you not screw up so much- cause if you work solo all the time, your gonna screw up more often. It's jus' human nature"
Switching gears, Dale continues with a little less emotion. "Meridon Caine. Sure. She's like Society's Executor, uh the Night..er, the Fae's Executor. Kinda like a referee and probate judge all rolled into on. Pretty sure she's not a Fae herself, but a real important part of what makes them roll. The Fae hold together 'cause of...think of 'em like markers...ya know, debts, obligations, agreements. Meridon keeps track of a lot of that. She knows where the bodies are buried..if there were bodies..." Thinks a moment. "That might be changing as Hannahlore gets more influence, and organizes the Fae more." He shrugs. "Hard to say. Anyway, can't say for sure, but I kinda remember she's got a connection with Hannibal King, the Night- ehr, Fae PI outta Chi-town...."
Redland makes a sudden decision. "You know, you're right. Even though I've been finding it uncomfortable of late trying to write things down, I really need to make the effort. I'm not going to get better without trying, and, as you say, with my memory being a blasted sieve, I need some way to know what's been happening in my life and to retain the things that people are trying to teach me."
Dale nods, with feeling.
He glances briefly around Dale's office. "Say, do you have anything handy?"
Dale says, "Sure Doc!", opens a desk drawer and pulls out a small spiral notebook (sorta pocket-sized), and hunts for a pencil, finding one almost immediately, and hands both over to Redlands.
Jack'll thanks him and, somewhat shakily, jots down a quick note about Hannibal King.
"I'm wondering about Ms. Caine, because I was, apparently, quite, er, enamored of her. I was spending a lot of time with her during the time frame that we're presuming the event that triggered my memory loss occurred. (Ugh, did that sentence make any sense?) I also lost almost all of my notes at that time. This is one of the main reasons why I'm so eager to get back to New York. I'm hoping she can help me recover what I've lost.
After a moment's work, Dale parses what you are saying, eyes widening ever so slightly, and smiles.
"However, it's been mentioned (a time or two) that I don't always have the best judgment. Also, Carl doesn't appear to think too highly of her. I was wondering if you knew her personally or knew anything that might help me make a good decision, once I do return to New York."
"Glad to see you're not the cold-blooded perfesser-type, Doc! I've talked to the lady...once, I think, maybe twice. Seemed nice enough, but she had her business face on. Maybe she eats puppies for breakfast, but I kinda doubt it. Seems like you oughtta get-reacquainted wid' her, and see how it goes. Oh, ya also might want to come clean wid' her that you've forgotten what happened, and that, well yer startin' over. Kinda hard to fake that stuff. Wouldn't hurt to find out what Carl says about her, but you gotta make your own decision- he's got his own history, and twitches. Also, the folk who know her best are tha ones in Society..what we call the Fae, now (and what I still call Ticks when I get excited or drunk), and they might be afraid to get on her bad side, since she's important to them. Then again, if she was too hard to deal wid, they wouldn't have put up wid' her for as long as they have." Mildly, "How do ya know that you were sweet on her...and was she sweet on you, ya think?"
Even though he can't really remember anything, Redland seems embarrassed.
"About coming clean, I totally agree. I've been thinking about writing her a note or calling her, but I'm just not sure ... In fact, I'm such an idiot, I apparently asked her out on a date via a letter. At least, according to Carl."
He hangs his head a bit shamefaced.
Dale chuckles, and shakes his head slowly, wryly.
"The reason I know that I was, uh, 'sweet on her', is that I asked Carl for advice about what to do, so he has some knowledge of the situation. He didn't know her too well, but I wouldn't be shocked if he advised me to be cautious. This would, of course, make me all the more likely to do something rash."
A nod at this unexpected revelation.
"What Carl recalls (and Julian would also know most of this), is that we went to see the opera 'The Bartered Bride' and then went out to dinner. Or at least, that is what we had planned. Carl had rented a vehicle and driver for me, so it would be easy enough to establish that this is what happened."
Dale nods, following along.
"After that, though, it's hard to say. Carl left the city, while I stayed there for an extra week, so we lost contact. When we met up again, nothing seemed amiss, but shortly thereafter, on the trip across the Atlantic, I fell ill and raving, with subsequent memory loss. It may be entirely natural, but if anything unnatural happened to me, it would have had to have been during that time, since Carl (or some other person with 'vision') has been with me at almost all other times."
A speculative look passes Dale's face, considering. "Has Carl, or Henrick taken a look at you, before an' since? Carl would see your...I guess livelyness and impact on Life in general...you potential for growth and change. Henrick would see your Power-structure. If either had been changed a lot, they'd see it...if it was big enough, an' they was sharp enough. Anyhow, it coulda been you made a deal and bargained away that memory...either before or after the fact. Or, it ain't unusual for ya to lose yer marbles when one of the Outties (or even the nastier Servitors) bumps into your reality..and one result of that that I've seen is that you lose memory of the ting. Yer mind jus' sorta blocks it out. Like it's too nasty to keep, Or too strange to soak in."
"Or...you being the big Tea-totaller, could you have gone on a bender?...not likely, I guess, but I remember from my early 'import/export' days that some of my best customers were the ones that seemed like they'd be the driest, and some of 'em drank like fish....Hey, have you been havin' headaches since then, Dizzyness spells? Blurred eyesight? That'd be om a good knock on the noggin, an that can make you lose yer memory."
"I don't think Henrik ever took a, er, look at me prior to the incident. He has only ascended to his powers fairly recently, and I'm not sure how much training he's received. Carl does what he can to assist him, but I would imagine that it would be more effective if he had the tutelage of Auda.
Dale snorts at the whole situation, and in particular at the prospect of Auda stepping into that role...
"Carl has definitely gazed at my internal structure since the accident. He probably had looked before, but how closely, I'm not sure. I'd imagine it's one of those things that seems obvious after the fact, but prior to that, he probably didn't have any particular interest in my Vitalics or whatnot. Regardless, he didn't detect anything particularly exciting.
A slow nod from Dale, considering...as he pulls out some notes in his pockets, and spreads them out on his desk.
"I think all of your ideas seem plausible, though, of course, that's part of the problem! With the extent of my memory damage, it seems odd that I'd've bargained away so much, but then, I don't have any particular idea of the memory-to-effect exchange rate.
"If general exposure to Outsiders could cause an issue, then that would be seem a reasonably likely thing to have happened. I have been seeking these guys out, to some extent, whereever I go.
A brief frown at that idea crosses Dales' face.
"I did mention to Carl, when I first lost my memories, that I had some recollection of being hit on the head. And I've definitely been having dizzy spells, headaches, and (occasional) blurred eyesight (which has contributed to my difficulty in focusing and taking notes). Maybe it's as simple as that. As long as I don't deteriorate any further, this would be acceptable...
Dales' eyes narrow, thinking, as you list your symptoms.
"I was also considering the possibility that someone 'stole' my memories. I don't really know that I have any enemies to speak of, so that seems somewhat implausible. On the other hand, I have been poking my nose into a lot of things, and I travel with people who (probably) have enemies."
"Anyhow, it strikes me that there are three or four ways I might look into recovering some portion of what occurred: talk to Meridon Caine, recover my lost notebooks, go to the library at Tibet and see if 'the world' noticed anything, or ask an Outsider who may be keeping track of my movements..."
A brief nod in agreement from Dale at this plan.
He ponders for a moment. "That is, of course, assuming that it is a good idea to recover them. It's possible that I wanted to forget what happened for some reason or that I made a deal involving forgetting, that I'd breach by trying to recover them."
Dale waits to speak, but you can tell he's got something on his mind. "Well, Doc, as far as I can see, we're kinda made up of our memories. If nuthin' else, it's hard to learn from your mistakes if you can't remember 'em. I'd guess that, from your symptoms, you coulda had a hell of a concussion. If that's what's what, then if you can avoid gettin' knocked on the noggin for awhile, you'll stop a lot of the troubles. Meanwhile, if you did bargain away your memories, they're gone. What you'd be doin' is to kinda, re-earn them. The scarifice is paid, and anything you learn now will be second hand goods- not the same as havin' lived 'em, so I wouldn't worry about that kinda thing. I kinda doubt no Outtie Kneebreaker is gonna come back and grab the knowledge outta yer head."
Redland nods. "That makes sense to me, and I (largely) agree with what you're saying about memories. I'd also say that ..."
There is an interruption, as one of Dale's workers pokes his head in the door and says something to Dale. Redland can't understand the language, but from how animated the fellow is, it seems pretty obvious that something has gone awry (possibly in the kitchen?) at the club.
Dale looks back at Redlands, with an annoyed (and apologetic) look on his face. "Sorry Doc, I gotta go deal wid some stuff...before Yuri & Svetlana manage to burn down the kitchen. Anyway, it looks like I'm gonna be able to come wid you guys on your trip...we should be able to talk more on the trip. Russian trains ain't so fast, and even the Tsar ain't been able to make the trains run on time. Yet." A brief smile, and he departs, following the employee.
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/TheStarsAreRight:RedlandJack '''Return to Redland Jack's page''']
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/TheStarsAreRight:RedlandJack '''Return to Redland Jack's page''']

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