Editing Tyche's Favourites/Massalia

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==Foreigners in Southern Gallia==
'''Foreigners in Southern Gallia'''
The coast of modern-day [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provence Provence] has some of the earliest known sites of human habitation in Europe, dating back to pre-human hominids around 1 million BC. There is evidence of continued habitation, and repeated migration of other peoples, sometimes displacing the natives. Between the 10th and 4th centuries BC, the dominant peoples were the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligures Ligures]. They are of uncertain origins, possibly descendants of the indigenous neolithic people, but ancient commentators were certain they were not Keltoi. They were not literate, but had their own Indo-European language. They were a warlike and mobile people, and invaded Italy from time to time.
The coast of modern-day [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provence Provence] has some of the earliest known sites of human habitation in Europe, dating back to pre-human hominids around 1 million BC. There is evidence of continued habitation, and repeated migration of other peoples, sometimes displacing the natives. Between the 10th and 4th centuries BC, the dominant peoples were the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligures Ligures]. They are of uncertain origins, possibly descendants of the indigenous neolithic people, but ancient commentators were certain they were not Keltoi. They were not literate, but had their own Indo-European language. They were a warlike and mobile people, and invaded Italy from time to time.
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==Massalia's Early History==
'''Massalia's Early History'''
In around 600BC, Greeks from the Ionian city of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phocaea Phokaia] founded a trading port on the southern coast of Gallia. The precise circumstances and date of Massalia's founding is a mystery, but a legend persists. Protis, while exploring for a new trading outpost or emporion for Phocaea, discovered the Mediterranean cove of the Lakydon. Protis was invited inland to a banquet held by the chief of the local Ligurian tribe for suitors seeking the hand of his daughter Gyptis in marriage. At the end of the banquet, Gyptis presented the ceremonial cup of wine to Protis, indicating her unequivocal choice. Following their marriage, they moved to the hill just to the north of the Lacydon; and from this settlement grew Massalia.
In around 600BC, Greeks from the Ionian city of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phocaea Phokaia] founded a trading port on the southern coast of Gallia. The precise circumstances and date of Massalia's founding is a mystery, but a legend persists. Protis, while exploring for a new trading outpost or emporion for Phocaea, discovered the Mediterranean cove of the Lakydon. Protis was invited inland to a banquet held by the chief of the local Ligurian tribe for suitors seeking the hand of his daughter Gyptis in marriage. At the end of the banquet, Gyptis presented the ceremonial cup of wine to Protis, indicating her unequivocal choice. Following their marriage, they moved to the hill just to the north of the Lacydon; and from this settlement grew Massalia.
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==Massalia in 300BC==
'''Massalia in 300BC'''
Massalia is one of the largest trading ports in the bowl of the world, with a population of some 6,000 and a stone wall encircling its fifty hectares of land. It is situated on a hill overlooking the cove of Lakydon which is fed by a freshwater stream and protected by two rocky promontories. It has a large temple of the Delphinian Apollo on a hilltop overlooking the port, and a temple of the cult of Artemis of Ephesus (the Ephesium) at the other end of the citadel. Massalia had a large shipyard and a number of armouries.
Massalia is one of the largest trading ports in the bowl of the world, with a population of some 6,000 and a stone wall encircling its fifty hectares of land. It is situated on a hill overlooking the cove of Lakydon which is fed by a freshwater stream and protected by two rocky promontories. It has a large temple of the cult of Apollo of Delphi on a hilltop overlooking the port, and a temple of the cult of Artemis of Ephesus at the other end of the city.
Massalia had all the hallmarks of a Greek town, the institutions of the agora (market), gymnasium and baths all featured, along with the theatre and temples. Alongside the two prominent temples, were those to Artemis and Herakles. The latter two are popular with the local Keltoi population, who would visit to make sacrifices there.
Like many expatriots, Massilioi like to think of themselves as authentic Greeks, trying to preserve their identity to the exclusion of local Keltic influences. It is for this reason that only those of Greek ancestry can be recognised as citizens, with the sizable local Kelto-Hellenic population excluded from citizenship. As in any other Greek polis, only free Greek males may participate directly in political life, in return for military service. Theoretically, every member of the council (or their sons in the case of older men) is liable to be called up to fight should the city be threatened. However, the reality is that Massilioi prefer to let others do their fighting for them, co-opting the local tribes, and when all else fails seeking assistance from the Roman Republic.  
Like many expatriots, Massalioi like to think of themselves as authentic Greeks, trying to preserve their identity to the exclusion of local Keltic influences. It is for this reason that only those of Greek ancestry can be recognised as citizens, with the sizable local Kelto-Hellenic population excluded from citizenship. As in any other Greek polis, only free Greek males may participate directly in political life, in return for military service. Theoretically, every member of the council (or their sons in the case of older men) is liable to be called up to fight should the city be threatened. On feast days, the gates were locked and the walls manned by citizens, after an attack by one of the Ligurian kings nearly succeeded in taking the city soon after its founding. However, the reality is that Massalioi prefer to let others do their fighting for them, co-opting the local tribes, and when all else fails seeking assistance from the Roman Republic. Ultimately, Massalia is an affluent city prospering through trade, and its aristocrats and other worthy men are more interested in profit than anything else.
Ultimately, Massalia is an affluent city prospering through trade, and its aristocrats and other worthy men are more interested in profit than anything else.
There was a conservative streak to social mores. Women were discouraged from drinking wine. The more licentious sorts of plays were banned. Sumptuary laws restricted the amount of conspicuous wealth people could put on display, and limited the amount of a dowry that might pass from a woman's family to her husband.
Like other Greek societies, the Massalioi kept slaves, and Keltoi slaves were easily available from the interior. They were often used to work the fields of the small chora directly under the city's control, additionally the local Ligurians offered daily hire as agricultural labourers.
Massalians cultivated literature, but the city didn't produce a great deal, nor did it host any prominent philosophers or writers. There was great demand for tutors and physicians.
Three languages were commonly spoken: Greek, Keltoi and Ligurian. Increasingly, Latin is spoken as trade with the Roman republic increases.
Initially, the Massilian constitution was a narrow aristocratic regime. However, an attempt was soon made to reduce the power of the great families by insisting that, if a man belong to the Council his son could not, and if an elder brother belonged to the Council his younger brother could not be a member. Such specifics probably lapsed, but the tendency led to the evolution of the aristocratic system to a more plutocratic oligarchic system. This government is headed by the Council of Six Hundred. To be a member councilors has to be able to prove they were of citizen decent for at least three generations or, alternatively, has to possess children. The list is revised from time to time. The Council elects an executive council of fifteen— oi timoukoi—from the main body. The timouchoi are led by three presidents. An unusual feature of the Massilian government is that a criminal condemned to death is maintained at public expense for one year, after which the criminal is executed as a pharmakos or purification of the city.
Initially, the Massilian constitution was a narrow aristocratic regime. However, an attempt was soon made to reduce the power of the great families by insisting that, if a man belong to the Council his son could not, and if an elder brother belonged to the Council his younger brother could not be a member. Such specifics probably lapsed, but the tendency led to the evolution of the aristocratic system to a more plutocratic oligarchic system. This government is headed by the Council of Six Hundred. To be a member, councillors has to be able to prove they were of citizen decent for at least three generations or, alternatively, has to possess children. It is likely that membership was also based upon certain property requirements, which excluded the majority of the population. Membership was for life. The list of councillors is revised from time to time. The Council elects an executive council of fifteen— oi timoukoi—from the main body. The timoukoi are led by three presidents.
An unusual feature of the Massilian government is that a criminal condemned to death is maintained at public expense for one year, after which the criminal is executed as a pharmakos or purification of the city. Another is poison was kept by the state; if a man wished to commit suicide, he would apply to the council and if he could make his case would be granted a dose.
The laws were those common to Ionia, and were displayed in public. Foreigners were forbidden from carrying arms in the city, being required to turn them in at the gate, and having them returned when they left.
Trade was Massalia's lifeblood. They exported their own products; local wine, salted pork and fish, aromatic and medicinal plants, coral and cork, salt, olive oil, cups, mixing bowls, to inland markets in Gallia. They were a destination for re-export primarily of grain, amber, tin and slaves.
Trade was Massalia's lifeblood. They exported their own products; local wine, salted pork and fish, aromatic and medicinal plants, coral and cork, salt, olive oil, cups, mixing bowls, to inland markets in Gallia. They were a destination for re-export primarily of grain, amber, tin and slaves.
''Game Mechanics''
''Foreign Relations''
Massalia is a Large Town with 1200 families and is Market Class II.
Massalia can theoretically call out 600 men to fight. These are divided into three classes, 60 ''hippeis'' (cavalry), 240 hoplites and 300 psiloi, which is reflected on the rolls of the council. The arms and equipment within each class varies depending on the wealth of the individual. So for the cavalry, the richest men have four horses, a full hoplite panoply and a groom armed as a mounted skirmisher. The poorest would have two horses, quilted linen or leather armour, a shield, helmet and greaves, a sword, spear and a couple of javelins. For the hoplites, the richest would have a full panoply and a shieldbearer. The poorest would have a helmet, shield, spear and a sword. For the psiloi, the richest would have quilted linen or leather armour, shield, helmet, a sword and javelins. The poorest would have some javelins or a bow/sling and a knife.
The hoplites are those most commonly called up, especially to defend the city on feast days or in times of crisis. When the city troops are mobilised to fight outside the city, one of the presidents is elected ''strategos'', in command of the whole. They are often accompanied by mercenaries and troops levied from the local tribes.
Massalia has a powerful navy, with several of the wealthiest man able to fund a warship, or at least fund part of the costs of running a ship and its crew. These crews are comprised of professional rowers, not citizens, to avoid giving political power to the common men. Massalia can muster some 50-60 warships, ranging from ''hemiolias'', through ''trihemiolias'' up to ''trieres''.
'''Foreign Relations'''
Massalia is intimately enmeshed in the regional political makeup of the western Mediterranean. It is not a minor player and is thus subject to the attention of the other major powers in the region, and some minor ones as well.
Massalia is intimately enmeshed in the regional political makeup of the western Mediterranean. It is not a minor player and is thus subject to the attention of the other major powers in the region, and some minor ones as well.
''Kart-Hadast'' - descendants of Phoenician colonists, the Qarthadastim are the pre-eminent commercial and maritime power in the western Mediterranean. From their base in north Africa (modern Tunis), they control an empire of markets, ports and naval bases spanning coastal southern and eastern Iberia, the Balearic islands, southern Kurtyn (Corsica), Sardin (Sardinia) and western Sikelia (Sicily). Their naval squadron out of Gader (Cadiz) blockades the Pillars of Herakles, preventing anyone from sailing into the seas beyond and trading directly with Alba (Britain), the source of most tin. Their warships prowl the seas, keeping the sea-lanes safe for their trade vessels and harassing the fleets of other nations should the whim take them. They prefer to employ mercenaries to do their fighting, and leverage their huge wealth (especially in Iberian silver) to achieve their goals. Massalia has clashed with Carthage in the past, though relations are peaceful at present (but will never be cordial as long as the two vie for control of trade in the region).
''Kart-Hadast'' - descendants of Phoenician colonists, the Carthaginians are the pre-eminent commercial and maritime power in the western Mediterranean. From their base in north Africa (modern Tunis), they control an empire of markets, ports and naval bases spanning coastal southern and eastern Iberia, the Balearic islands, southern Kurtyn (Corsica), Sardin (Sardinia) and western Sikelia (Sicily). Their naval squadron out of Gader (Cadiz) blockades the Pillars of Herakles, preventing anyone from sailing into the seas beyond and trading directly with Alba (Britain), the source of most tin. Their warships prowl the seas, keeping the sea-lanes safe for their trade vessels and harassing the fleets of other nations should the whim take them. They prefer to employ mercenaries to do their fighting, and leverage their huge wealth (especially in Iberian silver) to achieve their goals. Massalia has clashed with Carthage in the past, though relations are peaceful at present (but will never be cordial as long as the two vie for control of trade in the region).
They are presently on friendly terms with the Roman Republic, various Tyrrhenoi city-states and have long-standing and well-funded alliances with some of the Keltoi, Ligures and Iberian tribes. Their control of western Sikelia puts them in regular opposition with Syrakousai and the other Greek cities on the island.
They are presently on friendly terms with the Roman Republic, various Tyrrhenoi city-states and have long-standing and well-funded alliances with some of the Keltoi, Ligures and Iberian tribes. Their control of western Sikelia puts them in regular opposition with Syrakousai and the other Greek cities on the island.
''Roman Republic'' - a city-state in central Italia that is growing in power and influence in the region, the Romans are still very much a Latin power, locked in incessant conflict with their Samnite neighbours. While their interests happily coincide with those of Massalia, they are largely consumed with events inside Italia. From time to time, they have responded to requests for aid from Massalia in the form of troops, of whom they have a large pool of citizen-soldier manpower to draw upon. They see themselves very much as the senior partner in relations with Massalia, and can be high-handed and arrogant in their handling of Massalian affairs.
''Roman Republic'' - a city-state in central Italia that is growing in power and influence in the region, the Romans are nontheless still very much a Latin power, locked in incessant conflict with their Samnite neighbours. While their interests happily coincide with those of Massalia, they are largely consumed with events inside Italia. From time to time, they have responded to requests for aid from Massalia in the form of troops, of whom they have a large pool of citizen-soldier manpower to draw upon. They see themselves very much as the senior partner in relations with Massalia, and can be high-handed and arrogant in their handling of Massalian affairs.
While friendly with the Carthaginians, they are often in conflict with all of their neighbours; Tyrhennoi, Samnites and other Sabellian tribes, Keltoi, the city-states of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magna_Graecia Megale Hellas].
While friendly with the Carthaginians, they are often in conflict with all of their neighbours; Tyrhennoi, Samnites and other Sabellian tribes, Keltoi, the city-states of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magna_Graecia Megale Hellas].

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