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**The first of the Middle-Aged Knights is your mother's brother. The second is your father's younger brother. The third is an illegitimate brother of your father.
**The first of the Middle-Aged Knights is your mother's brother. The second is your father's younger brother. The third is an illegitimate brother of your father.
    I can determine the young knights' status once we figure out whether you're taking additional experience or not. No rush, man.
I can determine the young knights' status once we figure out whether you're taking additional experience or not. No rush, man.
*17 "Other Lineage" Men / 36 Peasant Levy
*17 "Other Lineage" Men / 36 Peasant Levy

Revision as of 19:36, 23 September 2012

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Personal Data

  • Name: Lanval of Stapleford
  • Age: 21
  • Year of Birth: 465 A.D.
  • Son Number: 1
  • Homeland: Salisbury
  • Culture: Roman-British
  • Religion: Roman Christian
  • Father: Sir Lionel Channel-Crosser
  • Father's Class: Vassal Knight
  • Grandfather: Sir Leontius
  • Lord: Earl Roderick of Salisbury
  • Current Class: Vassal Knight
  • Current Home: Stapleford

  • ----- Equipment -----

  • ----- Squire -----



  • SIZ: 12
  • DEX: 13
  • STR: 7
  • CON: 11 (+1 @ step 3)
  • APP: 13
  • Damage Xd6
  • Heal X
  • Hit Points x
  • Knockdown X
  • Major Wound X
  • Move X
  • Unconscious X
  • Distinctive Feature: XXX

Passion and Traits

  • Chaste 13/7 Lustful
  • Energetic 10/10 Lazy
  • Forgiving 13/7 Vengeful
  • Generous 10/10 Selfish
  • Honest 10/10 Deceitful
  • Just 10/10 Arbitrary
  • Merciful 16/4 Cruel
  • Modest 13/7 Pround
  • Pious 10/10 Worldly
  • Prudent 10/10 Reckless
  • Temperate 10/10 Indulgent
  • Trusting 10/10 Suspicious
  • Valorous 15/5 Cowardly
    • Bold = religious
    • Famous trait = Modest

  • Loyalty (lord) 15
  • Love (Family) 15
  • Hospitality 15
  • Honour 15
  • Hate Saxons 12 (Father killed)


  • Awareness 12
  • Boating 1
  • Awareness (5)
  • Boating (0)
  • Chirurgery (5)
  • Compose (0)
  • Courtesy (5)
  • Dancing (2)
  • Faerie Lore (2)
  • Falconry (2)
  • First Aid (2)
  • Flirting (10) (=10 @ step 2)
  • Folk Lore (2)
  • Gaming (2)
  • Heraldry (5)
  • Hunting (2)
  • Industry (0)
  • Intrigue (4)
  • Orate (2)
  • Play (harp) (2)
  • Read (Latin) (4)
  • Recognize (2)
  • Religion (Christianity) (7) (+5 @step 4)
  • Romance (10) (+5 @ step 4)
  • Singing (12) (+10 family)
  • Stewardship (10) (=10 @ step 2)
  • Swimming (2)
  • Tourney (10) (=10 @ step 2)
  • ------
  • Battle 15 (=15 @ step 1)
  • Horsemanship 15 (+5 @ step 3)
  • Sword 15 (+5 @ step 3)
  • Lance 10
  • Spear 11 (+5 @step 3)
  • Dagger 5
  • -----
  • Family Trait: Sing +10

Heraldry and Pictures


  • 0 Old Knights / 3 Middle-Aged Knights / 5 Young Knights (not including you)
    • The Knights are male relatives: uncles, cousins, brothers, half-brothers, and so forth.
    • The first of the Middle-Aged Knights is your mother's brother. The second is your father's younger brother. The third is an illegitimate brother of your father.

I can determine the young knights' status once we figure out whether you're taking additional experience or not. No rush, man.

  • 17 "Other Lineage" Men / 36 Peasant Levy
    • The "Other Lineage" Men are men who are "of your family." They're fairly shite at fighting, not being knights. They aren't "well-armed, and are generally unskilled at fighting," to quote KAP 5.0 page 32. However, they're not cowards, and they're loyal to the family. They have a vested interest in seeing the family prosper.
    • The men of the peasant levy are the able-bodied male peasants on your manor who can be required to fight. You control more able-bodied male peasants than this; these are just the ones who can be required to fight. They're not really that good at fighting, to say the least. If you get more manors through game play, you roll for more levy-men.
    • Remember that even when your character's out in the field doing stuff, he's not going to be accompanied by anywhere close to this number of dudes. Remember that these people have family responsibilities too. Also, you want people to stay on your manor so it doesn't get trashed by bandits, Saxons, and the like. During many adventures, you won't be accompanied by anyone but your squire. Your lord will assign you a squire when you are knighted.


Your mother...is alive and married. She remarried after your father's death. Since she was a widow when your father married her, this is at least her third marriage. In Pendragon, lords can compel ladies under their protection to marry a second time ('Oh, I married you off to Vassal #1 to reward him and he died? Good, now I can reward Vassal #2'). Lords cannot compel such ladies to marry a third time. Thus, it's possible that your mother made a rare love match and lives off somewhere far away with her third husband. On the other hand, she could still be kicking around the manor---perhaps married to a legitimate brother of your father?

Okay, the Young Knights (note that since your character is 21, I will be re-rolling all results marked with an asterisk, as per the rules):

The first of the Young Knights is your sister's husband. The second is a maternal first cousin. The final three (!) of them are older brothers of yours, all bastards of your father.

Father had four siblings who survived to the age of majority.

Female, Male, Male, Male. This doesn't specify whether this includes bastards. I'll say that there was an aunt, Father's younger legitimate brother, and two other younger legitimate brothers. I won't count the illegitimate brother of Father towards this max.

Now I roll to see if they survived and/or married. Father's younger brother mentioned above, we'll call him Uncle, is a currently active knight and we know he married Mother. I don't need to roll for him.

Aunt died & never married.

Other Uncle is alive and married.

Other Other Uncle died and never married.

Aunt died of difficulties during pregnancy. Uh-oh! Family scandal. Never married, died during pregnancy. Other Other Uncle died, I shit you not, due to 'Other Accident.' He didn't disappear, he didn't during a hunting accident, he didn't die in combat. Maybe he fell off of a wall or drowned in a shipwreck?

Now, Other Uncle is alive and married. He's not a knight. We don't have to worry about him now. He's a Roman, so it's possible he's a lawyer. That's a good profession for a Roman member of the gentry who's not going to pursue knighthood. He might be living on the manor, or he might be off pursing a magistracy or some such in a big city. Since clerical celibacy isn't enforced terribly well, it's somewhat possible he might be off in the deep country somewhere, living as a priest away from prying bishops' eyes and living with a wife.

So, on your father's side, Uncle is a knight and married to mother. Other Uncle is alive and married. Aunt and Other Other Uncle are dead and never married. Bastard Uncle is a knight living on the manor.


Total Income - x

Family History


Your grandfather was born in 410 AD, the year that the legions departed Britain. At this time, the "Supreme Collegium" of British nobles appointed a leader, one Constantin. Your great-grandfather was among Constantin's first native knights.

Your grandfather (born 410, as above) was knighted in 431 by the Count (Comes) of Salisbury and served in Constantin's army. Your great-grandfather died shortly before your grandfather was knighted. At the time of his death, your great-grandfather's Glory was 1900.

Your grandfather, like all knights, inherited 1/10 of his father's glory when he himself was knighted. So, he got 190 glory from his sire, plus 2d20 glory "for his own actions as a knight thus far". 2d20+190=204 He got 1000 Glory for being knighted, so in 431 your grandfather had 1204 Glory.

Year 439: Grandfather fought at the Battle of Carlion. He gained 60 Glory in this Battle, bringing his total to 1264. Also during this year, your father was born.

Year 440: King Constantin was murdered by one of his own men in this dark year. Meanwhile, Grandfather served garrison duty and survived Pictish raiding. He gained 10 Glory for this, bringing him up to 1274.

Years 441-442: Constans son of Constantin was chosen as the new King. Constans' uncle, Duke Vortigern, was the power behind the throne. Grandfather served more garrison duty, survived various raids, and gained 20 Glory, bringing him up to 1294.

Year 443: Constans' Pict bodyguards murder him. Vortigern is chosen as the new king, but only after much debate. Constans' younger brothers are spirited away to Less Britain (Armorica). Saint Germanus of Auxerre visits Britain in this year and miraculously heals the son of Elafius, a Cymric chieftain. Meanwhile, Grandfather served garrison duty once more, gaining 20 Glory, bringing him up to 1314. This was his final Glory total, for in this year he fell in battle with the raiders.

This game will begin in 485 A.D. Note that in the Pendragonverse, Arthur reigns from 510 through 565. In the year 485, Uther is king and Arthur has not yet been conceived.


Your father was knighted in 460, starting his career as knight with 1131 Glory (1000 Glory (Knighted) + 10% of sire's Glory). Much had happened during the intervening years. In 444 and 445, Pictish raiders ventured far south of the Wall, despoiling much of Britain. In 446, Vortigern imported Saxon mercenaries, who helped the Cymry defeat the Picts in a great battle. 447-449: The Picts are subjected to further defeats at the hands of the Saxons. Rowena, daughter of the Saxon king Hengest, finds favor in Vortigern's eyes.

In 450, Vortigern marries Rowena. Over the next several years, tales reach Britain of the prowess of the Huns and how they nearly took the city of the Rome before being dissuaded by the Pope. On the home front, raids are relatively few and far between, but many of the British nobles complain to Vortigern. They are displeased with the favor shown to the Saxons.

In 454, the Huns storm through Gaul. Flavius Aëtius, the great Roman general, summons help from near and far. Vortigern, seeking to be rid of troublesome complainers, sends a small contingent of British knights to aid of Aëtius. Unexpectedly, Aëtius defeats the Huns at Chalons, and the surviving British knights earn much renown. If only Grandfather had lived to see this day! When the British survivors return home, Vortigern makes a show of honoring them. In private, he is furious.

In 455, word comes that Rome has fallen to the Vandals! Woe to the vanquished. In 457, many Britons in the east of the Isle rise up against Vortigern's unbearable tyranny. They are crushed by Vortigern's Saxon allies, and many of their lands are given over to the Saxons; the Saxons call these lands 'Kent.' After this, many Britons flee to Less Britain, joining those who have fled there before them.

Your father, as mentioned above, was knighted in 460. He was a loyal vassal of the Count of Salisbury (Sorviodunum in the Latin), as was his father before him. In 460, your father served garrison duty and saw no action. Nothing of note happened in your father's life in the year 461.

In the year 462, Vortigern's own son rebelled against him, leading a party of British nobles angry over the preferential treatment given to the Saxons. Your father's liege, the Count of Salisbury, is among the rebels. The Battle of Cambridge was fought this year, but your father once again saw uneventful garrison duty.

In 463, Vortigern called for a festival of peace and negotiation at Stonehenge, saying that he wished to reunite the two warring sides. Almost all of the knights in Britain are in attendance. The treacherous Saxons hide knives in their garments and carry out a treacherous attack on the Britons! In what comes to be called the "Night of the Long Knives," most of Britain's native nobility is slain. Fortunately, Father does not perish during this terrible night. Salisbury's lord, however, is not so fortunate.

In 464, your father marries. There are many rich widows in need of protection following the Night of the Long Knives, and your father marries one of them. Some of the glory of Mother's former husband now accrues to Father. Father had 1131 Glory; he rose to 1231 Glory.

[Your character is born around this time, give or take, depending on exactly how old he is at the start of the campaign.]

During the year 465, Vortigern marches across Britain with his Saxon army, exacting much tribute. Many more Britons flee across the Channel. Father stays in Salisbury. During this year, Vortigern has some sort of falling out with the Saxons, and flees to Gomeret. A young Wizard, Merlin, was first heard of during this year.

466-467: Aurelius Ambrosius was the son of the former King Constantin and brother of the short-lived Constans. During this time, he lands in Britain with an army from Brittany. He unfurls his red dragon standard, and many of the oppressed Britons join him. The Saxons betake themselves to Kent, refusing to fight on Vortigern's behalf.

Much of Vortigern's remaining army is beseiged at Carlion by Aurelius' forces. Many of those still loyal to Vortigern now go over to Aurelius. Father sees action at the Siege of Carlion. He survives the battle and earns 45 Glory. New Total: 1276.

468: Aurelius' forces chase Vortigern to Mount Snowdon. During the Battle of Mount Snowdon, the last of Vortigern's men are scattered to the four winds. Vortigern himself dies.

Father survives the battle, fights well, and earns 90 Glory. New Total: 1366. His Glory now surpasses that which Grandfather earned during his lifetime.

Also during 468, Aurelius is named High King of Britain and takes the title of 'Pendragon.'

469-472: No great battles are fought, but the Saxons, Irish, and Picts all raid Britain. Many more Saxons settle on Britain's eastern coast. During these years, Uther, younger brother of Aurelius, makes a name for himself in the fighting. Father gains 50 more Glory during these years (now at 1416 Glory).

473: The Saxons invade the Thames Valley, and defeat Aurelius Pendragon! Father, however, is serving garrison duty this year and sees little action.

474-476: The Saxons pillage much of Britain. Only those who have walls to cower behind are safe. Father serves garrison duty and sees action repelling Saxon raiders attempting to climb the walls. His Glory rises to 1441.

477: Aelle, a powerful Saxon king, lands on the south coast of Britain. He names his new territory 'South Saxony'---Sussex. Those who do not flee before his armies are taken as thralls. King Aurelius moves to meet Aelle, but Saxons from Kent arrive at the last moment to back up their kinsmen. Aurelius is forced to withdraw in order to preserve his army.

478-479: Aurelius unleashes a secret fleet. He crushes the Saxon fleets in Britain, and then crosses over to the Continent, destroying many Saxon craft there as well. The British army lands in Frisia and slays many barbarians. Engraged, the Saxons in Britain launch bloody raids in reprisal.

Father sails to Frisia with the High King's fleet; this act alone brings him to 1466 Glory, for it was an honor to be so chosen. He survives the Battle of Frisia (by the skin of his fucking teeth!) and gains 60 Glory. (Now at 1526 Glory)

480: The Saxon come up the Portis River, bent on wreaking havoc in Salisbury. Aurelius is poisoned by an assassin disguised as a healer. Although sickened, he lives. Aurelius locks horns with the Saxon force, while Uther takes another British army and cuts the Saxons off from their ships. Caught between the two brothers, the Saxons are crushed. Tragically, Aurelius dies in the fighting.

Father fights at the Battle of Salisbury as well. He gains 450 Glory during the fighting. He gains another 50 Glory for attending Aurelius' funeral; the dead king is interred at Stonehenge. Then, Father gains yet another 50 Glory for attending the coronation of Uther as the next High King and Pendragon. New Glory Total: 2076.

481-483: There are small-scale Saxon raids, but the Saxons are quieter than they have been in years. Unfortunately, it is whispered that many of their women have settled in Britain, and that they will bear forth future generations of Saxons to trouble the unhappy children of Britannia.

Father serves garrison duty during these years and scarcely draws a blade.

484: In northern Britain, rebellious Britons and incoming Saxons combine forces and wreak much havoc. They besiege the great city of Eboracum. Uther arrives, hoping to lift the seige. His army is set upon, and the High King escapes following a bloody defeat.

Father dies gloriously at the Battle of Eboracum, fighting with great distinction. Men speak his name with praise. His Glory increases to 3076, and he passes on a Passion: Hate Saxons 12.

Following the defeat, Uther gathers the remnants of his army and advances once more in the dark of night. The Saxons are busy drinking themselves into a stupor, and the surviving Britons turn a great defeat into a great victory.

485: Following the losses in the north, Uther needs to raise more troops. He has given orders that many squires are to be knighted. This includes you. You will inherit 10% of your father's Glory: 308 Glory. As soon as you are knighted, you will gain an additional 1000 Glory.