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In mechanical terms, a Vocation Specialization is much more powerful than a normal Specialization since it has the potential to be used across many different tasks. The maximum number of Vocation Specializations a character may have is 5. Each Vocation describes how many of these a character begins the game with. Additionally, the Vocation describes the number of Major and Minor Advantages a character begins with.
In mechanical terms, a Vocation Specialization is much more powerful than a normal Specialization since it has the potential to be used across many different tasks. The maximum number of Vocation Specializations a character may have is 5. Each Vocation describes how many of these a character begins the game with. Additionally, the Vocation describes the number of Major and Minor Advantages a character begins with.
==Step 4 - Advantages==
Your character has some defining features that put him apart from everyone else even in a city as large as Al-Haran. While any one Advantage your character might posses would make him better than the average street thug, the real magic comes from combining all of these features to create a unique soul. Some things come naturally to the character; these are his Passive Advantages. Others are a result of countless hours of training in the shadows or under the harsh desert sun and may only be accessed through the conscious exertion of cunning, tactical acumen, or sheer force of will; these are his Active Advantages. Additionally, each Advantage is rated in scale of either Major - those which may help the character in numerous situations or Minor - those which help a character in much more situational circumstances.
Characters begin their careers with one Passive and one Active Advantage. From these two Advantages, the player chooses one to be a Major Advantage and one to be a Minor Advantage. For example, a player may choose to have their character begin his career with a Major Active Advantage and Minor Passive Advantage or alternatively begin with a Minor Active Advantage and Major Passive Advantage. A character may never possess more than three Advantages of one type and scale and no more than nine total Advantages. Instead of generating and drawing from a large list of feat-like powers, the mechanics for each type of Advantage will be clearly laid out and available, with examples, for the players to truly customize their character.
==Step 5 - Equipment and Weapons==
All heroes need tools to get the job done, and your character is no different! Gear works a little differently in the city of Al-Haran than in many other cities (games). Each piece of gear acts as a positive modifier to a dice pool just as Specializations do. Each piece of gear, whether it’s a weapon or a tool to help with first aid works in the same manner. Let’s look at an example starting weapon that an Assassin might use:
Knife (Concealed, Poisoned)
Characters gain one die for having the Specialization that matches the name of the type of weapon, so in this case, the Assassin with Fight (Knives) gains a die matching the weapon type. He also would gain a die for performing a surprise or stealthy attack since Knife has the “Concealed” property. There are many instances where the Concealed property could be used, and it’s up to both the player and GM to agree when it’s appropriate (with final work resting with the GM). If the Assassin wished to cause his target to gain the “Paralyzed” condition (not causing direct damage, but subtracts two dice from all Coordination and Fight tests until the condition is lifted), he would gain an additional die due to the “Poisoned” property. Combining all that, if the Assassin wants to secretly poison an envoy without anyone else realizing it, he could potentially get three dice added on for using this knife! If a character does not have the matching Specialization for the weapon type, he never gains a die for the weapon name and may only ever use one of the weapon’s properties when using the item.
Equipment is partially determined by a character's Vocation. Some Vocations will receive more points to build starting gear and some will be given less. Additionally, some equipment points may be designated for use in non-combat items or combat items only. In the above example weapon, this particular Knife costs two equipment points (one for each of the properties). Equipment properties, like Functions and Specializations also have ranks, and each rank adds one die to the pool when utilized in the action. Equipment properties without a specific rank labeling them are assumed to be Rank 1.

Revision as of 06:33, 14 June 2011

Basic Mechanic

Players roll a d6 pool made up of Function Rank + Specialty Ranks (if any are applicable) + Gear Ranks (if any are applicable) + Circumstance Ranks (if any are applicable) in either opposed rolls or versus a fix success number (based on three or four tiers of play). You only have to roll if there's a chance your character could fail or if failure could lead to something huge happening (e.g. if the stakes are big enough, even the simplest of tasks can be incredibly difficult).

Each of the six Functions - Coordination, Constitution, Interpersonal, Academics, Fight, and Awareness automatically start at least Rank 1, so there's always a chance for some degree of success for every roll. Successes are Fives and Sixes on each d6. I'm thinking Fours, while not successes, may add some kind of stunt, or as I'd call it Tactics points to add some kind of embellishment to the dice roll. I'm also thinking Sixes will be exploding since it tends to be more pulpy and exciting for even the longest of shots to be able to succeed if the dice are with you.

To control the size of dice pools (and Tactics Points once that mechanic gets finalized), the maximum size for any dice pool is eight, with multiples of two beyond that granting one automatic success to the dice roll. Yes, two dice for an automatic success is better chances for successes than a normal roll, but no Tactics Points may be gained through these excess dice.

Character Creation

Step 1 - Functions

Players first choose from one of three arrays to apply to their six Functions:

Normal: 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1

The Specialist: 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1

The Generalist: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

They assign each Function with one of the numbers from the array until all the values are used once. It's important to note that a Function may only ever be increased twice as a result of spending experience points, so choose wisely! The starting rank of a Function also greatly impacts their Specialization choices in step 2.

Step 2 - Specializations

Characters have a starting number or Rank 1 Specializations for each Function equal to its linked Function's starting Rank. For Example, a character who chose to make their Constitution start at Rank 2 will be able to choose 2 Specializations (starting at Rank 1) from the list of Constitution Specializations (or, with final approval from the GM, create a new Constitution Specialization). You may never have more Specializations than the Rank of the linked of the Function, and the Ranks of the Specializations may never exceed the Rank of the linked Function.

When adding dice to the pool for Specializations, players may add dice from all appropriate Specializations (with final approval from the GM) linked to the core Function that would contribute to the execution of the action of the character.

Step 3 - Vocations

Every character has a job or calling they've been trained to do since they were young, and this experience is something they've have to utilize in accomplishing their missions for the Prophets. Vocations offer both an intangible setting function as well as a specific mechanical function. For example, an Assassin may not have to make any kind of roll in a crowded market to sneak something off of some poor merchant's table whereas a bouncer would likely have to make a Coordination check to do so. A Prophet Vocation may grant the character some automatic prestige in a noble court (depending on the House) whereas a Kennel Master might need to do something to earn the respect of the nobles. Essentially, like in real life, a Vocation gives you prestige in certain circles.

The other part of a Vocation is in the Specializations and number of Advantages (which will be discussed in the next Step) it grants your character. Each Vocation has a number of Specializations that are only available to those of the right Vocation. Looking at the Assassin, he may have Forgery listed under his Vocation Specializations. Forgery is not a Specialization found to be linked under any of the Functions. The Assassin who has Forgery may add this Specialization's Rank to any Function test that the player and GM agree are appropriate.

In mechanical terms, a Vocation Specialization is much more powerful than a normal Specialization since it has the potential to be used across many different tasks. The maximum number of Vocation Specializations a character may have is 5. Each Vocation describes how many of these a character begins the game with. Additionally, the Vocation describes the number of Major and Minor Advantages a character begins with.

Step 4 - Advantages

Your character has some defining features that put him apart from everyone else even in a city as large as Al-Haran. While any one Advantage your character might posses would make him better than the average street thug, the real magic comes from combining all of these features to create a unique soul. Some things come naturally to the character; these are his Passive Advantages. Others are a result of countless hours of training in the shadows or under the harsh desert sun and may only be accessed through the conscious exertion of cunning, tactical acumen, or sheer force of will; these are his Active Advantages. Additionally, each Advantage is rated in scale of either Major - those which may help the character in numerous situations or Minor - those which help a character in much more situational circumstances.

Characters begin their careers with one Passive and one Active Advantage. From these two Advantages, the player chooses one to be a Major Advantage and one to be a Minor Advantage. For example, a player may choose to have their character begin his career with a Major Active Advantage and Minor Passive Advantage or alternatively begin with a Minor Active Advantage and Major Passive Advantage. A character may never possess more than three Advantages of one type and scale and no more than nine total Advantages. Instead of generating and drawing from a large list of feat-like powers, the mechanics for each type of Advantage will be clearly laid out and available, with examples, for the players to truly customize their character.

Step 5 - Equipment and Weapons

All heroes need tools to get the job done, and your character is no different! Gear works a little differently in the city of Al-Haran than in many other cities (games). Each piece of gear acts as a positive modifier to a dice pool just as Specializations do. Each piece of gear, whether it’s a weapon or a tool to help with first aid works in the same manner. Let’s look at an example starting weapon that an Assassin might use:

Knife (Concealed, Poisoned)

Characters gain one die for having the Specialization that matches the name of the type of weapon, so in this case, the Assassin with Fight (Knives) gains a die matching the weapon type. He also would gain a die for performing a surprise or stealthy attack since Knife has the “Concealed” property. There are many instances where the Concealed property could be used, and it’s up to both the player and GM to agree when it’s appropriate (with final work resting with the GM). If the Assassin wished to cause his target to gain the “Paralyzed” condition (not causing direct damage, but subtracts two dice from all Coordination and Fight tests until the condition is lifted), he would gain an additional die due to the “Poisoned” property. Combining all that, if the Assassin wants to secretly poison an envoy without anyone else realizing it, he could potentially get three dice added on for using this knife! If a character does not have the matching Specialization for the weapon type, he never gains a die for the weapon name and may only ever use one of the weapon’s properties when using the item.

Equipment is partially determined by a character's Vocation. Some Vocations will receive more points to build starting gear and some will be given less. Additionally, some equipment points may be designated for use in non-combat items or combat items only. In the above example weapon, this particular Knife costs two equipment points (one for each of the properties). Equipment properties, like Functions and Specializations also have ranks, and each rank adds one die to the pool when utilized in the action. Equipment properties without a specific rank labeling them are assumed to be Rank 1.