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"Just working on a way to use proteins sculpted in certain ways to map the pathways used by neural energy in the brain. But the brain/blood barrier keeps getting in the way. Irritating, but probably something I should drop and come back to later." Arden pauses and looks at a nearby clock. "Argh. Seven hours already, did I miss dinner?"<br><br>
"Just working on a way to use proteins sculpted in certain ways to map the pathways used by neural energy in the brain. But the brain/blood barrier keeps getting in the way. Irritating, but probably something I should drop and come back to later." Arden pauses and looks at a nearby clock. "Argh. Seven hours already, did I miss dinner?"<br><br>
"Umm, yes. So, am I to assume that you're still sharing your head with a certain lady?" Kiera abruptly giggled and covered her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry, it just hit me what a strange threesome we made." Biting her lip, she grinned. "That's bad. Please continue. And do you want me to warm something and bring it to you?"<br><br>
"Umm, yes. So, am I to assume that you're still sharing your head with a certain lady?" Kiera abruptly giggled and covered her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry, it just hit me what a strange threesome we made." Biting her lip, she grinned. "That's bad. Please continue. And do you want me to warm something and bring it to you?"<br><br>
"No, she hasn’t made an appearance lately. I think she only comes when I am exhausted or under a great deal of stress. And I definitely don’t share certain things with her," Arden says. "And sex is definitely something I don’t want to share."<br><br>
"No, she hasn’t made an appearance lately. I think she only comes when I am exhausted or under a great deal of stress. And I definitely don’t share certain things with her," Arden says. "And sex is definitely something I don’t want to share."<br><br>

Latest revision as of 13:11, 3 January 2012

Surprise Around the Corner

Dinner was finished; the dishes put up and cleaned, the kitchen spotless. Kiera nodded to herself, tossing the dishtowel over her shoulder to take to the laundry. Probably get a load done before shut-eye time, she thought with a heavy sigh. Never seemed to ever finish the laundry on this ship.

Couldn't much complain; Joshua and Rina tended to do the cooking in the kitchen and she snickered to herself wryly adding . . . and other places. It was only fair that she clean up. Her mouth twitched with the inner giggle from another memory. She and Arden had done a little cooking themselves. The look on his face when she knocked on his door that night was forever etched in her mind's eye. Startled like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide and confused. She had erased that look with a kiss.

Arden was a brilliant man, no doubt, but even Kiera's patience had begun to fail with all the innuendos that she had thrown his way to no avail. Fortunately for him and her, she was stubborn. And where nuances failed, sledgehammers worked wonders.

She paused in her steps to the laundry, considering. It was innocent fun for her; she really didn't want to add to the list of women who had borrowed Arden's body for everything but commitment. But then again, they hadn't really talked about "it" at all. It was easy being a doctor and steward and letting the day to day stuff of the ship make the topic easy to avoid. That and he and Nika's relationship was another minefield she didn't want to tread into. Although to be fair, she supposed that she was already in it even if she was quite willing to as easily walk out.

But damn it all, we've got to work together, she thought with a frown. I’m just gonna have to find a way to bring it up. And I'd like another night or two before we call it quits. Turning on her heel, she marched to the medbay and spotting Arden bend over the computer, arranged herself on the doorframe.

"Hey doc, got a little time for an appointment for me?" she purred.

Arden looked up and greeted Kiera with a smile. "Of course," he chuckled, "What's up?" Under his lab coat Arden is wearing a flap-over black tunic and a pair of faded jeans. His hair is mussed and it’s fairly obvious he's been in the medical bay for longer than usual.

Stepping in, she walked up to him and appropriated one of the lab chairs. Her expression went from playful to a bit more somber as she studied him. Finally, she put a hand on his knee, leaning forward to catch his eyes. "Looking a little tired there. What's got your interest?" It wasn't what she planned that they'd talk about, but something clearly had caught his attention. "Just working on a way to use proteins sculpted in certain ways to map the pathways used by neural energy in the brain. But the brain/blood barrier keeps getting in the way. Irritating, but probably something I should drop and come back to later." Arden pauses and looks at a nearby clock. "Argh. Seven hours already, did I miss dinner?"

"Umm, yes. So, am I to assume that you're still sharing your head with a certain lady?" Kiera abruptly giggled and covered her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry, it just hit me what a strange threesome we made." Biting her lip, she grinned. "That's bad. Please continue. And do you want me to warm something and bring it to you?"

"No, she hasn’t made an appearance lately. I think she only comes when I am exhausted or under a great deal of stress. And I definitely don’t share certain things with her," Arden says. "And sex is definitely something I don’t want to share."

Her eyes narrowed with his first statement. "Interesting," she stated, abruptly professional and then she grinned. "I'm glad, by the way, to know that. Nice to know we weren’t being watched. Although I wonder if you've approached her as some phantom from brain damage that isn't readily apparent. Like a stroke. Just not findable. Her appearing with your fatigue mirrors some symptoms of stroke damage or other brain injuries. Not infection like what is showing up for you."

She paused, gathering her thoughts for a moment and then asked, "So are you interested in another round together? I don't want to mess up what you and Nika have, but she seemed to make it clear that you were up for grabs. I'm not trying to put my hooks in you. No fear of that. And don't be afraid to say no."

She lowered her head to look at him from up under her lashes. "But damn doctor, you did have the cure."

Arden looks confused, then abashed, and finally grins, "Sure. As for Nika, she’s a... Well, let’s just leave it at confused. She has some odd ideas, and I doubt she will ever be able to meet those ideals or expectations."

Grinning fondly, Kiera reached out to smooth his hair. "For someone as handsome as you were and if I may toot my own horn, as handsome as you are now, you sure don't act like you know it. And Nika is a problem within a conundrum going towards a trainwreck. She's got to slow her head down. You know, it wouldn't be such a bad idea next time we have planet fall for you to take her with you to work with the orphans and the poor. Let her get in among the people and do some good. She's kinda lost her way. And I'm sure that beating up on herself and on Rina ain't fixing it."

"That’s a pretty damn good idea Kiera," Arden replies. “It might be just the thing to pull her head away from whatever is eating at her. Speaking of which," Arden gives Kiera a lascivious smile.

"I have them ever so often. When I'm not thinking only of myself." She raised an eyebrow and put a finger on his lips. "Are you coming onto me, Doctor?"

Arden nods as he opens his mouth and captures Kiera's finger in his mouth, caressing it with his tongue. He lets it go with a soft pop, then whispers, “You might say that," as he moves to capture her mouth with his own lips.

She savored the kiss finally pulling away with a wicked smile. "You wanna close the shades and play on the beds here and chance a walk in or you wanna go to one of our rooms? I'm okay with either, but you've known the crew longer. It will probably blind poor Beggar if he walks in on us tho'."

"I would worry about Rina's family more than the rest of our crewmates, but you have a point. And I need a shower," Arden finishes. "Perhaps we should go someplace more private. My quarters are closest, but yours are closer to the showers. Which would you prefer?"

"Ha, mine!" she announced. "You need a shower and I would love someone to wash my back. Besides," and she winked wickedly, "I'd like the chance to annoy my neighbors for a change." She took his hand and stood up to leave. "You sure Nika's ok with this? Hell, you sure you're okay with this? It ain't gonna be nothing but fun Arden. I want you to know that I ain't aiming to be anyone's girlfriend. Joshua and Rina may be inclined that way, but you and I long-term will just be gleams in each other's eyes. Knowing that, you still wanna wash my back?"

Arden looks at her, his smile turning somewhat serious, "You so sure of that Kiera? Seems to me you are looking for a place, a home, and a family. You have that now, but a relationship, even with me, would cement your place. And even if you and I are funnsies, you would still have a place on the ship."

She could only give him a gentle smile. "I'm eventually gonna leave Arden. My path is somewhere else. I'm killing time here honey." Her emerald eyes softened. "Eventually, something or someone will call my name and I'll go. I ain't good being away from people, flying here in the Black, only having five patients and most of the time, them well and darn satisfied with their faces. I miss the ground and strangers, new horizons and new sunrises and sunsets. This is just a way to get around and see some worlds for free while I wait for destiny to take my hand."

She leaned in and kissed him gently. "Hell, I may get shot and die before then. You're a sweet and good man. Too damn honest sometimes. You tell the truth when a lie will do. But you deserve someone better than a scoundrel like me." "All I’m saying is, never say never. Life has a way of sneaking up on you and putting you in a position you never in a million years would have imagined." Arden takes off his lab coat and moves to hang it on its peg. "You know? Always a surprise waiting around the corner."

"No doubt." Kiera went to the door and waited for him. "It's one of the things that make life fun." She held out her hand. "Come on and let's have some funnsies. I've never really found out what happens when two doctors play doctor. You may not change my mind, but I am quite happy if you want to try." She watched as Arden came to her and smirked as he pressed her against the doorframe to kiss her with not a little bit of heat.

Surprises around every corner and maybe a few in bed with you tonight, Arden, she thought absently as she reluctantly pulled free and took his hand to lead him to the showers. And she would never say never. In her experience, that just led to trouble.

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