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! HellGun !! 40 !! Basic !! 110m !! S/3/- !! 1d10+4 E !! 7 !! 40 !!  2 Turn !! Reliable !! 6 !! Rare
! HellGun !! 40 !! Basic !! 110m !! S/3/- !! 1d10+4 E !! 7 !! 40 !!  2 Turn !! Reliable !! 6 !! Rare
! HellPistol !! 40 !! Pistol !! 35m !! S/2/- !! 1d10+4 E !! 7 !! 30 !! 2 Turn !! Reliable !! 4 !! Rare
! HellPistol !! 40 !! Pistol !! 35m !! S/2/- !! 1d10+4 E !! 7 !! 30 !! 2 Turn !! Reliable !! 4 !! Rare

Revision as of 15:48, 17 January 2014

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Month 5 Year 451 (Age 5) Today Mommy and Daddy sent me to school. The machine-man taught us about the Omnisa- the ominsai- the machine god and how he is responsible for everything I asked why and the Machine-man got angry and I got punished. Mommy and Daddy were also upset with me...

Month 3 Year 455 (Age 8) Today I had to start work in the factory with mom and dad. I hated it, we are treated worse than muties would be. The foremen think they can do what they want to us. There has to be a better way

Month 4 Year 458 (Age 11) I was off sick today, when a man broke into out house. He tried to steal what little we had. I don't think he knew I was their till I sneezed. He grabbed me I was so scared I grabbed the nearest thing and hit him with it. He fell to ground there was so much blood, I ran and ran and now I'm hiding. I want to go home but I dare not, the provost will take me away

Month 7 Year 463 (Age 16) It's been 5 years I think. I've surivied on the streets. Got in with one of the gangs, most 'em arn't to smart so I'm the idea girl it seems

Month 5 Year 464 (Age 17) I manged to Set Vik and Dale against each. The idiots killed each in a fight so now I'm the bosses number two. Means a lot more money for me, and a better room I took Viks since he had nice stuff. Even had a few dataslates, I hadn't even realized he could read

Month 5 Year 464 (Age 17) That was close, I think the boss almost worked out how I became I got rid of vik and Dale. Manged to divert him by showing him a new scam a way of rigging some of the gambling matches we run

Month 10 Year 465 (Age 18) I saw Mom and Dad today, they didn't see me and wouldn't have recognized me anyway. I've got a fair few tats now, and some scars. Besides they have another kid now, probably don't even think about me anymore. I don't see how they can live like that, working the factory and coming home to some small hovel. bowing and scraping to their 'betters'

HA! Betters that makes me laugh I'm probably twice as smart as most of them and richer to boot. But I think its time I moved on. The boss thinks far to smaller and I'm aiming for far better things

Month 4 Year 468 (Age 21) I finally pulled it off, got in contact with Pretty Ord (Omnissiah I hope I don't have to have to many face to face meetings with him). Convinced him I can hand him all of the gangs operations without a fight, he just needs to leave me in charge of 'em and he'll get his cut Didn't take long for him to agree. Took a bit of working but I arranged for the boss to get caught with a few forbidden texts, its a shame I lost those texts but it put me in a good position. I took over easily enough only had to kill one person to cement my position.

Month 12 Year 470 (Age 23) Well now its been an interesting few years. Pretty Ord has let me take on a few other operations for him since I'm doing so well with the old territory. My collection has expanded alot since I've got whole host of new contacts and of course more thrones. This is the life, but I still want more. There are other worlds out there, think of all the knowledge I could find? The wealth? I've got to find a way of this world

Month 4 Year 472 (Age 25) Praise to the Omnissiah! Seems there are some off worlders here. A Rogue Trader or something no idea what that is bit this is my ticket out of here. Now I just need to find out what they want and get it first.

Month 10 Year 472 (Age 25) Well it took me 6 long months but I did it! I found out what they are after it was one of the texts I ah- acquired a while ago. Don't see some of worlder would want it but still. Now to contact them and see what I can get. Thank the Omnissiah that Ord set me up as a merchant as a front for our dealings. This should be easy, after all how could some lousy offworlder match my intellect? The criminal genius, I'll own their ship in a few weeks

Month 1 Year 473 (Age 26) What happened? I don't understand it, it was all planned out. I went to the warp damned off worlders and then.. it all went wrong. They saw right through my plan, everything. At best they were amused by it all. But that wasn't the worse of it, one them said something about "Considering what a backwater this place is, that wasn't a half bad plan. We could use her" I was about to tell them to frak off when something hit my neck. Then I woke up in this room, I've not seen any one for the last 2 months.

Month 2 Year 473 (Age 26) They finally let me out of that hellhole. Now I'm apprenticed to some old guy, he manages the Rogue traders information network it seems or something. We'll I'm going to make the most of this chance I bet they know all kinds of things, it won't take me long will I get on top again

Month 8 Year 475 (Age 28) What a 2 years, I was right so much knowledge and riches? I can't believe I used to think I knew anything or had any power. But now, now I can see the truth. I have a chance to become something far, far greater than I could of on that dungheap of a planet

Month 3 Year 476 (Age 29) The old man finally croaked it, I sort of liked him. He treated me well and taught me lot. He could scheme with the best of them. After some consultation I've been promoted to fill his spot. We are about to jump to ----

Month ? Year ??? (Age ??) Were I am? What happened? Oh Omnissiah this stuff tastes horrible. I don't remember we were jumping and then... and then something happened.

How I see the others

Jestic Bradley Dunwich

Master of the ship and current head of the Dunwich. A strange man, undisciplined and unassuming. Despite all that I think I like him and even trust him.

Tristan Calibran

A kindred spirit he believes both in the Onmisssiah and in the power of knowledge. Of course he knows far more about mystries than I do. Perhaps I can find something to barter with until then I'm sure we can be of use to each other


A spacer through and through, seems nice enough for a mutie especially one that can rift through your mind, that being said he is pretty useful in my line of work. Nothing as intimdating when finding out trouble makers as someone who can read your mind


I have no idea where she came from before she got on the ship, and from how she acts I think I don't want to know. I'm pretty sure it will give me nightmares. All I know is she is powerfully and crazy that generally is a really bad combination at the best of times

Vaun Koleck


Character Name Player Name Career Path Ship's Role Rank Experience
Maria Anitova Faustus21 Senschal ----- ----- 500xp
Home World Birthright Lure of the Void Trials and Travails Motivation Lineage
Forgeworld Scapegrace Renegade(Free-Thinker) Press-Ganged Fortune -----
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Wounds Fate Insanity Corruption
25 40 30 30 40 50 41 27 48 8 4 4 5


   Awareness(Per): 41
   Barter(Fel): 48
   Charm(Fel): 48
   Commerce(Fel): 48
   Common Lore-Adeptus Aribites(int): 50
   Common Lore-Underworld(int): 50
   Deceive(Fel): 48
   Dodge(Ag): 40
   Evaluate(Int): 50
   Forbidden Lore-Archeotech(int): 50
   Inquiry(Fel): 48
   Logic(Int): 50
   Literacy(int): 50
   Secrutiny(Per): 41
   Silent Move(Ag) 40
   Slight of Hand(Ag) 40
   Speak Language-Low Gothic
   Speak Language-Traders Cant


  • Enemy (Ecclesiarchy)
  • Basic Weapon Training(Universal)
  • Pistol Weapon Training(Universal)
  • Machine Knock


  • Stranger to the cult
    • -10 lore (Imperial Creed), -5 Fel Eccesiachy in formal settings
  • Jealous Freedom
    • Willpower to avoid acting violently to being imprsioned/lossing freedom

Combat Stats

Weapon Name Skill Class Range Rate of Fire Damage Penetration Clip Reload Special Weight Rarity
HellGun 40 Basic 110m S/3/- 1d10+4 E 7 40 2 Turn Reliable 6 Rare
HellPistol 40 Pistol 35m S/2/- 1d10+4 E 7 30 2 Turn Reliable 4 Rare
  • Initiative Bonus: +4
  • Movement: 4/8/12
  • Wounds: 8
  • TB: 3
  • Armor: 3
  • Dodge: 45
  • Parry: N/A



  • Equipment name
    • Equipment description
      • Flavor text


  • Weapon Name
    • Notes about weapon (upgrades, quirks, etc.)
    • Weapon Statline
      • Flavor text


  • Armor Name
    • Fun and exciting subsystems
    • Other notes
    • Power requirements, if any
    • Amount of AP provided
      • Flavor text

Other Equipment

  • Equipment name
    • Equipment type
    • Equipment description
      • Flavor text


Awareness (Per) 100xp Dodge (Ag) 100xp Charm (Fel) 100xp Security (Int) 100xp Silent Move (Ag) 100xp Unremarkable 200 Fel + 5 100 Int + 5 100 Per + 5 100 Ag + 5 250