FiretopMountain: Blood Rose

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Blood Rose



There has always been a Blood Rose. She is servant of the Offshoot, sometimes called the Stray Tendril, an aspect of The World Tree bent on vengeance against those that would wreak havoc upon the primal order. She sprouts forth whenever and wherever the land feels that she is needed, ready to do her part in restoring the natural balance.

The barbarian tribes and druid groves of the Vale, attune to the movements of the primal spirits, have seen the Blood Rose manifest at least twice in last century. The crashing of the so-called Chaos Meteor into the lands beyond the King's Wall was the first occurrence. The second involved the rise of the druid-lich Urikel Zarl and his army of undead wildebeests. At the successful termination of both threats the mysterious agent of the Offshoot disappeared into obscurity as swiftly as she appeared.

The latest incarnation of the agent of retribution emerged from within the folds of a gargantuan crimson blossom sheltered by a ring of ten thousand thorns deep within the Harken Forest. Gathering together the many quills that cradled her birthplace as her arsenal, the manifestation of nature's vengeance finds herself drawn to the lands to the north, towards Firetop Mountain.

Appearance and Personality

Rose is socially awkward at best, exuding a standoffish wariness that makes her few friends. Her command of Common is poor, and she shifts uneasily during conversations. Although she prefers to act as a loner, she understands that she cannot hope to face enemies alone. She speaks only when spoken to or when she has something to say that can't be expressed better through direct action.

Dressed in scarlet leathers that feel like silken petals to the touch, the rest of Rose would be considered a smooth and pearly alabaster save for the myriad of thorns that project from her tall and slender frame. Needless to say, the barbs are a persuasive deterrent against those that would try to take advantage of a young beauty naive to the ways of this world.

Character Sheet"

Blood Rose, level 11

Bladeling, Fighter (Weaponmaster), Shock Trooper

Fighter Option: Combat Superiority

Fighter Talents Option: Tempest Technique

Razor Storm Key Ability: Razor Storm Strength

Theme: Iron Wolf Warrior


STR 20, CON 13, DEX 18, INT 9, WIS 14, CHA 11


STR 18, CON 10, DEX 14, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 10

AC: 26 Fort: 26 Ref: 24 Will: 21

HP: 98 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 24


Athletics +14, Endurance +10, Intimidate +12


Acrobatics +8, Arcana +4, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +7, History +4, Insight +7, Nature +11, Perception +11, Religion +4, Stealth +8, Streetwise +5, Thievery +8


Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack

Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack

Iron Wolf Warrior Attack: Iron Wolf Charge

Bladeling Racial Power: Razor Storm

Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge

Fighter Attack 1: Dual Strike

Fighter Attack 1: Footwork Lure

Fighter Attack 1: Funneling Flurry

Fighter Attack 1: Tempest Dance

Endurance Utility 2: Grit and Spittle

Fighter Attack 3: Rain of Blows

Fighter Attack 5: Nimble Bladestorm

Endurance Utility 6: Third Wind

Fighter Attack 7: Come and Get It

Fighter Attack 9: Punishing Storm

Fighter Utility 10: Fighter's Grit

Shock Trooper Attack 11: Shocking Twister


Two-Weapon Defense

Level 1: Starlight Duelist Style

Level 2: Toughness

Level 4: Deadly Draw

Level 6: Wasteland Wanderer

Level 8: Two-Weapon Fighting

Level 10: Improved Defenses

Level 11: Lashing Flail


Summoned Hide Armor +3, Periapt of Cascading Health +2, Boots of the Fencing Master, Bracers of Mighty Striking (heroic tier), Challenge-Seeking Scourge +2, Staggering Scourge +3