Nobilis Strike while the Iron is Hot:Organizations

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Organizations on Ash-Tree Earth

Major Organizations

Atlantis Project

A massive underwater Chancel, called Atlantis, where all Noble Alchemists go to work, making weapons for the War. To avoid the danger of an Excrucian attack, the Chancel is protected by several Alchemical Items to help preserve it.

Here, the metal of Jotunheim, transported by those of Chancel Scylla, are sent to help enhance the skill of Alchemy among all Alchemists, be they Noble or mortal.

All Alchemical Items are stored in massive, heavily defended vaults, with soldiers of Lord Entropy, summoned beasts of High Summoning and Alchemical Items all offering safety from Shards trying to get close.

Any Noble can request an Item - and then have their name and title put in the Archive where the Court can know if they should use an Item for a wrong purpose. When they request for one, they are granted it, by a being with the Perfect Timing Gift (and, should they only borrow it, someone with Perfect Timing will come and regain it for the Atlantis Project)

Currently, there are about 300 Nobles who work as Alchemists in this Chancel. They are the ones who provide the Atlantis Project with its true wonders, such as Imperial Miracles removing Immortality, or other such things.

The mortals, on the other hand, provide massive amount of lesser alchemical items, that can be granted Nobles who need it, or to simply make life more comfortable for the Noble Alchemists. They outnumber the Nobles, though none that isn't a member can tell by how much.