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RIDE Personnel

Kimura Youhei

One of the computer operators at Operations, RIDE HQ. A small and short, geeky man.

Nakamura Fukiko

One of the computer operators at Operations, RIDE HQ. A young lady with long, straight hair. Likely tsundere.

Yoshida Takashi

The stocky balding man who is a RIDE Captain in charge of Operations.


A receptionist at RIDE HQ. Chris is very familiar with her. Rumors have flown of something between them, but is it all a misunderstanding?


An office lady at RIDE HQ. Seems to be a fan of Ayumu's. Or perhaps she's just very zealous in her duties.


Kotomine Shinjo

A new transfer student at the University of Tokyo Hospital, who managed to become the Computer Club president in a very short period. Visits Dr Okazaki's lab often. Henshins into Kamen Rider PERFECTION.

Man in Black

Unknown figure who appears to be in league with Shinjo. (or is it the other way around?) Henshins into Kamen Rider PRIDE.

Woman in Black

Unknown figure, possibly rich or from nobility, who appears with the man in black. Henshins into Kamen Rider LUST.

Misc Characters

Dr Okazaki Kenji

A brilliant researcher at the University of Tokyo Hospital, working on human-digital interface technology.

Inoue Hiromi

A grad student working with Dr. Okazaki, she's a shy researcher who occasionally dresses up as a boy. She's from Osaka, and her shyness over her thick Osakaban is one reason that she doesn't open up to strangers easily. She's a fan of Ayumi's, and Ayumu is clearly on very good terms with her.

Kanazawa Yomi

A reporter for a tabloid called the Tokyo Inquirer. Short, brown haired. Moe. Highly Annoying.


Apparently colleague and videographer who works with Yomi.

Unknown Person

PbP RPGnet KRD NPC Narutaki.jpg

An unknown person that shows up in RIDE HQ and speaks to Soujirou. He cryptically warns Soujirou that a Destroyer of Worlds known as Decade may come.

Unknown Person

PbP RPGnet KRD NPC Diend.jpg

The mysterious stranger who appears at the warehouse where the Riders are having a showdown with the enemy.



A Trojan-class Unknown who appears as a fiery, burning man with a face full of berserk fury. Able to shoot flames, corrupt local data streams and has moderate regenerative abilities. Was quickly defeated by Kamen Rider Kagejin a.k.a. Ayumu.


Campus security guard who is involuntarily transformed. Possesses crippling DESPAIR MOAN area attack.


Three Unknowns who jaunt in to battle the Riders at the university cafeteria.