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One Dot

Create Flame

The Djinn can create a torch flame without a roll, Rukh cost or Turbulence.
Supercharging: one point of Rukh increases the heat from that of a torch to a Bunsen Burner. Two points increases to the heat of molten metal. Supercharging causes Turbulence like normal.

Control Flame

The Djinn can control a flame up to size 5. This working costs one Rukh.
Roll: Strength + Athletics
Supercharging: every point of Rukh increases the maximum size by 1

Healing Flame

With this working fire heals the Djinn at the same rate it would harm a normal human. This Working cannot heal Aggravated damage and won't protect a Djinn's clothing or equipment.

Heat Wave

This Working causes heat to radiate from the djinn's vessel. The more Rukh you spend, the hotter you can make it. At the upper limit, standing next to the djinn is like standing in front of an open blast furnace.

Two Dot

Burning Blood

This working allows a Djinn to make a target feel incredible pain without actually causing harm.
Roll: Presence + Indimidation vs Resolve + Naphsha.
Supercharging removes two dice from the opponents pool per point of Rukh spent.

Fiery Aura

The Djinn surrounds himself with protective flames, which cause damage to anyone the djinn strikes or anyone who strikes them. The djinn's clothing or equipment are immune, as are any object the djinn picks up or any person he wishes to touch without harming them. In other words, the flames won't burn anything the djinn doesn't want them to burn.
Roll: Dexterity + Weaponry.
Dramatic Failure: The flames surge out of control creating a mundane fire with a size equal to the Djinn's.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success or Exceptional Success: Every time someone attacks the Djinn in melee combat roll a number of dice equal to the Djinn's successes. Each success does one fire bashing damage. Armour protects as normal.
Supercharging: Two points of Rukh grant one success. This requires at least one actual success from the roll.


(●) Going Out in a Blaze: When killed a Djinn's aura blazes out of control. The explosion has a primary blast area of 10*Naphsha feet and a secondary blast area with twice the size. The Explosive Force is 1 for every ten points of Rukh the Djinn possessed at its death to a minimum of one at one Rukh. This may be triggered at any time.
(●●●) Shield of Fire: A Djinn may focus their aura into a potent defence. As Instant action they may grant themselves armour rated 2/2 + the successes on a Dexterity + Weaponry roll.

Weapons of Fire

The Djinn may form a meele weapon made purely out of fire. This takes a Strength + Crafts check and the weapon's damage is 5 or Naphsha lethal. Whichever is higher. The weapon may take any form of the Djinn's choosing, it's form has no mechanical effect except that the Djinn needs to create the correct weapon if they wish to benefit from Fighting Styles.


(●●) Fire Blessed Weapons: For a point of Rukh and a Strength + Crafts check a Djinn may make any existing non-supernatural weapon do fire damage. This also increases its damage rating by one. This applies to any weapon within the bounds of common sense: a shotgun or even a Tesla coil can be blessed but a water gun or some sort of liquid nitrogen spray cannot.

Three Dot

Animate Flame

This allows the djinn to direct the movement of flames more precisely than Control Flame; the flames can lash out with tendrils to burn someone nearby, or travel along a narrow path, or even jump across gaps. The maximum size of the flame is the 5 + Naphsha.
Roll: Strength + Athletics
Supercharging: every point of Rukh increases the maximum size by 1.

Burn Lies

The Djinn places a curse upon the tongue, burning away lies. The Djinn rolls Presence + Empathy contested by Stamina + Naphsha. Every additional success for the Djinn provides a -1 penalty to Subterfuge rolls. The penalty cannot rise past -5 but at that level every failed subterfuge roll causes a point of bashing damage.
Supercharging: Every point of Rukh allows the Djinn to extend the curse to one additional target. For important characters they may contest individually, otherwise just roll the highest dicepool among the defenders.

Dragon's Breath

With this working a Djinn may fire a stream of fire at a target. This is a 5(l) weapon with a range of 10 foot per Naphsha. Medium range is twice short range and long range is four times short range.
Roll: Dexterity + Firearms.
Supercharging: Supercharging grants the Autofire property. 1 Rukh for a short burst. 2 for a medium burst and three for a long burst.


(●) Burn the Wicked: When using this refinement people with Morality 5+ take bashing instead of lethal damage. At Morality 7+ they’re entirely immune.
(●) Throw Flame: With this refinement every point of Rukh used to supercharge adds another 10 to the short range. Medium and Long range are calculated based on the enhanced range. This cannot be combined with the Autofire from normal Supercharging.
(●●●) Spirit Fire: With this refinement Dragon's Breath may affect intangible entities such as living mist or ghosts.

Purifying Flame

A Djinn can use the cleansing power of fire to burn toxins out of a body. A Djinn rolls Intelligence + Medicine. This working dosn't do any damage (although it might to beings vulnerable to fire) but it does feel very uncomfortable having toxins burnt from your body.
Dramatic Failure: The Djinn manages to burn his patient for one lethal damage.
Failure: There is no benefit.
Success or Exceptional Success: Decrease the dice penalty for intoxicants or the toxicity of any substance within the targets system by one per success.
Supercharging: Three points of Rukh grant one automatic success.

Wall of Flame

The Djinn can form a wall of fire, only living creatures will be affected by its presence. It is ten foot high and two foot * Naphsha long. It may form in any simple geometric shape a Djinn desires.
Roll Strength + Crafts
Dramatic Failure: The wall forms but as mundane fire, possibly burning its surroundings.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success or Exceptional Success: Any living being that tries to cross the wall takes one die of lethal damage per success rolled in creating the wall. Armour protects as normal.
Supercharging: every extra point of Rukh makes the wall one foot longer or grants two extra dice to the roll.


(●●) Solid Flame: To cross the flames a Strength + Brawl - wall dice check is required.

Four Dot

Flame Puppets

The djinn causes one or more humanoid-shaped flames to split off from an existing fire. The puppets are under the djinn's telepathic control, and have a rudimentary intelligence that lets them follow simple instructions. The Djinn may create a number of flame puppets equal to his Naphsha at any one time. Puppets have a base size of five, a speed of three and two dots in all physical attributes. In combat they do lethal damage equal to their Strength.
Roll Manipulation + Persuasion.
Dramatic Failure: Not only does the Working fail, the Djinn cannot use it for the rest of the day. Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Djinn creates flame puppets.
Exceptional Success: The Djinn creates one extra flame puppets, even if this would place their number above Naphsha. No matter how many Exceptional Successes he scores a Djinn cannot have more puppets than Naphsha + 1.
Supercharging: Two points of Rukh grant an extra puppet.

Five Dot