Character:Nomoe Hideaki

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Nomoe Hideaki

Dawn of the Third Age

Nomoe Hideaki
Eclipse Caste nobleman martial artist



Drive back the Wyld and restore Creation, starting with his nation.


  • Personal Honor
  • His Family (Love, Duty)
  • The Family Name (Pride)
  • His Nation (Duty)
  • Elegance and Dignity

(Intimacies in bold are protected by Elusive Dream Defense)





PHYSICAL: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
SOCIAL: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5
MENTAL: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4


[13 BP]

Caste Abilities

Bureaucracy 4 (Organisation +1), Linguistics 5 (Riverspeak, Foresttongue, High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm, Airtongue) (Calligraphy +3), Socialize 4,

Favored Abilities

Athletics 5 (Lightfoot +3), Martial Arts 5 (Unarmed +3), Lore 5, Presence 5 , Resistance 3, Investigation 3, Integrity 3

Unfavored Abilities

Awareness 3, Performance 3, Occult 1, Stealth 1


[10 BP]

Influence 5

Manse 5

Resources 4

Lunar Bond 5 & Eternal Vow

Artifact 6

A number of risk-laden expeditions into old ruins, warded tombs, and hidden islands in the Wyld have in addition to their goal of providing Sanken with the resources and powers to secure its borders left Princeps Nomoe with a few artifacts he has appropriated for his own personal use. And since he is not only the heir apparent of Sanken's most powerful family but also the one who lead most of those expeditions who would complain?

  • Resplendent Phoenix Wings (5): This set of three hearthstone sockets that are implanted into the bearer's body don't look like much at a first glance, but may well be the most useful personal convenience artifact there is. Weaving solid matter from pure essence the Resplendent Phoenix Wings can create any form of outfit the bearer can imagine, however grand or humble. Changing, repairing or cleaning the outfit requires no more than a diceless miscellaneous action. In addition to all the normal benefits of perfect quality clothes these also provide one automatic success on all rolls to resist environmental conditions, toxins or diseases. Moonsilver fibers woven through the fabric provide two bonus dice to Stealth and Larceny (disguise) rolls and render the clothes resistant to attacks (+5B/5L soak). The Orichalcum component allows the Resplendent Phoenix Wings a palette of colors and textures worthy of a Solar's glory - if desired this provides +4 Appearance as an Obvious effect that inhibits Stealth. Finally, by committing five additional motes, the bearer may shape ambient essence into powerful wings stretching six yards from wingtip to wingtip that allow him to fly at five times his usual running speed or hover with slow and graceful beats. Outside of combat they provide a travel speed of 80 miles per hour. All maneuvering rolls are reflexive (Dexterity+Athletics+6). Attune: 5m.
  • God-Body Elixir (4): A small vial of indestructible Adamant wrapped with Orichalcum threads the purpose of this artifact is mysterious at a first glance. Upon attunement it distills the bearer's essence flowing through it into clear liquid of unusual properties. Drinking one dose (the amount created in one day) at first results in nothing but a feeling of enduring cold lasting for most of a day. But if despite the unpleasant feeling this is repeated for a full week the liquid begins to have a strange effect on the body: Skin becomes like steel silk soft and yet impervious to weapons, bones gain the hard and yet yielding strength of feathersteel and muscles melt away but paradoxically grow even stronger. When cut the drinker of the elixir bleeds not red blood but instead a clear liquid with a faint golden shimmer to it, and the pain of the wound is distant and easily ignored. As long as he keeps drinking the liquid created by the vial the Accuracy, Damage and Defense of the user's unarmed attacks are increased by his Essence, their rate is increased by two, and his natural soak by five. When deprived of the elixir the user suffers a cumulative -1 internal penalty for every day without it to a maximum of his Essence. At that point the elixir's effects start to fade at a rate of one point per day. Finally, when all the positive effects have drained away, the internal penalty begins to subside and lowers by one every day until at -0 the withdrawal effects are overcome. Attune: 8m.
  • Hand of the Great Maker (3): As per DotFA p93.

Merits and Flaws

[-6 BP]

Enemy 3

The Diamond Sage, a Raksha noble of great power.

Obligation 2

To Starcc Antonee for his support, both political and technological, in drawing Sanken within range of the Realm Defense Grid and hardening its borders against the Wyld.

Code of Honor


[8 BP]

Martial Arts

Fists of Iron Technique (--, unarmed attacks gain perfect quality, Orichalcum bonus, +Ess/MA Dmg and Piercing tag)
Sledgehammer Fist Punch ()
Dragon Coil Technique ()
Solar Hero Form ()
Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm (4m, perfect parry, +1m to defend another)

Secrets of Future Strife (--, double Join Battle successes)


Epic Zeal of Conviction (--, every Conviction roll counts as 5 sux, regain one channel every sunset, spend 1wp to negate any changes to intimacies)


Judge's Ear Technique ()


Chaos-Repelling Pattern ()


Graceful Crane Stance ()
Monkey Leap Technique ()
Lightning Speed ()
Divine Flash Step ()


Sagacious Reading of Intent ()
Flawless Brush Discipline ()


Mastery of Small Manners ()
Wise-Eyed Courtier Method ()


Essence & Health

Essence: 5 --- [14 BP]
Personal: 24/24
Peripheral: 44/44 (57-13)
Committed to Charms: None
Committed to Artifacts: 13m peripheral (Resplendent Phoenix Wings, God-Body Elixir)
Anima Status: None

Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
(wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)


OOOOO OOOO (Willpower 9/9)

Mental Dodge DV: 9


[6 BP]
Compassion: 2 - Someone in my position can afford neither a bleeding heart nor needless cruelty.
Conviction: 5 - For what must be done no sacrifice is too great. The stars will rain from the sky before I keep not my word.
Temperance: 2 - Overindulgence dulls the mind, asceticism weakens the body; I walk the middle path.
Valor: 4 - Honor and courage - easy words to say, hard rules to live by.

(Virtue Channels used: None)

Limit Break


Limit Condition:
Limit: ----- -----

Equipment & Combat

Join Battle: 7 (and double successes on the roll)
DDV: 5
Soak: 12L/14B/5A (+5L/5B/5A Resplendent Phoenix Wings)

Perfect Sword: Spd 4, Acc 14, Dmg 6L, PDV 6, Rate 3
Punch: Spd 5, Acc 22, Dmg 14B/L (P), PDV 11, Rate 6
Kick: Spd 5, Acc 21, Dmg 16B/L (P), PDV 10, Rate 5
Clinch: Spd 6, Acc 21, Dmg 14B/L (P), Rate 4
(unarmed stats including Fists of Iron Technique and God-Body Elixir modifications)


Ten years ago when the infinite hordes of the Wyld drowned the lands in chaos Hideaki was just resigning himself to the fact that the power of the dragons running in the blood of the Nomoe family would not manifest in him. Nonetheless as a scion of one of the oldest and most powerful outcaste families in the east it was his duty to serve his family and his country in any way he could. And so while his Exalted cousins led armies against the Fair Folk and operated mysterious machinery to protect the land from the Wyld influence Hideaki's fight was in the realm of logistics and diplomacy where he excelled. After the activation of the Realm Defense Grid, as the years progressed in a constant struggle Sanken emerged as one of the few relatively stable islands in the Wyld beyond the redrawn borders of Creation proper. With a high population of outcaste Dragonblooded, a dutiful and resolved populace, and a few ill-understood artifacts Sanken has resisted the Wyld and its hordes for a full ten years now.

Two years ago while traveling with the army of his older cousin Hideaki first encountered the Diamond Sage, leading a force that would have sufficed to crush the Nomoe troops ten times over. Curiously however the Raksha noble was willing to let a duel decide whether he would press on now or turn back and destroy Sanken in five years time. Secure in his overwhelming martial power and knowing that Nomoe Takahiro was gravely injured from a previous battle the Diamond Sage never anticipated that it would be the un-Exalted Hideaki challenging him - in a contest of calligraphy. Styling himself a warrior scholar the Fae accepted and a for a time as the two began it seemed that despite performing admirably the mortal would be outdone by the Fae. But then as the sun rose in the sky and touched Hideaki's forehead he was crowned with light and matchless excellence and by midday the Raksha noble had to concede defeat, swearing to return in five years' time to once more duel his new rival.

Since then Nomoe Hideaki has risen quickly within the hearts and minds of country and family. Despite initial resistance to his new Exalted status his results in organizing the war effort and leading expeditions into Wyld land to uncover artifacts for use against the Wyld spoke for themselves. And although the Nomoe family can trace its line back into the time of the Shogunate the family lore in secret always painted the victory over the Anathema as much less morally clear cut than general doctrine depicted it. A few months back Hideaki finally managed to contact the remnants of Creation, finding to his surprise that a newly formed Deliberative of Celestial Exalted ruled the East and much of Creation besides. Enlisting the help of his fellow Solar Exalts he managed to bring Sanken closer to the circle of protection the Realm Defense Grid can maintain. Although it still is surrounded by the Wyld and has to contend with chaotic pollution and intermittent Raksha attacks in an emergency the Deliberative will be able to assist in defending the country, which Hideaki sees as his crowning achievement so far. Of course, it is only one step on the road ahead of him - once he finds the means and the allies to do it he means to drive back the Wyld and reclaim his home as a part of Creation.


Goals and Motivations


XP gained: 0
XP spent: 0
XP unspent: 0

XP spending plans:


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