Ninja Equipment

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General Equipment

  • Climbing Pole
    • A collapsible bamboo pole with one clawed end. It can extend from approximately 40cm up to 700cm and is reinforced to accept up to SIZ 16 in weight. Using the pole to scale walls gives a +10% bonus to Athletics tests. As well as being used for climbing, it doubles as either a jo or bo staff when used offensively (AP2, HP8).
  • Entry Equipment
    • Containing a small saw, a spade and various lock-picking tools, the entry equipment is essential for gaining swift, silent entry to premises. The lock picks provide a +10% bonus to Mechanism tests.
  • Firepot
    • A hand-sized ceramic pot that holds a hot coal and insulated so that it can be carried within clothing. Used for keeping a ninja warm on long, cold surveillance and for lighting combustibles.
  • Hooked Gloves (Nekode)
    • Thick hooks are set into a strap that fi ts around the user’s palm and are used as an aid to climbing, giving a +10% bonus.
  • Rope Ladders
    • Coming in an assortment of lengths, rope ladders fold into a very small, compact bundle easily concealed within clothing. Equipped with strong hooks at one end, a single rope ladder can support up to SIZ 40 in weight and gives a +15% bonus to Athletics tests.


  • Ninja-to
    • The ninja straight-sword, fashioned in a similar way to a katana but with a straight blade that is mid-way in length between a katana and Wakazashi.
    • The scabbard of the ninja-to has several practical uses. The closed end can be removed to make the scabbard into a breathing tube, a blowgun or a means of scattering powders; the sword can be drawn and secured with the scabbard’s cord to form a probing pole.
  • Shinobi-kyu
    • Of similar length to a han kyu or short bow, the shinobikyu is collapsible and concealable but at the expense of its overall strength and damage.


  • Ninja compounds are plant and mineral based concoctions designed to aid the ninja in his various assignments.
  • Smokescreen
    • This fine, silvery powder, when ignited with a flame or from a hot coal (see Firepot, below) gives out an acrid, dense smoke that the ninja can use to debilitate and distract enemies and make a rapid escape. A single dose covers a radius of six metres and those caught within it must make a Resilience test to avoid a fit of choking coughs and a penalty of –40% to all Perception tests for 1D6 Combat Rounds. A single small pouch contains one dose.
  • Sleeping Draught
    • A sweet-smelling brown powder that can be dissolved in liquid (warm sake works best) that induces a deep, snoring sleep in the imbiber. One dose affects one cup of liquid. A pouch contains up to five doses.
      • Type: Ingested
      • Delay: 1D3 minutes
      • Potency: 70
      • Full Effect: Victim falls asleep
      • Duration: 1D3 hours
  • Venom of the Tatsu
    • A poison smeared onto the blade of a ninja-to, tanto or caltrops. It is thick and black, drying to a sticky sheen.
      • Type: Smeared
      • Delay: Immediate
      • Potency: 78
      • Full Effect: 1 Hit Point damage to the location struck, applies –6 penalty to victim’s DEX