Nobilis: Beneath The Serpent's Coils:Cid

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Name, Title


Aspect: 0/5
Domain: 2/5
Realm: 0/5
Spirit: 4/5


Tactical Mastery

  • [Level 6 Aspect Planning, -1 (simple), -3 (self), -2 (Limited), +1 (uncommon) : 1 CP]
  • When it comes to tactical thinking, planning, and strategy. Cid processes at a level far beyond humans. Some say this ability is tied to one of his treasures

Perfect Timing

  • [Level 4 Lesser Creation of Fortune, +1 (automatic), -1 (Local), -2 (Limited), Common : 2 CP]
  • Cid plans everything to the last detail, timing is always impeccable. But is it truly one of his skills or does this talent depends on something more?


[Focus]Compass- Whenever deciding his next move, Cid has a compass he consults, it always points in the right direction and for some reason whenever he hols it things fall in place in a timely manner. (Perfect Timing and Tactical Mastery[+1MP])
[Focus]Cane: As a way of hiding his previously impressive and overwhelming spirit Cid has invested a portion of his spirit into this small unimportant looking walking cane. [2:Spirit, +2 MP]
[Focus]Pouch of Crushed Nettles: The nettle rite is a weapon Cid has fully embraced since his ennoblement. As such he has invested some of his spirit into a pouch in which he carries crushed nettle for the purpose of destroying other powers. [1:spirit, +1 MP]
Unseen: Because of his actions, Cid must remain hidden, no one but his Familia should ever know who he is. He tends to remain in shadows, and act as inconspicuously as possible.[+2MP]
Uninspiring: The stench of his unwilling and unknowing high treason to creation still lingers upon him. Both mortals and nobles alike know something is wrong with him as soon as they meet him. His advice is rarely heeded, no one is compelled to pay attention to his actions and his counsel is often disregarded and doubted.[+1MP]
Doomed: If the Locust Court ever find about about his past... [+3MP when his doom becomes imminent]
Additional Handicaps: Description
Additional Handicaps: Description


Personal Code

  • Tenet
  • Tenet
  • Tenet

Imperator Code

  • Tenet
  • Tenet
  • Tenet


Value: Name
Value: Name


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