Tears of Entrophy Haruma

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Akimura Haruma


You say it can't be done? Well then, watch and be amazed.

As far back as anyone can remember, Haruma has always had a very forceful presence. He was always in the spotlight in school plays, always picked first in sports, always getting compliments from adults who always said he was 'so sweet.' A good number of his peers looked up to him, though some didn't really know why. He was alternately charming and irritating and everyone knew him all too well.

When he entered high school, his parents told him he should join some sort of club or sports team. While they expected him to try out for the baseball or football teams, he instead opted for the cricket team, which was fairly obscure around campus as they rarely won any of their games. Haruma's confidence during games seemed to restore the spirits of his team members, which led to victory after victory and a renewed interest in the team by the student body. Some kids would talk about how Haruma liked to showboat during matches, but no one could deny that his presence was a boon to the team.

Haruma is a social butterfly. He prefers to be the center of attention whenever he can be, and he's liked by virtually everyone he meets. There are some, though, who think he can be more than a bit obnoxious, and others who are just plain jealous of him. He typically shrugs these people and their remarks about him off, though.

He also has somewhat weird interests, as most of the school clubs he has joined were among the more obscure before he came along. In the past year, the photography, crocheting, and hiking clubs have seen a surge in membership as people try to follow Haruma around. He has especially taken to photography, carrying a camera around with him wherever he goes to capture the next great moment.


Strength 2

Stamina 2

Dexterity 2

Agility 1

Fighting 1

Intelligence 0

Awareness 4

Presence 6


Parry 6

Dodge 6

Toughness 2

Fortitude 3

Will 5


Athletics +6 (4)

Deception +9 (3)

Expertise (Photography) +2 (2)

Intimidation +14 (8)

Persuasion +9 (3)


Attractive 1

Daze (Intimidation)

Equipment 1


Inspire 2



Cricket Bat (as Club), Cell Phone, Camera


Motivation: Recognition - Haruma loves being in the spotlight. If you're not paying attention to him, he'll find a way to make you.

Responsibility - Not many people know about it, but Haruma's grandfather is very ill. Haruma spends much of his time at home acting as his caregiver, doing errands for him and making sure that he's alright.

Hector, Tamer of Horses[edit]

Pantheon concept 1.jpg

The god of war is impartial: he hands out death to the man who hands out death.

Hector was one of the greatest warriors to come from the city of Troy. He led his men to victory multiple times and killed many Grecian soldiers during the Trojan War. He attempted to defend Troy from the legendary Achilles, wearing his opponent's armor into battle, but the gods were not on his side. During the fight, Athena tricked Hector into believing she was his brother, Deiphobus, ready to hand him another spear, but she disappeared and left him with only his sword, Durendal. Due to his over-confidence, Achilles defeated him in battle and dragged his body around the city of Troy for twelve days before the gods intervened. A truce of twelve days was called to allow the Trojans to give Hector a funeral fitting for such a hero.

Hector's Summon[edit]

Standard Action

Warrior of Troy[edit]

Enhanced Advantages 11: Accurate Attack, Great Endurance, Improved Initiative 2, Inspire +3, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Takedown 2

Achilles' Armor[edit]

Protection 6, Impervious


Str-based Damage 7 (Slashing), Penetrating 7, Improved Critical 4, Affects Insubstantial 2, Reach 1, Accurate 2

Spear of Deiphobus[edit]

Ranged Damage 7 (Piercing), Penetrating 7, Improved Critical 4, Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 1, Accurate 2, Unreliable

Personal Info[edit]

Age: 15

Date of Birth: August 15th

Zodiac: Leo

Height: 5' 10"

Blood Type: O

Initial Persona: Hector, Tamer of Horses

Weapon: Cricket Bat

Arcana: The Magician

People In Haruma's Life[edit]

Harimoto Akira[edit]

Captain of the cricket team. He doesn't much like Haruma, as he threatens his authority. He won't do anything that would hurt the team on the cricket pitch, but he's always trying to find some way to show Haruma who's boss.

Fujima Yuusei[edit]

Childhood friend of Haruma's. He could never fit in to the popular circles Haruma started to get into. The two have grown a little distant over the years since they met, but they do hang out from time to time.

Hideaki Etsumi[edit]

Haruma's most recent ex-girlfriend. She is extremely spiteful of him and bad mouths him whenever he's not around. Needless to say, not many people listen to her, though she does have a small gaggle of girls that agree with pretty much everything she says.

Akimura Yori[edit]

Haruma's grandfather. He rarely ever leaves his home, and even then he always has someone accompanying him. Haruma spends a lot of his spare time taking care of him and making sure he is okay.