Satus Originis

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Revision as of 11:29, 3 July 2011 by DM Italy (talk | contribs) (Timeline)
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This period in Tashyn's history, marks everything which occured before the Yorgs gained control of the lands.
The time period is labeled as BYD (Before Yorg Dominance).


  • 500530 BYD - This is the oldest year in history, fossils indicate a dominance by large creatures, possibly related to dragons or giants.
  • 100500 BYD - The first signs of civilization appeared.
  • 50190 BYD - The first epic scale war was waged.
  • 33400 BYD - Suspected to be the first century of interracial contact.
  • 33000 BYD - First known race war.
  • 10000 BYD - Elven kingdom established.
  • 90000 BYD - Dwarven kingdom established underground.
  • 4000 BYD - The first Human kingdom established.
  • 2500 BYD - The first inter-racial alliance established.
  • 500 BYD - The first group of Yorgs appear in Tashyn.
  • 100 BYD - The Elven King is kidnapped by the Yorgs.