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S'Krellen sat with his long legs crossed on the floor, reader in his hand and Marco's head in his lap. Scratching the dog's head for a bit seemed to relax him, but both sets of eyes looked up when the door chime rang.

Brushing down his moustache and goatee to make himself slightly presentable, S'Krellen stood and said "Sit Marco. It is probably one of the children wanting to take you for a walk." Marco's tail wagged enough to make his ears flop. "Stay, bud." Looking at the door, he added. "Come, and welcome."

"Umm...Captain?" S'Krellen said, raising an eyebrow.

Rear Admiral Rebecka James smiled. "Permission to enter?"

S'Krellen brushed off his overly large sweater and brushed off his hands at the same time. "Of course, Captain! It is, I believe, still your ship." Motioning for her to enter he said. "And forgive me for not shaking your hand in congratulations on your promotion, but Marco and I were just lolly-gagging together and I have not cleaned up yet."

James leaned over and held out her hand while Marco eargerly leaned forward but stayed sitting. "He is well trained."

"You haven't seen him around children, then. It takes me hours to get him back into order." Looking down he smiled and snapped his fingers. Marco eagerly cautious approach to James was rewarded with a hand to sniff and then some behind the ears attention.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Captain?"

James gave Marco a quick pat on the head as the dog headed for his bed and chew bone. "I'd like to ask you about your buiness on my ship, Civilian S'Krellen."

Smiling, S'Krellen replied. "Certainly, Captain! Vulcan Paesen crystals are a fairly new technology and I appreciate the potential we can do for Star Fleet. So far even our most rigorous tests show a fifteen point three-seven percent increase in phaser power based on the recombinant wave patterns. My cargo is to be used for testing once we reach your star base."

James' face stiffened a bit. "Not that business...Civilian...S'Krellen." Her eyes bored into him. "I've just spent several hours sparring with one of the finest warriors the Klingon Empire has to offer. Pardon me if that makes my conversation a bit more straight-forward than you are used to. There is a new captain taking command of this vessel. If you choose to associate with this ship I will ensure she has you personell file for her review. Your real file, sir. Not the one that was originally presented to me."

S'Krellen's smile covered his thoughts like a mask for several moments. "That would explain the increased pherenomes, Captain. May I?"

James nodded curtly and then looked puzzled as S'Krellen opened a box and pulled out a child's toy. She said "That looks like a Rellan lightening ball."

S'Krellen nodded. "It is, with the caveat." He flicked the on switch and the purple electricity danced in the crystal container. "that it was made by my family and never made it to Rella. It has an interesting reaction with the wall panels."

James looked around. The room was spartan, even for a star ship. S'Krellen had been presented as a Vulcan merchant with new technology for Star Fleet testing and had been accorded a slightly larger single room. However, it seemed occupied with a luggage box, a couple other boxes like the one the Rellan toy came from, and Marco ensconced on his bed. She saw a bedroll in the corner and then commented. "I thought your room looked a little small. What are these panels?"

"With floor and ceiling tiles, Captain. Similar to what the walls in your stateroom are coated with, though the next generation formula. Your walls prevent scanning and detection and eliminate signal passage through them. No one should hear what the captain has to say in his or her private quarters."

"And these panels?"

"More of the same, with the caveat that when activated." he said pointing at the pulsating crystal, "by certain electric frequencies they can be programmed to redirect or falsify scan or comm signals. For example, with the right equipment I could present the image to someone spying on us that you were getting details on the Paesen Crystals to see if they could be tested on a new ship being built. One of my uncles came up with the technology but we're not ready to market it to Star Fleet yet."

"Your family witholds from Star Fleet for profit?"

S'Krellen smiled sadly. "If you have read my file, and my families history, then you know how much we've done for the Federation."

James smiled. "May I sit down?" she said. When he nodded she sat on a box.

"My quarters are your quarters, Captain. Literally. I apologize for not offering more than boxes and walls, but I've learned to travel light." S'Krellen sat on the floor and stretched his legs out to the side. Marco came over and flumped next to him.

"I am familer with the Admiral's history, Mister S'Krellen. My information does not include details about your parents save that like your grand father you are Rihannsu not Vulcan. The other part of you is Orion/Rihannsu mix, not human. Still, you seem to make an interesting mix of genetics."

"Grandfather always said a person is who they are, not who they were."

"Since your grandfather dress jacket wasn't large enough to hold all the medals, awards, and citations he was publically given, much less the ones that were not for public knowledge, I will accept that bit of wisdom from a senior officer." Looking back at him, she added. "That still leaves me with the question about what to do with you. Especially when I am aware of your background and the gossip about the First Sergeant's wife."

"Captain, I assure you if there are rumors then they are just that; rumors." Ruefully smiling, he added. "Enara is working hard to overcome the rough hand life dealt her. Jake is, well, just about the best man a woman could find. His devotion to her and his son, her passion to become a teacher, well, if there are happy endings to stories they deserve it."

James looked at him for a long moment. "If you were a Vulcan merchant I would wonder how you knew so much. As is there is something you're not saying."

"I surrender, Captain." S'Krellen raised his hands and smiled. "Enara picked the best man and that's it. Neither she nor Sergeant Kennedy seem to remember the fumbling Vulcan librarian that happened to have seen drawings of the underground sewers and helped a Marine detatchment bypass heavy defenses to reach the prisoners." Rubbing the hair on his chin, he added softly. "If there is something between Enara and I, Captain, it is that she has several inbound offers from researchers. The income will fund whatever career she wants to have, provide her with access to counselors who can listen when she's ready to talk, and open what ever doors she and Jake want to pass through."

"A happy ending, with the unsung hero riding off in the sunset." She paused and said "I'm surprised Jake didn't recognize you."

"You'd be amazed with a little surgery and some facial hair can do, Captain. I have one uncle who is experimenting with transporter based weight loss therapy. Well, that's what the research papers say. He's a bit futher along than they let on and the Federation is an interested party."

James paused. "Have you done or are you doing anything on my ship I should know about?"

S'Krellen met her gaze. "If we avoid discussions I should not have heard and places I should not have gone, then for the most part no, Captain. I believe you have already gotten two things brought to your attention, outside of channels, that you have dealt with? The rest of what I've encountered is normal star ship troubles and what you get for zipping people around in a portable apartment complex."

James nodded. "That is what piqued my interest. It took me a while to find you."

"A while being conversations with an old friend or two back at Star Fleet."

James nodded. "So, what are your plans? Stay hidden as a civilian, return to the diplomatic service, or resume your fleet rank?"

S'Krellen splayed out his long green fingers. "No idea, Captain. No idea at all. My mission was to deliever the crystals and then 'do something'. Not sure what something they meant, or if they care."

James rose and started towards the door before she stopped herself. Turning to S'Krellen she extended her hand. "Thank you for your service to the Federation and the Empire, S'Krellen. Once I cross that door you and I discussed retro-fitting those crystals on a drone. But right now I just want you to know I appreciate all you've done that no one knows about."

S'Krellen returned her firm grip and smiled. "Thank you, Captain. Honestly. Thank you."

Marco raised a paw.