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Rani Chakyar,[edit]

Quote: That. was. amazing! Just give. me a second. to catch. my breath.

Lineage Peri

Virtue Faith Vice Pride Stability 6

Naphsha 1

Strictures Never pass the injured without offering aid.

Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 3 Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2 Presence 2 Manipulation 1 Composure 3

Academics 2 Computer 1 Occult 1 Athletics 4 (fly) Brawl 1 Stealth 1 Survival 1 Animal Ken 1 Empathy 2 Expression 2 Persuasion 1 Socialise 3 (teenagers) Streetwise 1 Subterfuge 1 (faking normality)

Mentor 3 (Her grandfather) Striking Looks 2 Barfly 1 Meditative Mind 1

Workings (placeholder). Air – basic. Travel – a good flight working. Morhpic – can only change appearance (responsible for Striking Looks).

Mortality weighed heavily on Venu Chakyar. Seventy years? Eighty? One hundred? His quest for eternal life came first, there would be time for everything else later when time was no longer limited. To his eternal regret he missed his own son's childhood, too late Venu realised that for some things there was no later.

When his Granddaughter was born Venu was determined not to repeat his mistake, he entertained the youngster with legends from his occult studies and magical party tricks. The two would grow to be the best of friends and when he mastered the sorcerous rituals it was with Rani that he shared the power of immortality.

Becoming one of the False Ones has shaken Rani from her comfortable niche in the world. The energy of youth combined with the power of a Djinn means she often feels capable of doing anything and when you can do anything you have to ask “what should I do?”. The Djinn Camps could provide a purpose but they wont accept her, her grandfather isn't much help either. He's isolated himself to preserve his stability and gladly considers himself purposelessly retired.

Exactly what Rani tries to do changes often, one day she may be practising new Workings and testing her powers, another time she may be trying to start a Camp for false ones, then she drops both to peruse an attractive boy. In theory Rani is working on a long term life-goal but they never last longer than a few weeks. A Band who offers such a goal and a stable structure stands to make a reliable ally, otherwise, well she hasn't caused any real trouble so far but its always good to keep an eye out.

Dr Nathanial Towers[edit]

Quote: Please! You have to let me go. She’s after me!

Lineage Ifrit

Virtue Hope Vice Wrath Stability 3 Derangements Hysteria (of “her”) Paranoia (Storytellers who decide that "she" exists only in his head may wish to replace Hysteria with Schizophrenia)

Naphisha 1

Strictures: Never harm another after you have shared salt.

Intelligence 3 Wits 2 Resolve 3 Strength 3 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2 Presence 2 Manipulation 2 Composure 2

Academics 2 Computer 1 Medicine 1 Science 1 Occult 1 Brawl 3 Stealth 2 Survival 3 (Urban) Weaponry 3 (Archaic) Expression 1 Intimidation 2 (Manic ranting) Streetwise 1

Workings (placeholder) He’s good with fire and entropy. Minor Travel workings

Nathanial has a point of Aggravated damage; it can be healed normally by anyone with the skills. This is a patch of rashed, cracked skin above his right hip.

How Nathanial got tenure is a bit of a mystery. Certainly his stubborn belief in “rites of ascension” that would grant a human the power of a Djinn made him the joke of the University: Serious scientists laughed at his belief in superstitions (those few who knew and studied the supernatural instead laughed at how inaccurate he was) while his own department snickered that his theories had no basis in any mythology on the planet. Besides most of them didn’t believe in the supernatural either, they just studied other people’s beliefs. Even outside his pet theories Dr Towers proved to be an inferior academic.

Then one day a man of smokeless fire delivered a thin book with clear concise instructions to transform oneself into a Djinn. Nathanial didn’t mind that his beliefs about the rites had proven to be entirely false. Barely eating or sleeping for a week he mastered the rites and claimed the power of an Ifrit.

He never intended to hurt anyone, just demonstrate his powers and gloat but Turbulence is a dangerous thing and as his Workings began to slip he called upon more power to hold them exasperating the problem. Its not sure exactly who intervened but the university is still standing so someone must have. Perhaps this person is the “she” who Nathanial fears still hunts him and it is probably the same person as the one who gave him the disease-made scar above his hip but given his mental state this cannot be said for sure. Djinn who’ve seen this scar do wonder how a disease could even affect a body made of raw elemental fire, some are concerned others simply resolve not misbehave should they ever visit Nathanial’s old university.

Nathaniel will arrive at town, run into town as though the devil was at his heals might be more accurate, then find a bolt hole and seal it behind him. He will remain there until something startles him (and this can quite easily be within his own head) at which point he lashes out with fire and entropy before fleeing, convinced that his display has tipped “her” off. So far his ability to fight like a cornered animal shocked those who tried to apprehend him long enough to make his escape but his name is now being passed around between Djinn, soon he will meet people prepared for his behaviour and this tragedy will have an ending.