The Rust Nobles

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The Rust Nobles

Contents [hide] 1 RUST NOBLES 2 GANG HISTORY 3 THE ROSTER 3.1 NAME: Devlan D'Ulanti 3.2 NAME: Lopez the Heavy 3.3 NAME: "Ironhand" Luke 3.4 NAME: "Wastrel" Slim 3.5 NAME: Reinhart 3.6 NAME: Silence 3.7 NAME: Heran Larks 3.8 NAME: Razor Eddie 3.9 NAME: Diamond 4 TERRITORIES 5 STASH 6 THE NECROMUNDA GANG REGISTRY

[edit]RUST NOBLES House/Gang Type: ORLOCK

Gang Rating: 1081

Wins to Losses Ratio - 0-0

Special Rules/Notes: Leader is former member of Noble House Ulanti, wanted by his house for alleged murder of his brother.

[edit]GANG HISTORY (Optional)

No History yet, just sitting in their bar in Last Chance


[edit]NAME: Devlan D'Ulanti Type: LEADER M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 --- TOTAL COST: 170 EXPERIENCE: 64

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (Optional) Equipment: knife; sword; autopistol; shotgun w/manstopper shells

Notable History: Former member of Noble House Ulanti, wanted for alleged murder of his brother. Formed the Rust Nobles out of a former bodyguard and his own bravado.

[edit]NAME: Lopez the Heavy Type: Heavy M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 195 EXPERIENCE: 91

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (Optional) Equipment: knife; autopistol; heavy stubber

Notable History: Joined in Last Chance

[edit]NAME: "Ironhand" Luc Type: Ganger M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 75 EXPERIENCE: 22

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (Optional) Equipment: knife; shotgun w/manstoppers

Notable History: Former Imperial Guard veteran sargeant who became Devlan Ulanti's bodyguard and then followed him into the underhive. Hard-ass second in command, noted for his left hand which is encased in a powerfist, but it doesn't have enough charge to use in battle.

[edit]NAME: "Wastrel" Slim Type: Ganger M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 70 EXPERIENCE: 25

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (Optional) Equipment: knife; autogun

Notable History: Kalma and Spur addict, showing just how crazy he is with his drug combos, Slim is a danger with his cut-down auto gun. Lazy and greedy, but too afraid to betray Devlan.

[edit]NAME: Reinhart Type: Ganger M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 75 EXPERIENCE: 25

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (Optional) Equipment: knife; autopistol; flail

Notable History: Loud and brash, Reinhart is a born fighter and loves to beat on others. Has taken the juve Diamond under his wing.

[edit]NAME: Silence Type: Ganger M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 95 EXPERIENCE: 23

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (Optional) Equipment: knife; autopistol; frag grenades

Notable History: Fitting his name, Silence speaks rarely, but is an expert stealth killer, and is teaching the young juve Razor Eddie all his tricks.

[edit]NAME: Heran Larks Type: Ganger M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 70 EXPERIENCE: 21

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (Optional) Equipment: knife; autogun

Notable History: Sniper for the Rust Nobles, Larks is aloof and distant, prefering to converse through his sights.

[edit]NAME: Razor Eddie Type: Juve M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 --- TOTAL COST: 30 EXPERIENCE: 0

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (Optional) Equipment: twin knives

Notable History: Razor Eddie is a disturbing juve, gaunt and pale, with an affinity for knives. Killed his first man at 9 by slitting his throat, and hasn't looked back.

[edit]NAME: Diamond Type: Juve M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 --- TOTAL COST: 40 EXPERIENCE: 0

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (Optional) Equipment: knife; stub gun w/dum-dum rounds

Notable History: Diamond is young, eager, and willing to do anything to impress the gang. Picked up in Last Chance, this youngster is ready to battle for the Underhive.

[edit]TERRITORIES TYPE: Mine Workings CREDITS: D6x10 * TYPE: Slag CREDITS: 15 TYPE: Drinking Hole "The Rusted Blade" CREDITS: D6x10 TYPE: Holestead CREDITS: D6x10 TYPE: Old ruins CREDITS: 10

An asterix "*" denotes that the territory has special rules.

[edit]STASH CREDS: 210


[edit]THE NECROMUNDA GANG REGISTRY This gang roster is a part of The Necromunda Gang Registry, an online project created by Project: Necromunda.