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Atom Family

A family of adventurers and explorers. The current generation of the Atom Family is four siblings with superpowers.

Dr. Alexander Atom

Brilliant scientist and inventor, advisor and aide to the Liberty League in the 1940s, later explorer in the 1960s and ‘70s. Memory patters transferred into a holographic computer system in the 1990s. He is now caretaker and guardian of his grandchildren, the Atom Family.

Anne Atom

Wife and assistant of Dr. Alexander Atom, mother of Andrea Atom. Mrs. Atom died of cancer in 1972.

Mentac & Andrea Atom

The parents of the Atom children, Andrea Atom and Mentac (from the Farsider royal family) were lost in the Terminus. Their grandfather, Dr. Atom, exists as a disembodied intelligence inside a holographic computer matrix.

  • Andrea Atom: Scientist and adventurer, daughter of Dr. Alexander Atom, wife of Mentac, and mother of the Atom

siblings. Andrea was lost in the Terminus during the invasion in 1993.

  • Prince Mentac: Last survivor of the royal line of Farside City, exiled to Earth after the deaths of his family. Mentac (like all royal Farsiders) possessed psionic powers. He adventured with the world-famous Atom Family and later married Andrea

Atom. The couple had four children. Mentac was lost during the Terminus Invasion and the unleashed cosmic forces caused him to "evolve" into a being of pure mental power.

Jack Wolf

Jack Wolf, Dr. Atom’s former ward, is the Atom siblings’ guardian and mentor.

Max Atom

Oldest of the Atom siblings (b. 1985), with the power to alter his molecular structure to grow, shrink, or become incorporeal at will.

=Tess Atom

Second of the Atom siblings (b. 1986), a brilliant budding scientist with the power to generate and project nucleonic radiation.

Vicky Atom

“Vicky” is the third Atom sibling (b. 1988), a shy young woman with elastic powers.

Chase Atom

The youngest of the Atom siblings (b. 1989), with growing telepathic powers and a mysterious connection to the Moonstone.

Tales of Freedom's Fallen Heroes