Vidkun Trost:Small Castle

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The Small Castle[edit]

Valeria stared at Vidkun. "If I didn't know better I would say you were arranging flowers yesterday." she said.

"The smell of a pine bough has always brought me good memories. I am not sure why." He replied.

They sat at the edge of the cave, enjoying cool shade and the fresh air of the outside. His cloak was down to comfort her, and her hands figeted around the water jug he had filled for her. They both seemed concerned about Kenly; the young girl had not returned and they knew what the crag lions could do to the unwary. Yet Valeria figited more.

Vidkun sat wearing just his breeches. Their other clothing items had been washed the day before and he seemed to enjoy leaving them off for a while. His sword was still at his side, as always, and the necklace she had made for him. After a few moments he turned to look at her hands, now still, and then raised an eyebrow at her. "Something bothering you, my love?" he asked quietly.

She sighed. "I'm not sure what bothers me most. The fact that you've gone from blubbering suitor to cleaning up the cave and arranging pine boughs as if we were going to be here forever. It's almost as if you were a bird nesting for the season or something."

"Most women would be happy to have a man help around the house. Or so aunt Friden used to imply when I would help her."

"That's the aunt with the twins, isn't it?"

"The very one. Georg spent some time teaching me riding and he had a wonderful library with maps and logistics records and cost estimations. I loved going there. Aunt Frieden would let me stay as long as I liked but since she needed some help around the house I would do so."

"Are you sure it wasn't the unattended lady of the house that drew you?" she teased.

"Hardly. While Aunt Freiden was a wonderful person I was but thirteen at the time and in no way the image of a strapping young man." He gave a wry smile. "To be honest, I am still not much of a manly man. It is not just for his beard that men look with respect and women look with awe on Jorgan. Or Blain. Even Marten has his charm, as Tulia seems to have found."

She reached out a hand. "I met a very strong and passionate man a few nights ago. What about him?"

He took her hand and kissed it. "That would be the way of my life, my love. I overcome with passion what lacks I have otherwise." He kissed her hand again. "So, what really is bothering you?"

She smiled faintly. "You look at me like a man looks at a woman he loves yet you seem to be doing most of the woman's work around what passes for our house. Most men would be gone by now, either to get help, get food, or tracking down the rest of the problem. Especially since the mighty hunter you seem smitten by has fallen into a pit trap and gotten herself shot."

"Ah, is there a bit of worry that I may already be tiring of wedded bliss? Especially since the only thing we can do in bed is roll you over to clean your wound?"

She looked away. "And the discussion of children." she whispered. "I'm not sure how good I would be living in a real castle and raising lots of children."

"To be honest, my love, having you stuck here in our small castle is a boon for me. I can stare at you for hours and there is really nothing you can do about it. I moved the fire pit to one side so that if it does rain while we are here the water will not drown our our fire. The smoke should also dissapate more so that it can not be seen from far away. I have spread the boughs that were on top of the roof hole around the cave approach so the crag lions will smell the fire and perhaps keep their distance. New boughs have replaced them to hide our location as best we can."

"I don't see what you're getting at." she said.

"Two things, oh dearest of my heart. First, and most pleasing to me, is that I have seen you looking at me as I look at you. That pleases me greatly."

She blushed. "And the second thing?"

"This is what we have." He shrugged. "In life we can plan great things yet we must deal with what we have. I would love to have a great castle to raise our dozen or so children in yet we are here in a cave and there are no children on the way, as far as I know." He leaned over and laid his head in her lap. "Just because life does not go according to some fanciful plan does not make it bad. I am in a cave with a women I love and other men are in castles with women they hardly know. My lot is the better by far."

She ran her fingers through his hair. Looking him in the eyes, she whispered "Do you know what excites me?" she whsipered.

His eyes sparkled. "yes...?"

"There's someone coming up the hill."

Vidkun sighed deeply. "Obviously I am the romantic in the family." He said as he rose and adjusted his sword.