On the road from Damei

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The Mountain, in his purposeful style, was ready to depart immediately in the morning. Decorum however required him to stay for breakfast and to thank his hosts. He did so by eating tremendously and accepting several additional portions for the road to thank the cook and in person he offered his thanks to the master. Additionally he made an offering of incense and coins at the shrine as befits a man of his station.

When that was done he listened to Yu for some time as he rode and the others followed. Once clear of the city he dismounted and walked alongside Liuxing. His own long stride prevented the pace from slowing.

"Use your toes to grab the earth." Yu instructed She Who is Old Enough. They were walking a properly respectful distance behind the Luixing. "Not all the time, but really work how you step. Draw strength from the earth."

They had joined Guan Zhou in leaving Damei after saying goodbye to Crane Backed Dao at the temple. Yu had been honest about the path of a Xia and discussed it with Lao and Crane. Since the young girl had received her surrogate father's blessing, she was now enjoying the chance to experience the path.

Yu had little to carry, as did Lao.

Guan Zhou had more than his companions, but not so much that he could not fit it in his own pack. Liuxing was a mighty horse but he was a warrior and needed to conserve his strength for battle, Zhou would not ask him to bear a burden when he himself could do it instead. Only implements of war were packed on the great horse's back; specifically Zhou's armor. The Green Dragon Crescent Blade was a magnificent weapon, but also a stout walking staff.

The fabulous paintings Zhou also carried himself.

When they came to the clearing wherein he fought Happy Crocodile Zhou called a stop.

"It was here that I fought an opponent nearly as large as myself. Never since I left the Northern plains have I faced one of such stature." He stroked his long beard as he spoke. "Let us pause here for a meal and afterward contemplate the great treasure we risked so much to recover."

Where are the pictures? Yu will carry them if necessary. Can they be rolled up like a scroll?

Add stuff before, in, or after anything else.