Tumble. (MT)

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Tumble is set in the Third Imperium of the Mongoose Traveller series. The game will be heavily involved with the Darrian Confederation, a high-tech ally of the Imperium on the edge of the Spinward Marches.


An unusual collection of people with a broad skill set-and each with a tie to the Darrians.

Character Generation

Will be standard Traveller, with the GM reserving the right to roll initial stats. You get three sets rolled, choose a set. If your luck sucks, you get 10,9,8,7,6,5 (in any order) as a default (+3 over average).

All careers from the core book and supplements are available.

Characters are assumed to have previous connections - I'd like to emphasise this by getting a feel for what people want to play and kind of map out possible connections between PCs before rolling character terms.

The Mission

A 'Grand Survey' - Slang for an exploration mission that will involve contact with different sentient and probably space going cultures. This means allowing for possible hostile contact both in space and on the ground, while also having a predominantly diplomatic and scientific bent.

The Crew

The Secret

Unknown, but something is going on. For starters, the Darrians offer to buy the mortgage of your ship(s) and intend to outfit them for the survey - when they have a fleet of TL-15-16 ships? For seconds - none of you are from the Confederation, although each of you has had dealings with them before. You'll probably learn more once you sign the book they call a contract.

A Timeline.

   1105: Now. 
   1101: 1 Term ago.
       Alexandretta Hawthorne discovers information of worth to FERA. She is promoted to R1 Team leader.
   1097: Two terms ago.
       Alexendretta Hawthorne is betrayed by Sword World smugglers and gains an enemy in the Imperial Navy.
   1120: Three terms ago.
       Alexendretta Hawthorne gains a mentor (contact) in the Darrian smugglers.
   1116: Four terms ago.
   1112: Five terms ago.