Empyrean: Ghost

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Years ago, a group of bio-alchemists used a young girl as the test subject for some of their trials. When the results were not to their satisfaction they handed the child, altered but alive, to a travelling circus. That circus employed the child first as part of a sideshow attraction - "Come hunt for the living ghost girl!" - and later trained her as an acrobat and gymnast.

As she grew older, still known by the "Ghost Girl" stage name, the circus' purse-master took her under his wing and began to teach her the basics of bartering, acquisition and trade. She learned well, and soon after leaving the circus she starting building her own network of connections and owed favours. Very quickly she was able to trade for almost anything she needed.

But, lacking the comfort of family and security of being on the move, Ghost needed to find a ship.

Character Sheet

Refresh: 3


High Concept: The One and Only Living Ghost Girl

Trouble: Unnaturally Unnerving

Aspect 3: Left the circus, kept the style

Aspect 4: Illicit bio-alchemical enhancements

Aspect 5: If you need it, I know who...


Good (+3) Quick

Fair (+2) Careful, Clever

Average (+1) Flashy, Sneaky

Mediocre (+0) Forceful


1: [ ]

2: [ ]

3: [ ]


Mild: _________________________

Moderate: _____________________

Severe: _______________________


Hide in Plain Sight - Because I can hide in plain sight, I can Create Advantage related to hiding and being hidden even when I am out in the open and wouldn't normally be able to justify it.

Subtle Menace - Because I am subtly menacing I gain +2 to Forcefully Create Advantage relating to inducing fear, even against someone in a superior position.

Trade Network -


Knives. Lots of knives.

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