Blank Sheet 5e

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Blank Sheet 5e

This is for keeping track of characters as they develop throughout the game as well as setting elements.


These will grow with time.


The group travels by foot.

Stormraven - Jurai

Hyperactive and taciturn. Long legs. May be a bit of a classist.

Doesn't wear armor, carries around throwing knives.

Defense: Knocks projectiles from the air.

Healing: Has the ability to heal herself through will power or some sort of focus magic.

Medley - Imica

Hangs in the back. Chatty.

Basic camping skills, but prefers the comfort of civilization.

Defense: Leather Armor, Relies on Reflexes and dodging.

Offense: Rapier, Does not enjoy killing weak opponents,

Has: Calming music magic

Healing: Has music that aids rest and recovery.

Good at reading people (+)

Very bad at persuading people (--)

Gilgamesh - Keth

    --Likes dark ale and money
    --Likes Jurai, hates Denholm (sorry daftwager :) )

Eye-sight/situational awareness (-)

Defense: Relies on seeking cover and hiding (-)

Offense: Uses a hand crossbow

Irritable, sour nature at least while injured.

Searching/looting (-)

Nyzelok - Rog

Likes to be in the action. Looking for an honorable death in battle and worships the "old gods".

Offense: A club spiked with teeth from a large predator.

Defense: A metal shield inscribed with runes and holy symbols.

lorddaftwager - Denholm

Easily distracted, flighty

Social oblivious

Investigation (Battle sites) -

Magic (Attacking-Arcane Energy Blasts) +

Magic (Detection magic) +

Medicine (physiology) ++

Nature (Plants) +

Persuasion -

Spotting (assessing opponents weak points) -

Defense: Hide behind allies

Healing: Has healing salves, possibly herbal remedies.

Classdunce - Faroth

Androgynous. Much prefers civilization. Not outdoorsy. Short.

Magical Shielding/Defense +

Offense: Uses a Wand to channel invisible force blasts.

Investigating (culture background) +



There are Old Ones, god like figures of some sort.

Canun- A wolf-headed god whose worshippers are cannibals.


Predators with razor sharp teeth.

The roads are at least somewhat dangerous.

There is ale served in inns.

Multiple gods exist or at least their names for being taken in vain.

Kobish Silver- A nickel-copper alloy that looks like silver and is believed to be effective for killing certain supernatural creatures. Possibly also used by creatures that don't use iron.


Carasee- The city the group is heading for.

Greywyld Forest- A place with an abbey.

Brindisi- A place ruled by Sorcerer Lords who enslave the people. Some people worship the wolf headed god Canun, who encourages cannibalism.


Things Magic Can Do: -Put people to sleep -Blast people -Create magic shields -Destroy a bridge (but this is very powerful magic) -Minor healing

Starting preferences

@Stormraven - Soap Opera/Characterization, Defined Characters @Medley- Slice of Life, Slight preference for Organic @Gilgamesh- Street Level Heroics, No preference @Nyzelok- Varied Challenges, Organic @lorddaftwager- A conspiracy, Organic @ClassDunce - Dialogue/interactions and Some Control over NPCs, Organic