Mano a Mano:Make an Item

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Make an Item - Equipment Generation Example

We will use our Modre character from the character creation example to make a new weapon. (See Character Creation/Make a Character.) Modre has craftsmanship ability with a modifier of 2.

1. Add up Modifiers

We start with Modre's +2 craftsmanship ability modifier. Modre works on the weapon for 4 hours, so we add +5 for time invested. Modre is using stone age technology, relying mostly on things he can find floating around on ice bergs. We add a +1 modifier for his access to this "stone age" technology. The bone chisels he uses are considered "typical" for his stone age technology, giving him another +3 modifier and making the total modifier +11.

2. Roll vs Zero

The next step is to roll the total modifiers versus zero to get the success level of the Modre's attempt. Let's say we roll a 1, for a total of +12, and the opposing roll is a 6, so the success level for this action is +6. We multiply the success level by 100 CP and find that Modre can make a weapon with 600 CP.

3. Distribute the CP

We decide Modre is making an "ice blade". The mass of the ice blade is 0.5 kilograms, worth -350 CP, raising our total to 1150 CP. We use 300 CP because the ice blade's leverage is 2 (6 power minus 4 heft) leaving 850 CP. We use 600 CP for 2 sharpness leaving 200 CP. We use 200 CP to get 1 meter reach for the ice blade. There is nothing we can do with the last 50 CP, so the actual value of the ice blade turns out to be 550 CP instead of 600 (600 - 50 = 550 CP.)

Item Name Special Modifiers CP Mass Heft Reach Pwr Shp Cvr Abs
Ice Blade (no special modifiers) 550 0.5 kg 4 1.0 m 3-6 2

Modre had a +2 ability modifier for making ice weapons, spent 4 hours working on the ice blade, used typical tools and stone age technology, and did poorly on his roll (his 1 versus the opposing 6) to give us a total of 600 CP for making the ice blade. The weapon has 4 leverage, 1 meter of reach, 4 power and 1/2 sharpness. A weapon with the ice blade's 4 heft should weigh about 0.5 kg. (See Game Design/Equipment.)