Mano a Mano:Actions

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If a character's stun plus damage is less than half of their health (health/2), they can move and do one powerful action, quick action, combo, evasion or covering. If a character's stun plus damage is at least half of their health (health/2), they can only move half as far and perform only one quick action.

Instead of moving and performing actions on his own turn, a character can counterattack by waiting to move and perform actions right before the attack of the first character to attack them after their turn. Counterattacking does not change the order of characters turns.
A character can perform one quick action in a combo for each point of speed (rounded up, so a character with 1/4 or 1/2 speed can perform one quick action), plus an extra quick action if that character is using multiple weapons in the combo. If a character splits their attacks between multiple targets they may only attack each target one time per combo.
Covering another character is similar to counterattack, except that the covering character chooses an ally to defend instead of himself. If the covering character doesn't have enough reach to hit the attacker, or for some reason he can't parry the attack, that covering character will be hurt by the attack when he successfully defends his ally (i.e. "taking a bullet".)
By moving defensively instead of attacking a character can get a +2 passive defense bonus against every attack until the end of the character's next turn.
Action Type Damage Modifier
quick attack quick half
strategic attack powerful half +1 attack
cautious attack powerful half +1 defense
powerful attack powerful full
outreaching attack powerful full +1 defense
push quick
trip powerful
throw powerful
hold quick
wrench powerful
choke powerful
disarm powerful
reversal powerful
drop quick
stand quick
instant stand powerful +2 defense
aim quick none aimed attack powerful full
quick throwing quick powerful throwing powerful heave powerful
draw (light) quick draw (heavy) powerful draw and fire powerful
load quick unload quick replace a clip powerful

Other quick actions include things like pushing a door closed. Slower actions could count as powerful actions or take a certain number of turns.

The character drops to a low crouch, sitting, kneeling or prone position on the ground. While a character is on the ground, they move more slowly (-2 movement, -2 to all hand to hand combat rolls except for grappling) but they are harder to hit with missile weapons (+2 to avoid a missile weapon, even without cover, unless the attack comes from above.) Dropping is a quick action.
Standing up is a quick action.
Instant Stand
Instant stand is a powerful action which includes standing up and gives the character a +2 defense bonus if they make a success roll: agility + acrobatics vs. difficulty zero. (If a character's agility + acrobatics ability is greater than 5 they automatically succeed.) If the roll fails the character stands without the defense bonus.