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P.B.R. (a.k.a. the Blue Ribbon Killers)

P.B.R., an acronym for "Pillage, Burn, Raze", the gang's motto for economically destructive attacks against opponents.

Enemies of PBR quip it actually stands for "Piss, Beer, Repeat" for PBR's drunkard reputation. Even so, even the most spiteful of opponents agree that these Orlocks seem to sober almost immediately when necessary. For as long as anyone can remember, P.B.R. has always been a twelve-member gang. The reason for this is very practical. Whenever they buy twelve-packs of beer, everyone gets one beer out of each twelve-pack. This makes math very simple, which is difficult to do under intoxication, and no one ever gets sipped out of their beer share.

They are also known as the Blue Ribbon Killers thanks to blue ribbons they attach to their weapons. The rumors of this practice's origins are unsure by the gang members themselves. The only thing they remember is that they were all really drunk at the time when they decided consensually that they should do it.

And they have done it ever since.

House/Gang Type: ORLOCK

Gang Rating: 1273

Wins to Loses Ratio - 0:1


In their first gang fight against The Sprocket Holes (Cawdor), PBR faced defeat. The lethal carnage from Raven of The Sprocket Holes, still just a juve, is earning her rumors that she is blessed by The Emperor's spirit. PBR refuses to believe this.

PBR did not go down without fighting tooth, nail, and claw. In a blaze of glory, they nearly well could have won the fight, but fate would say not today, not yet, not today. Both gangs lost their leaders. Ironically, both of the gang leader slayers would end up becoming the new gang leaders. Cold Colt assumed leadership of PBR and promises to be quite a character yet.

The battle report of this gang fight, "A Bad Day to Be A Leader", can be read. This is from the Orlocks' point of view.


Cold Colt (Leader, ex-Ganger)

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 100 EXPERIENCE: 32

Skills: Gunfighter Injuries: (None) Kills: Cawdor Gang Leader (The Sprocket Holes) - Cecil B. Demented Equipment: Autopistol; Autopistol

Notable History: After slaying The Sprocket Holes' gang leader, Cecil B. Demented, he was pinned by gunfire four or five times, but always emerged simply grazed, not even a wound, and never falling two stories down. Certainly, fate wanted him to survive in piece to become the new PBR leader.

Big Blatz (Heavy)

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 205 EXPERIENCE: 72

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Grenade Launcher - Frag Grenades, Autopistol, Clip Harness

Notable History: (None)

"Very Much" Sorley (Heavy - CAPTURED)

M4 WS2* BS2* S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 115 EXPERIENCE: 72

Skills: (None) Injuries: Right Hand Missing Two Fingers (BS 2), Head Wound - Stupidity, Blinded in One Eye (BS 2),(None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Flamer; Autopistol

Notable History: Raven's frag grenade singlely blew off fingers, carved an eyeball out with sharpnel, and permanently gave Sorley brain damage. He never got to use his flamer. Worse, they captured the dumb fucker on top of it. Understandably he was left for dead. No one had the mangled glob of flesh was still alive.

Old Mil (Ganger)

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 80 EXPERIENCE: 28

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Shotgun - Bolt Shells; Stub Gun - Dum Dum

Notable History: (None)

Hot Heile (Ganger)

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 75 EXPERIENCE: 27

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Lasgun; Knife

Notable History: (None)

"Icy" Rainier (Ganger)

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 75 EXPERIENCE: 26

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Shotgun - Manstopper, Flail

Notable History: (None)

"Gimme" Champale (Ganger)

M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7 --- TOTAL COST: 75 EXPERIENCE: 29

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Lasgun; Knife

Notable History: (None)

The Bohemian (Juve)

M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 --- TOTAL COST: 40 EXPERIENCE: 2

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Laspistol; Knife

Notable History: (None)

Mr. Best (Juve)

M4 WS2 BS2 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 --- TOTAL COST: 55 EXPERIENCE: 6

Skills: (None) Injuries: Horrible Scars (Causes Fear) Kills: (None) Equipment: Autopistol; Stub Gun - Dum Dum; Knife

Notable History: (None)

"Skin" Piels (Juve)

M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 --- TOTAL COST: 70 EXPERIENCE: 12

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Hand Flamer; Autopistol; Knife

Notable History: "Skin" Piels has been successful in his hand flamer.

Stag (Juve)

M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 --- TOTAL COST: 40 EXPERIENCE: 0

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Autopistol; Knife

Notable History: (None)


1) Slag 15

2) Holestead D6 x 10

3) Guilder Contact* D6 x 10

4) Slag 15

5) Mine Workings* D6 x 10

An asterix "*" denotes that the territory has special rules.





Captain Pabst (Leader- DECEASED)

M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8 --- TOTAL COST: 190 EXPERIENCE: 62

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Boltgun, Laspistol; Flail

Notable History: Killed by Zero Budget Lewis after taking out the infamous Satan Says You Need More Color Raven.

Stroh (Juve - DECEASED)

M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld6 --- TOTAL COST: 40 EXPERIENCE: 0

Skills: (None) Injuries: (None) Kills: (None) Equipment: Autopistol; Knife

Notable History: A brave soul, that took on odds about 5:1 after falling, getting up, and still cursing his enemies to eat shit. Rodney's bullets would finally be the ones to kill this Juve's already bullet ridden body.


This gang roster is a part of The Necromunda Gang Registry, an online project created by Project: Necromunda.