Last Emperor: Merit: Sneak Attack

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Sneak Attack (2 or 4 dots)

Prerequisite: Dexterity: *** (3), Weaponry: ** (2) or Firearms: ** (2)

Sneak attack allows the character to attack a target, one who is unsuspecting or unaware, and do extra damage on the attack by striking a vital spot.

For the 2 dot merit, the target must not be in combat and the character must catch them in a surprise round (the target must fail their Wit + Composure roll to notice the attack). If the character is using a ranged weapon, they must be firing from within 10 yards. The merit give a +1 bonus to the attack. Because the attacker is surprised, they don't get any Defense to the attack.

For the 4 dot merit, the target no longer has to be attacked in a surprise round. The character may sneak attack any opponent as long as the opponent is unaware of the character at the time of the attack. This level gives a +2 bonus to the attack.