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This section describe all the rules to be use to resolve combat in the game.

  1. Combat Statistics
  2. Combat Sequence
  3. Combat Exhaustion
  4. Combat Modifiers
  5. Combat Maneuver
  6. Injuries and Death

Injuries and Death


When fighting, most wound only reduce your hit points, but with total success and some feats, wound can be more serious and hinder seriously your character. Injuries last until a successful Treat Injury/Repair check is done or your wounds are completely healed (full hit points). Most injuries affect only living creatures with discernible anatomies. Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas that can be injured.


When you are bleeding, each action longer than short initiative or fast action make you lose some hit points. When you are doing light activity or stay put, you can manage to put pressure on your wound so it will not bleed any further.

Robots are affected by bleeding wound like any other living being. Instead of bleeding, they leak oil, cooling liquids or nanobots stream and suffer the same effect as living being

Bleeding wounds are not cumulative. You suffer only from the worse bleeding effect and ignore other bleeding wounds.


When you are crippled, you suffer from an injury to one of your legs or other appendage used to move yourself. This result in a speed penalty to your movement, a penalty in your maneuverability or both.

Only creature with discernible appendages that are used to move can be crippled. Oozes and incorporeal creatures are immune to crippling wound.

Crippling wounds are not cumulative. You suffer only from the worse crippling effect and ignore other crippling wounds.


When a wound is really painful, you have difficulty concentrating on what you are doing resulting in a pain penalty for every action you make.

Pain penalties are not cumulative. You suffer only from the worse pain effect ignore other painful wound.


A wound that stunned you was either a hit to the head or a hit that gives you a quick burst of pain. When stunned, you are disoriented and unable to take any action for a short period of time. If you were performing some action when receiving the stun, you automatically break your action with all consequences related to that.

Stunning duration are not cumulative, they overlap. Stun severities are not cumulative except in the case of non-lethal damage done to your Constitution.

When stunned, your action are limited by the severity of the stun as fellow.

Stun Severity Effect
Daze No Action
Stun No Defense
Knock Down Prone, No Reaction
Unconscious Knocked out and helpless

Ability Damage

Certain creatures, poisons and diseases cause temporary ability damage reducing your number of rank in an ability. Constitution damage is the most frequent one since it is reduced in combat when you have no more hit points.

When reduce to 0 ranks or lower, you suffer from disabilities. You suffer from the ability damage primary disability as soon as you reach 0 rank or lower. While suffering from the primary disability you need to make an Ability check DC 10 + your negative Ability score to avoid the secondary effect. If you failed your check, you now suffer from the secondary disability which make you enable to act in any way. If you succeed, you do not suffer from the disability, but need to check again each time you take an action or at every Long action (whichever is lower). On a total success, you stabilize and do not need to do further check to avoid secondary disability until you are hurt again, but you still suffer from the primary disability.

While you can be stabilize naturally with a total success, one of your ally can make you stable by doing a Treat Injury check DC 15 for physical ability or a Psychoanalysis check DC 15 for mental ability.

Dying from ability damage: If for any reason, you lost in ranks is double your Ability rank, your dead. Your body is still mostly intact and organs could be remove for a transplantation. For physical ability damage, Robots still have their memory chips intact and can be put in another body, but for mental ability damage Robots have their memory chips corrupted beyond repair and cannot be transferred into another body resulting in permanent dead for the robots.


Primary disability: You are disabled and you do not have the strength to stand-up and fall prone unable to make any move action at all.

Secondary disability: You are now considered helpless and cannot make any physical action except talking.


Primary disability: You are slowed. Every action done take 1 more initiative category to accomplish. All move action suffer from a speed penalty that double each square moved.

Secondary disability: You are now paralyzed and cannot make any physical action including talking.


Primary disability: You are disabled and suffer from 1 point of bleeding.

Secondary disability: You body cannot survive your wounds, you are dead.

Destroyed: Triple your constitution rank in damage

If you lose three times your Constitution, your body is completely destroyed and cannot be restored. For robots, this mean that even their memory chips have been destroyed and they cannot be put in a new body.


Primary disability: You are confused and not in control of your action.

Secondary disability: You fall into coma. You are helpless and not aware of your surrounding.


Primary disability: You become crazy. You act strangely and cannot used any skills that ask for Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. You are still aware of who are your friends and your foes and defend yourself while in danger.

Secondary disability: You fall into coma. You are helpless and not aware of your surrounding.


Primary disability: You are shaken as soon as you are in presence of someone that you do not know very well.

Secondary disability: You are recluse yourself inside your head and cannot interact with the outside world. If attacked, you will try to flee. You will only strike back if you are cornered and not able to flee.


After taking damage, you can recover hit points through natural healing or through medical healing. In any case, you can’t regain hit points past your full normal hit point total.

Natural Healing: With a full night’s rest (8 hours of sleep or more), you recover 1 hit point per Health Rank. Any significant interruption during your rest prevents you from healing that night.

If you undergo complete bed rest for an entire day and night, you recover twice your Health Rank in hit points.

Medical Healing: Various herbs, medication, heal check can restore hit points.

Healing Limits: You can never recover more hit points than you lost.

Healing Ability Damage: Ability damage is temporary, just as hit point damage is. Ability damage returns at the rate of 1 point per night of rest (8 hours) for each affected ability score. Complete bed rest restores 2 points per day (24 hours) for each affected ability score.