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Combat, Martial Art

This is your aptitude when fighting an opponent with your bare hand as a weapon. This represents your ability to hit someone and to receive hit from your opponent.


Ability Strength
Action Standard
Armor Penalty Maneuver
Untrained No
Concentration No

Description: This skill represent your ability to attack with your bare hands or feet used as a weapon. When using this skill, you are always considered armed (that is, you do not provoke attacks or opportunity from armed opponents when you attack them while unarmed).

Damage done by this skill depends on your size.

Martial Art Strike Damage
Size Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive 1
Tiny 1d2
Small 1d4
Medium 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 1d10
Gargantuan 2d6
Colossal 3d6

Check: The DC of your attack is the Defense of your opponent. If you beat your opponent Defense, you hit the opponent and cause him damage depending of your size.

Total Success: For each rank of Total Success, you can add another dice of damage.

Total Failure: You provoke an action of opportunity from your opponent. Your opponent has a bonus equal to the rank of Total Failure for his action.


Cleave, Sundering

Requisite: Improved Sunder, Cleave
When you destroyed a foe's weapon or shield with a successful sunder attempt, you gain an additional sundering attack against any foe at your reach as an opportunity action. You cannot take a 5-foot step before making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon as the attack that destroyed the previous item and suffers normal penalty for changing targets..
Specialist: You do not suffer any penalty for changing target while making a cleave attack.
Expert: You can take a 5-foot step before making the cleave attack but suffer a -4 penalty while doing so.
Master: You do not suffer any penalty for taking a 5-foot step before making your cleave attack.

Deflect Arrow

You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat. As a standard reaction, when you would normally be hit with a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so you take no damage from it. To deflect the missile, you must beat its attacker roll with your Martial Art Strike skill. You must be aware of the attack and not be flat-footed.
Specialist: When using the Deflect Arrows feat you may catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it. Thrown weapons can kept for later use or may immediately be thrown back at the original attacker as an attack of opportunity.

Flying Kick

Designate an opponent who is within the maximum distance you can reach with a successful Jump check. If your Jump check is successful, you can make a normal charge attack against that opponent as part of the same action.
Specialist: If your charge attack is successful, you inflict x2 normal damage.
Expert: If your charge attack is successful, you inflict x3 normal damage.
Master: If your charge attack is successful, you inflict x4 normal damage.


On a total success, you can replace one dice of damage to paralyze an arm or leg of a humanoid opponent. If a leg is paralyzed, the opponent suffers the same effect as a Crippling Strike. If an arm is paralyzed, the opponent cannot use his arm to attack, defend and drop anything in your hand. The paralyzing effect last for a Standard Action.


Your attack is so powerful that you can affect an enemy from distance. Your attack suffers a -4 penalty but become a range attack with 5 foot range increment. Your damage is reduced by one size category for every range increment.
Specialist: The range increment is increased to 10 feet.
Expert: The range increment is increased to 20 feet.
Master: The range increment is increased to 40 feet.

Sunder, Improved

You can now make a Sunder attack with your bare fist.
Specialist: When you strike at an object held or carried by an opponent, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Expert: You receive a +2 bonus to damage against items.
Master: You receive a +4 bonus to damage against items.

Weakening Touch

On a total success, you can replace one dice of damage weaken a humanoid opponent. The opponent has a -2 penalty to their Strength ability for a Long action. Weakening touches are not cumulative, duration overlap.
Specialist: The opponent has a -2 penalty to their Strength ability for a Very Long action.
Expert: The opponent has a -4 penalty to their Strength ability for a Very Long action.
Master: The opponent has a -4 penalty to their Strength ability for a Slow action.


Ability Dexterity
Action Standard
Armor Penalty Maneuver
Untrained No
Concentration No

Description: This skill represents your ability to efficiently grapple your enemy to immobilize or harm him. When using this skill, use the same rules as the melee grapple maneuver except that you do not provoke attack of opportunity from your opponents and you inflict greater damage that can be lethal if you want.

Damage done by this skill depends on your size.

Martial Art Sweep Damage
Size Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive 1
Tiny 1d2
Small 1d3
Medium 1d4
Large 1d6
Huge 1d8
Gargantuan 1d10
Colossal 2d6

Check: The DC of your attack is the Defense of your opponent. If you beat your opponent Defense, you are grappling the opponent and must beat his Stability to do other attack while grappling.

Total Success: For each rank of Total Success, you can add another dice of damage.

Total Failure: You provoke an attack of opportunity from your opponent. Your opponent has a bonus equal to the rank of Total Failure for his action.


Defensive Grapple

When grappling, you keep your normal Defense and you are not considered as No Defense.

Earth's Embrace

While pinning an opponent, you deal x2 damage for your automatic damage action.
Specialist: You deal x3 damage.
Expert: You deal x4 damage.
Master: You deal x5 damage.

Hold and Attack

Requisite: Defensive Grapple
While holding an opponent, you can attack with your off-hand other opponents in front of you. Those square are now considered threaten by you.
Your opponent can make an attack of opportunity to escape your hold for each attack you do in this way
Specialist: You threaten opponent in front of you and on your side.
Expert: You threaten opponent as if you were not grappling at all.
Master: Your opponent can't take an attack of opportunity to escape your grapple when attacking another opponent.

Human Shield

Requisite: Defensive Grapple
You can use the opponent you grapple as a shield to protect you giving you a one-quarter cover bonus to defense. Before each attack you use the opponent as a shield, your opponent can make an attack of opportunity to escape your grapple. If the opponent escape your grapple, your received no cover.
Specialist: One-half cover is provided by the opponent.
Expert: Three-quarters cover is provided by the opponent.
Master: Nine-tenths cover is provided by the opponent.

Human Weapon

You can use the opponent you are grappling as a weapon. You make a Martial Art Sweep attack to hit another opponent as a normal attack. On a success, both opponents take damage depending of the size of the other opponent plus any damage from armors by using the rules for unarmed fighting.[This rule do not exist yet!] Before you attack, your opponent can make an attack of opportunity with a +4 bonus to break your grapple. If the grapple is broken, your attack fails.
Size Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive 1
Tiny 1d2
Small 1d4
Medium 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 1d10
Gargantuan 2d6
Colossal 3d6
Specialist: Your opponent do not have bonus to break from your grapple.
Expert: You deal damage as if your opponent was one size category larger.
Master: You deal damage as if your opponent was two size categories larger.


If you beat your opponent Stability resistance, you can move while grappling an opponent but each square count as 4 squares. You drag your opponent that way and he have no choice to follow.
Specialist: Each square count as 3 squares.
Expert: Each square count as 2 squares.
Master: You can move normally while grappling.

Strong Embrace

You can add the ranks of your Sweep skill to your Stability for the purpose of holding your grapple.


You throw horizontally your opponent at a distance of 5 feet per Strength bonus. You can throw vertically your opponent at half the horizontal distance. : This automatically breaks the grapple.
Specialist: The distance is now 10 feet per strength bonus.
Expert: The distance is now 20 feet per strength bonus.
Master: The distance is now 40 feet per strength bonus.