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A Craft skill is specifically focused on creating something. If nothing is created by the endeavor, it probably falls under the heading of a Profession skill. Every Craft skill works the same way, they only apply to a different field of construction.

Check: You can practice your trade and make a decent living, earning your rank as Wealth Level per week of dedicated work. You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to perform the craft's daily tasks, how to supervise untrained helpers, and how to handle common problems. (Untrained laborers and assistants earn 0 wealth level per week.)

The basic function of the Craft skill, however, is to allow you to make an item of the appropriate type. The DC depends on the complexity of the item to be created. When crafting an item, you must also buy materials from which you will create an item. The Craft DC and the basic item cost depend on the item to create (See individual Craft skill or the equipment section for information on crafting a specific item).

As a general guideline, see table below for check DC needs to craft items.

Item Craft DC
Very simple item (wooden spoon) 5
Typical item (iron pot) 10
High-quality item (bell) 15
Complex or superior item (lock) 20

All crafts require artisan's tools to give the best chance of success. If improvised tools are used, the check is made with a -2 circumstance penalty. On the other hand, masterwork artisan's tools provide a +2 circumstance bonus on the check.

Repairing Items: The check DC to repair an item is 5 less than crafting the object and the purchase level of the Repair is also 5 less than the craft cost. With a repair action you can either restore 1d6 Core points or 1d10 hit points.

Action: The time need to craft an item is given in the equipment section. This can range from 1 hour to many days. Unless otherwise noted, repairing an object take 10 times less times than crafting it. An object that takes 1 hour to craft is repaired in 6 minutes.

Try Again: No, you need to start over if your Craft check fail.

Total Success: The item you craft is exceptional and have some enhancement to it. The GM may choose a specific feat benefits to apply to the item. When repairing an item, you restore an additional 1d6 Core points or another 1d10 hit points.

Total Failure: You hurt yourself while crafting an item taking 1 point of damage per rank of total failure. When repairing an item, you break the object which loses 1d4 Core points.

Each feat that enhanced an object increased it’s the base price by half a purchase level.

Feats available for all craft skill

Economic Craft

The craft purchase level of an item is reduced by half a level.
Specialist: The purchase level is reduced by 1.
Expert: The purchase level is reduced by 1 and a half.
Master: The purchase level is reduced by 2.

Economic Repair

The repair purchase level of an item is reduced by half a level.
Specialist: The purchase level is reduced by 1.
Expert: The purchase level is reduced by 1 and a half.
Master: The purchase level is reduced by 2.


When crafting an item, the item has a +1 quality bonus to its hardness.
Specialist: The item has a +2 quality bonus to its hardness.
Expert: The item has a +3 quality bonus to its hardness.
Master: The item has a +4 quality bonus to its hardness.

Light Item

When crafting an item, the item is only 90% of its normal weight.
Specialist: The item is only 80% of its normal weight.
Expert: The item is only 70% of its normal weight.
Master: The item is only 50% of its normal weight.

Repair, Improved

When repairing an item, your repair restore +1 core points or +2 hit points.
Specialist: Your repair restore +2 core points or +4 hit points.
Expert: Your repair restore +4 core points or +8 hit points.
Master: Your repair restore +8 core points or +16 hit points.


When crafting an item, the item has a +2 quality bonus to its hit points.
Specialist: The item has a +4 quality bonus to its hit points.
Expert: The item has a +8 quality bonus to its hit points.
Master: The item has a +16 quality bonus to its hit points.

Strong Core

When crafting an item, the item has a +1 quality bonus to its core ranks.
Specialist: The item has a +2 quality bonus to its core ranks.
Expert: The item has a +4 quality bonus to its core ranks.
Master: The item has a +8 quality bonus to its core ranks.


Ability Intelligence
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration Yes

Proficiency: Each item type

Description: General craft is a broad skill that encompass every small object you can craft that are not covered by other craft skill. This includes, but is not limited to, normal household items, clothes, tools and even cooking complex meals.

Check: See Equipment Section

Try Again: Yes, but each time, you must pay for the material.

Action: The time you spend on this skill depends of the object you want to create.


Ability Intelligence
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration Yes

Proficiency: Craft skill

Description: Repair is large scope skill that allows a character to repair everything that can be created with a craft skill without having that skill. While very versatile, this skill is not advanced like a craft skill. With a repair skill, you can only repair the Core of an object, making it functional again but the object is still very fragile. A repair check restores 1d4 Core points to an object.

Check: The check DC to repair an item is the same as crafting the object and the purchase level of the Repair is 3 less than the craft cost.

Try Again: Yes, but each time, you must pay for the repair material.

Total Success: You repair the item for another 1d4 Core points.

Total Failure: You break the object which loses 1d4 Core points.

Action: Repairing an object take 10 times less times than crafting it. An object that takes 1 hour to craft is repaired in 6 minutes.


Repair, Easier

When repairing an item, your repair DC is 1 less than the craft DC.
Specialist: Your repair DC is 2 less than the craft DC.
Expert: Your repair DC is 3 less than the craft DC.
Master: Your repair DC is 4 less than the craft DC.

Repair, Improved

When repairing an item, your repair restore +1 core points.
Specialist: Your repair restore +2 core points.
Expert: Your repair restore +4 core points.
Master: Your repair restore +8 core points.