Iyanden From The Ashes Psy

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Using Psy[edit]

Fettered: Half or Less Farsight/Channelling: No Phenoms when +/- 1, level 1s at +/-3, 2s +/- 5, etc (1/2 Difference - 1 = level of Phenom)

Unfettered: Up to F/C: Phenom level = difference between result and difficulty

Push: above F/C: 2x Difference + 1 = level of Phenom

Perils occur when Will threshold is exceeded in addition to the Consequence taken.

Divinatory Runes add 1 per time increment increase to the max Skill usable while still being Fettered. Maximum of Unfettered Skill.

Witchblades can convert Phenoms into physical damage to the user and lower the Phenom by one category. Using it this way is optional, you could just suffer the Phenom.

Ghost Helms allow a re-roll of Will when resisting Phenoms or add +1 to the roll (choose after rolling)

Runes of Witnessing negate all Phenoms of +/- 1 even while Unfettered.

You may use a power not in your Path but the Perils increase by one category and you are -2 to the roll.



Telepathy: Send and receive thoughts and images, distance determined with Skill check. May take extra time to increase range to a max of half Farsight rank more increments.

Divination: Can make Assessments and Declarations about the future. Additional time as Telepathy.

Guide: Allies in same zone become more accurate, range 0

Doom: One target becomes vulnerable, increase Penetration of all attacks against it range 2

Fortune: Allies may re-roll defense, range 0


Eldritch Storm: Make an area Attack vs everything in the zone. Damage 2+X, Pen 0 Range 2, AP/AT. X = Size of target.

Mind War: Make an attack vs Will against a single target you can see and whom you have telepathic contact with. You gain contact with a Maneuver. Damage is dealt to both Composure and Health. Damage (Will-1) Pen (ignores armor) Range (sight)



Telepathy: As Farseer

Divination: As Farseer

Channeling (X = half Channeling rating)

Conceal: Allies in same zone have concealment with Density X

Destructor: Attack vs Celerity, Damage Xf, Pen X Range 1 Area

Embolden: Allies in same zone may re-roll tests to resist fear, intimidation or morale effects. Counts as armor vs Insanity attacks with Hardness X

Enhance: Allies in zone gain +1 to Assault rolls, affects X allies if constant (ie by Stunt)