Iyanden From The Ashes Weapons

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Weapons have two ratings: Damage/Range and Penetration. Damage is how much Stress is added, Pen compares to hardness, if its equal or greater the hardness is halved vs that attack (round down). When you hit with Spin (by 3+) you halve the target's armor, if your weapon Penetrates that level of armor you ignore it entirely.


1 - Improvised weapons (clubs, small hand tools)

2 - Light Weapons (knives, pistols)

3 - Basic Weapons (swords, rifles)

4 - Support Weapons (shuri-cannons, starcannons)

5 - Heavy Weapons (lances, pulse lasers)


1 - monoblades, light shurikens

2 - heavy shurikens, low intensity lasers, chainswords

3 - high intensity lasers, power weapons

4 - Lances and pulsars

5 - Fusion weapons


1 - Pistols, Shuriken Catapults

2 - Lasblasters

3 - Long Rifles, Starcannons

4 - Pulse Lasers, Reaper Launchers

5 - Prism Cannons


Weapon Dmg Pen Range Aspects
Combat Knife 1 1 0 Small, AP
Witchblade 3 * 0 Witchblade, AP/AT
Mourning Light 4 * 0 Large, Mourning Light, AP/AT


Weapon Dmg Pen Range Aspects
Shuriken Pistol 2 1 1 Small, Firefight(2), AP
Fusion Pistol 4 5 0 Small, Melta, AT


Weapon Dmg Pen Range Aspects
Shuriken Catapult 3 1 1 Firefight(3), AP
Ranger Long Rifle 3 2 3 Large, Aimed, Accurate, AP

Weapon Aspects[edit]

Accurate: +1 to Firefight when you have Maneuvered to aim at the target

Aimed: -1 to hit Zones closer than Range rating

AP: Anti-Personnel, weapon is meant to kill people

AT: Anti-Tank, weapon is anti-vehicular and has a -2 to hit small targets

Firefight: Number of enemies that can be damaged at once

Large: large ranged weapon requires bracing, a Supplemental action. Bracing lasts until you move or fight in Assault. Large Melee weapons always require both hands.

Melta: Devastating to vehicles and structures, doubles damage when at half Range or less (min 0)

Mourning Light: This massive Witchblade uses the wielder's full Channeling for its Pen and adds the Lance Aspect when making AT attacks.

Small: Usable in one hand, concealable

Witchblade: The Pen of a Witchblade equals half the wielder's Channeling. Additional effects in Psy rules section.