WFRP2 The Outing Leicheberg

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Leicheberg is a tiny hamlet that straddles the Stirland/Sylvania border. Because of it's close proximity to Sylvania the town is highly religious and is very uneasy around visitors and outsiders. The town has a population of approximately 100 families (about 400-500 total population), but the town itself is very small and most of the population resides on farms surrounding it.

Humans and halflings are extremely common in this town, and dwarves are not an usual sight (there are maybe 50 dwarves in town). There are only a handful of elvish families in the community.

The townspeople are highly religious followers of Sigmar. It doesn't mean your character has to be, but odds are most of the grown ups have either tried to convert you or lectured you about living life the way Sigmar decreed it was meant to be lived. Anybody who doesn't show up to church every week is shunned by the community.

Arcane magic is highly distrusted by 99% of the townsfolk, so if you are a Wizard odds are the town will be quite happy to see you off on your Outing.

When a member of the community does return, there is usually a great celebration held in their honor and they tell stories of their travels. At this point the young one is considered an adult and a full member of the community (the townsfolk will even build them a house and help them setup land around it for farming or whatever purpose they need).