Alaric of Tournai, Sorcerer and Sellsword
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Biographical Info[edit]
- Name: Alaric of Tournai
- Gender: Male
- Age: 25
- Height: 5'10"
- Weight: 160 lbs.
- Background: Born to an upper class family in Tournai, Alaric lacked for nothing in his early years. But the family's fortunes changed four years ago, when Alaric's father unwisely supported an upstart general with pretensions to the throne. When the treasonous plot was exposed, nearly everyone who'd backed the would-be usurper was executed, and Alaric, who was just completing his magical studies at the time, escaped Tournai with his life and very little else. Since then, Alaric has roamed far from home, doing odd jobs where he can, usually as a sell-sword, sometimes as a scribe. It all depends on who's paying and how much, and what advantage he can seize for himself. He longs for the day when he can build enough wealth to regain the privileged life he once had.
- Class: Dabbler
- Level: 3
- Level Title: Swordmaster-Conjurer
- XP: 8068
- Next Level XP:
- Alignment: Neutral
- STR: 13 (+1 to hit, damage, open doors)
- INT: 13 (read/write native languages, +1 added language)
- WIS: 9
- DEX: 9
- CON: 10
- CHR: 13 (+1 reaction adjustment, 5 retainers, retainer morale 8)
Combat Stats[edit]
- AC: 7
- HP: 16/16
- Move: 120/40/120
- Saving Throws:
- Death Ray or Poison: 12
- Magic Wands: 13
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13
- Dragon Breath: 15
- Rod, Staff, or Spell: 15
Race and Class Abilities[edit]
Spells Known[edit]
First Level[edit]
- Charm Person
- Detect Magic
- Floating Disc
- Hold Portal
- Light
- Magic Missile
- Protection from Evil
- Read Languages
- Read Magic
- Shield
- Sleep
- Ventriloquism
Second Level[edit]
- Invisibility
Spells Memorized[edit]
- Sleep
- Sleep
- Invisibility
Gear and Treasure[edit]
- Total: 350 cn
- Armor: Leather armor (200 enc)
- Semispatha (30 enc)
- Short bow and arrows (30 enc)
- Dagger (10 enc)
- Backpack (80 enc)
- Light Armor: Leather armor (200 enc, 20 gp) (worn)
- Shield (100 enc, 10 gp) (stored)
- Heavier Armor: Chain mail (250 enc) (stored)
- Weapon: 1 semispatha (30 enc, 7 gp), 1 dagger (10 enc, 3 gp), short bow and arrows (13) (30 enc, 30 gp) (carried)
- Signet ring (100 gp)
- Backpack (80 enc, 5 gp)
- Waterskin (1 gp)
- 6 torches (1 gp)
- Tinderbox, flint, & steel (3 gp)
- Spellbook
- Gems
- 1 X 500 gp (1 enc)
- 4 X 100 gp (4 enc)
- Coins
- 60 gp
- Barding, AC 5, 600 enc
- HPs: 10
- White, no patches or markings. Blonde mane and tail. Brown eyes.
- Trait: Sure-footed
- Carrying: Chain mail (250 enc), Shield (100 enc)
Dabbler Class[edit]
Per Julius Sleazer, the Dabbler differs from the Elf in the following ways:
- Infravision dropped.
- Extra elven languages retained, although replaced with human rather than demi-human & humanoid languages.
- Immunity to Ghoul Paralysis dropped.
- Detect Secret Doors dropped.
- Unlike the Elf, the Dabbler may not cast spells while wearing armor. However, the Dabbler is unrestricted as to shields. As long as he obeys the "one hand free rule", he can hold a shield in one hand and sling sorcery with the other. The Dabbler is also permitted to fight in any armor, but may not cast spells while armored.
- The Dabbler has unlimited level advancement.
- The Dabbler is a human, having the lifespan, size, etc. of one.
For everything not mentioned above, treat as an Elf. Elf saving throws are retained.
Must have minimum INT of 9. Prime reqs are STR and INT. With 13 or better in both prime reqs, +5% to earned XP. If STR is 13 or better and INT is 16 or better, +10% to earned XP.
Original idea for the Dabbler came from The Fiendish Dr. Samsara's blog article.