Once more with feeling/Xytrisae/Is captured by a foe and rescued by De`aneir`a inadvertently

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Xytrisae, The Azure River of Song and Sword

After her escape from the Freehold, she had managed to only delay the inevitable. The Church of Balor was intent. Nothing would disuade them, nothing shy from force opposite from them. Her options were limited, but he knew, like all Heroes should that she will win. Though at the moment she was in quite the pickle, perhaps she should not have said what she had just moments ago. Silly Imperial Raksha!

“Some people, just can’t take a joke,” Xytrisae grumbles as she holds tightly to the broad wrists of the Raksha that held her by her slender neck. Her serpentine tail flailed on the grassy ground of Creation’s East. Angry red eyes stared at her, the Raksha’s tentacles wrapped around her waist, and grasped her tail. He certainly was a horror to behold. It had been months since she had faced and failed against the Church of Balor, atleast her story had given her enough to time to escape. She had promised her then to learn the powers of the Way, but that would take more time than she could ill afford. Besides she was an enemy to everything and everyone.

“Azure River, your days are numbered. Be thankful that it was I that found you and not some other.”

“Oh,” I say gasping, perhaps, she thinks to herself, I have been around the mortals too much, “W, why is that?”

“Cause you are a mere Ornamental Raksha now, you are masterless and yet a prize to behold. Like a good possession, but I will need your Heart Grace.”

“Is this… a fixation, I swear. Does… no one do it… by oath anymore,” Xytrisae says struggling weakly against him. Her Sword Grace already lay between them, held by a tentacle, and her Heart Grace was vulnerable to being snatched from her. Aesir always berated her for having her Heart Grace so easy to snatch.

“What reason do I need an Oath from you Azure River? I merely want your obedience for eternity.”

“Well…” she groans, “You cannot hope to have it. Nearby the ones called Exalted have answered my call. They will be swarming you from the City of Denandsor, slaying you without mercy, ignoring all the rules that we follow in the Wyld. And I shall be laughing at your downfall when it happens.” It was quite the ploy but anyone who was anyone knew of the Exalted that fled the Nexus, where even now other Raksha had been trapped due to the terrible works of the Null-Possibilities of the dead, and had taken the City of Denandsor, a place even the Raksha had not been able to or willing to touch back in the First Crusade.

“Oh and another thing. I’m Creation’s Heroine. I will show you how to treat a hero.” Screaming across the earth charged Aegis Stinger and the Raksha’s eyes widen as both claw and tail tore into the him. Xytrisae falls to the ground groaning her tail sluggishly writhing as she lays there while Aegis and her foe battled it at. She then looked up a familiar sound filling the sky. She remembered it from the First Crusade. The flying machine Five Metal Shrike.

“Aegis, retreat.” Both fair folk and Behemoth turn and move quickly away leaving a rather stunned enemy behind. Without warning twin whining sounds filling air as a shadow fell over the land. A flash of light was all it took and the Raksha that had been her enemy was now made less Real by the strength of the Exalted flying behemoth. Still as Xytrisea looked up to watch the vessel in the sky she noticed something different about this one. Perhaps it wasn’t the same one that she had to flee from back in the First Crusade. Well maybe she could make friends with it. And where was Aesir, the Crusaders would be in this ‘waypoint’ soon enough! And she still had to figure away to make nice with the Creation Born. A heroine can’t work alone, she needs at least the supporting cast of others.

A hatch opened and a winged woman poked her head out, a glowing arrow poised to fire upon her. "Well doesn't this just beat everything."