Shadowwalkers: Cortex Prime by Night - Raven
Rosalind "Raven" Park :: Bloodless[edit]
Character Quote[edit]
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Roles and Knacks 
A vampire tried to make Rosalind his eternal bride after seeing her dance. She managed to fight him off at just the right time for the process to leave her not quite living or undead, then left him staked in the sun. Vamps seem to expect her to look for a job taking care of daytime dirty work for their kind, and she's leveraging that to try and get the worst members of the 'sanguinarian community' staked or exiled. She spends most of her working time providing a lower-intensity alternative to help people get over the effects of bite addiction.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction.
Working girl
The only euphenism she'll accept, as it at least acknowledges the work part. Stripping and occasional booking as an escort kept her from racking up college loans for a degree she ended up not getting, and her new 'day job' is more than intimate enough to qualify even if it doesn't always go there. She's used to being looked down on by many people who know what she does, and sometimes gives into the temptation to throw it in their faces - or actively use it. Also, she tends to be particularly cagey around any sort of law enforcement even when not doing anything that would legitimately merit suspicion. She'd rather have been a professional ballroom dancer, but that's a real long shot and it's not like those lessons went entirely to waste...
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction.
One of those girls: You know the rep you carry and how to use it... but society always pushes back. When drawing attention by violating social decorum, step up or double Performer and take a d6 social complication (or step one up) representing social opprobium (like 'That shameless hussy!') or undesired levels of attention (like 'entitled stalker').
That which doesn't kill you has made a tactical error... but it's probably going to try again. Rosalind's seen some shit and got scars on her very soul, but she's still here. But sometimes survival means compromise or taking a different path, and it's not always obvious when it's a time to stand or a time to put her head down.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction.
Only way out is through: Pain can give you a rush of adrenaline. Shame can flare into righteous anger. Maybe you can push past it... or run right into the wall. Spend 1 PP to treat a complication as an asset for a single roll, but if it fails, take the complication die as stress of the GM's choice.
Bloodless Power Set[edit]
An encounter with vampires left you half in and half out of their world. As one of the Bloodless you are not burdened by a need to breathe, and cannot be killed by any means that rely on lack of oxygen to bring about death.
Powers: Rank one power at and two at
- Vamnpric Form:
A host of physical changes come over the bodies of the Bloodless as they take on the mantle of potential immortality.
- Vampric Mind:
There is just something about the Bloodless' presence, the way they move, the intensity of their gaze, the cadence of their speech. You have inherited this ability to reach beyond the conscious mind and tap into the subconscious, influencing and even overwhelming the thoughts of the one you focus on, leading them to do your bidding.
- Flight of the Harbingers:
You can explode into a murder of crows and move anywhere within 50' of your starting point provided you can see it. Any mortal stress taken while in swarm form is halved, round down. At the end of the turn the Bloodless must reform.
SFX: Spend a pp to perform a single power in a high stakes action without needing to roll the dice.
Limit: [Conscious Activation] If taken out, asleep, or unconscious, shut down the Bloodless Power Set. Restore Bloodless Power Set when you awake.
Limit: [Hunger] Shut down any Bloodless power to gain a pp. Activate an opportunity to restore the power.
Stress Tracks[edit]
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Spiritual Stress[edit]

"...look. I don't really want to talk about the creep who wanted to make me the Bride to his Dracula. He's ash in the wind, and nobody in the city now is part of his strain. Even some of the vamps double-take when my eyes go black. How? I don't know. I think I just got lucky, he got careless, and I took the opening. I don't think there's much that separated me from the victims who get turned into blood dolls or drained corpses (or both in order, all too often) or dragged into and back from the grave and... Ugh. Fuck. Yeah, I felt pretty badass, at least until the hunger pangs hit, but I can't... Bragging about it feels like blaming all the other victims for not being strong enough to overcome a literally superhuman predator."
"And fuck that. Because that's what they do. Not all of them, it's not like it's hard-wired. One vamp I met sticks to the polycule he was in before getting turned and that's all the blood he needs and arguably nobody gets really injured but also it's not like any of them could want to leave him now since yeah it's addictive so relationships are going to be inherently unequal and... ugh, sidetracked. Enough bloodsuckers don't give a shit about consent that normies who can recognize one have every reason to feel unsafe unless they know them, and even then there's always that nagging possibility. And even a lot of the so-called 'good ones' get itchy fangs when you start calling shit out. Hashtag not-all-vampires."
"Stake and a sunrise is the nuclear option. Not that I haven't used them, but free-wheeling vigilante justice goes bad places, and the Bloodline gets really on edge when it looks like vampire hunters are rolling in. So... when a bloodsucker turns into a festering parasite, I let their 'peers' use me to slap them down. It's not quite a happy accident that breaking their little Masquerade usually involves wantonly abusing mortals, and if someone's being awful but quiet then getting them to stumble into the spotlight is... possible, at least. With the other bloodsuckers making sure their support network is tied up, I can make the problem go away while it's naptime. There's always some that the system twists itself to protect from consequences, of course. But even they have enemies... which means I need to make friends I really don't like, but smiling through that sort of shit was already in my job description before any of this happened. Shit, I'm talking like I'm Jane fucking Wick but aside from my would-be Sire there's been two in the two years since I got this way and, uh, I still get shaky. And it's like... they seemed to expect this of me, once they found out about me. It's where their system tries to put people like me. That doesn't feel great."
"Now, me, I don't actually need to drink blood, and I couldn't live off it alone either, but I get the pangs, and it does make it easier to go full queen-of-the-night. My bite kinda does the same thing, too, makes people feel good... Look, hey, even if I was just putting on costume teeth, there's enough people out there who fantasize about this shit enough that, well... you can make money catering to that niche. Not that I ever really wanted to except around Halloween. Yeah, I've always had a basement tan and leaned on the gothy side but come on... Anyway. Um. Most vamps (and honestly, anything about them has to be prefaced with 'most', because there's all these little variations, like my weird eyes), their bite is addictive as hell. Not that I've ever shot it up myself, but people who've had both tell me it's close to heroin. So if vamps are like heroin, then I'm like methadone. And... yeah. I pretty much support myself right now by providing that substitute, nibbling on former victims desperate to find someone to open their veins to. Yeah. I know methadone treatment isn't perfect and that part of the analogy definitely holds and I hate thinking about that but a girl's got to make a living, and I feel like I'm doing more good than going back to dancing in clubs. I think I've managed to keep any of my clients from getting hooked on me so far, but... I don't know what to do if that happens. Tell myself it's probably still better than being some cackling Bela Lugosi wannabe's blood doll? No. Need to find a better option... Maybe I should go back to school, get a psych degree? It's not like they cover guidelines for this sort of thing. Hell, this city, maybe they do if I look hard enough."
"Because vampires aren't the only spooky things out there and they're all here. Once I got a little spook in me I started seeing that. Most just wanna do their thing, some are predators, some are helpful or at least trying to be. And then there's people like me who just have one foot on the other side; even though we're all different, those are the people it's easiest for me to relate to now. Even if I don't feel like I can let them in on everything I do."
Raven lives in a basement apartment in a converted Victorian-esque townhouse near the west corner of downtown, a couple blocks south of the riverfront where there's less tourist traffic, lower property value and more 'seedy' entertainment. She very definitely doesn't work there, and overall avoids bringing anyone but trusted companions (a circle not likely to be much beyond the fellow PCs) there. The entryway and living room are set up to give the impression of tasteful, if dark and minimalist, design, while the kitchenette and bedroom are generously described as 'organized chaos' (and less generously as 'disaster areas'). She sleeps on a bed, not a coffin or anything crazy like that, though her sleep schedule is 'messed up' to say the least and generally so is her bed. (She's settled into something vaguely anti-crepuscular, usually getting half her sleep in the morning a little after dawn and early evening before proper dusk.)
Her 'day job' mostly takes place in rooms at the Hotel Riviera, once a city landmark but now distinctly out of vogue as it slumps in the shadow of the intersection of the north I-115 spur and Oxbow Bridge. Its decor was classy in the 50's, and hasn't been updated. Or even refurbished for the most part.
Raven has a 2023 Yamaha YZF-R3 in phantom purple. Don't mention the Vespa she used to ride.
- The Bloodline (Neutral) - Too damn positive, and yet instrumental. They're all too happy to have someone 'among them' who can comfortably take care of business by day, or at least they act like it. She'd expected some sort of pushback to arise when word of her little 'rehab' business spread, but it seems to have generally been perceived as an excellent hustle to get delicious blood and her clients' money. It makes her wonder if she's just fooling herself about that. Then there's the clique that thinks she's starting a fad in 'ethical consumption'. And whatever their apparent opinion, she gets the feeling that most of the bloodsuckers are just buttering her up to try and grab as theirs permanently.
- The Jacksaw Pack (Negative) - Raven's not exactly sure how she offered them grave offense to start with. Maybe it was putting rat poison out in her apartment. Maybe it was telling off that clique of short, beady-eyed creeps that she refused to work a bachelor party for. Maybe whatever bloodline she's sort-of-inherited has a longstanding thing with rodents. Whatever it was originally, giving Blackpaw's little brother a broken snout when he tried to lay hands on her in an alley behind a club has definitely cemented it - though even Blackpaw agrees his little brother was asking for it, so vengeance probably isn't coming on swift little paws. Yet.
- Cobbletown (Positive) - Raven's not from a blue collar background, but right after her change upended her life (and her parents had already cut off support when she came out to them in her freshman year), Cobbletown was the only place she could afford anything more than a hotel room to rent. She didn't exactly fit in, but the people there were... nice. She still comes back to the same shop to keep her motorcycle in shape, though her new ride needs less frequent and desperate care than her previous elderly Vespa. She'd rather not see development force everyone out.