The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose: Second "Doctor" In Rose Murder Identified

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Second "Doctor" In Rose Murder Identified[edit]

Criminal Connections Rumored

The Detroit Evening Times, tireless defender of civic safety, has identified the second mystery figure in the Irish Rose murder. Obediah Walters, known locally as "Doc" Obed, was positively identified by Irish Rose staff as the accomplice of the sinister figure DeWitt Ecker. The good doctor has long been haunted by rumors of dipsomaniacal tendencies and associations with the shadier elements of this fair city, and has been charged on several occasions of operating without a medical license, though never convicted. What the connection is between Walters, Ecker and Macklin remains obscure, but without a doubt neither of the "medical professionals" consulted by the valiant truth seekers of the Detroit Police Department is entitled to the name. Were these "doctors" on hand to supervise the initial investigation of the Rose killing on behalf of certain local "community groups," or to evaluate the work of more recent arrivals? Send any information regarding either of these two men to Frank Lovejoy, Box 13, care of the Detroit Evening Times.

Published August 7, 1932