The Way Back Home Grülians

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Diminutive Xenoform
Likely slave cast or scavenger
Threat: Xenos Minima


For anybody that have encountered Grülians they are a diminutive race, usually standing four foot tall being encased in an armored suit of environmental armor covered with pockets and small devices to make their tasks easier. The definitive thing about the race is their particular helmets which are reminiscent to the Astartes Corvus helmets only with a stubbed nose and an extra dish like helmet over their heads with minor tubes going into the back of both. For this reason, and the fact that they can speak Low Common in a passable Low Hive accent they often pass themselves as Ratlings with extensive bionic replacements, usually ex-Mechanicus Reclimators to make better use of their technical skills.
Underneath that is a rather unremarkable xeno form, with light gray, mostly hairless flesh that is often scared with chemical burns, industrial scars, and fresh bruises. They have five stubby fingers that have unusual dexterity in manipulating their surroundings. Their heads have been described as either mole or porcine in nature, with a muzzle ending abruptly in a pink snout with the odd whisker in front of some beady little eyes. Their teeth are short and ominverous in nature, more akin to a rodent of some kind than the divine human form.


There are large swathes of the grülian history still unknown to the Inquisition or Mechanicus, mostly out of disinterest, mainly the location of their home world. From what can be gleamed from their biology and society is that they come from some heavily polluted world somewhere in the dark recesses of the Segmentum Obscuras. This home world was likely an old Hive world from the Dark Age of Technology or some other environmentally destructive Xenos empire since there was a great deal of abandoned archeotech that they had free range with despite it being mostly broken. They likely have evolved from some sort of native rodent that managed to survive in the deadly environment with greater intelligence to survive rusted and decaying environment. For who knows how long, the grülians managed to exist in relative peace until like many other inferior lifeforms, it was shattered by the common of some ork WAAAGGGHHH! that swept over the planet stomping everything that resisted. Once the fight was over, the orks have conquered the world, and taking everything they could for their next fight, and the main thing they plundered were the grülians themselves who miraculously were able to take the haphazard ork tech and make it work, making them phenomenally useful slaves to the Meks.
From there on, grülians were hauled away on ork ships as 'Fixy Grotz' being of similar stature and attitude to their own greenskin underclass, being bullied to fix and improve everything their task masters could, and any Mek worth their teeth had their own band of slaves. From here on they spread across the galaxy with the ork warbands, though as they gotten to know how the kruzers work they would stage mutinies to escape to some other system searching for freedom from their lives of oppression. Along the way some of these free grülians snuck their way into the Imperium mostly in the bilges of ships, Lower Hives, or the drains of Forge Worlds. They stay in the undesirable portions of humanity, those that are heavily polluted in a way that is close enough to their home world, taking many odd jobs fixing things, trying to become essential in the dredge community by doing jobs for cheaper than Mechanicus or licensed Reclimators would. Occasionally annual purges of undesirable mutants and the like come across evidence of grülian habitation or graveyards, but rarely finding any intact societies to kill these particular xenos knowing when the crack down was coming to get out of town.

Personality & Culture[edit]

Two things are at the forefront of a grülian's minds; freedom and curiosity. For the most part any grülian enclave will have members that have been a slave in their life time and will regale the young ones with horror stories of their time in an ork hold, instilling them with a sense of nationalist pride in their own automity to remake their own way in the universe. It is unknown if it is part of their instincts or was beaten into their heads from their times with the Big Meks, but they have the dangerous habit of poking and trying to understand everything they come in contact with, especially of a technical nature. This has ended up destroying a settlement or two, but has allowed them to quickly catch up with the millennia old Mechnaius settlements to compete with them and tinkering in ways the Omnissiah never meant for. This has earned them the ire of the Mechanius in may ways, though in general Imperial governors don't wish to waste money upon some xenos that for the most part keep their heads down and unusually do pay their tithes if prompted to when it could be spent on putting down Chaos cultists or golden peacocks. In general, they have an overdeveloped sense of duty with their work having their own form of personal honor revolving about how purifying it is to their soul and labor is it's own reward, but something that is going to help a community's infrastructure in some way have priority over other items.