Wisrtum:Creatures:Venkh Orc

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Venkh Orcs are most often a shade of pale forest-green. A few, however, are born with ashen-colored skin, which is belived to be a sign that the Orc in question has been touched by the clan totem-spirit. Orc hair is typically thin, wiry, and jet-black, even in old Orcs. Orcs have a set of massively enlarged lower incisors which contributes to the Orcish tenancy to drool. Orcs often carve ornate patterns into these lower incisors, as a mark of rank within the clan.

Orcish society is tribal, each tribe by a strange sort of Oligarchy. This Oligarchy has two arms the military arm, lead by the Kish'nu or "Chieftan". The Kish'nu may appoint an arbitrary number of advisers, to aid him in war campaigns, or the business of government. Such advisers are called Mik'Tow, roughly translated "Officer", and speak for the Kish'nu when he is not present. A single Vetzut, or "Shaman" is assumed to speak for the tribe's totem spirit, and occasionally departed dead. As such, the word of the Vetzut caries much weight and even the Kish'nu is beholden to it, to some degree. The Vetzut advises the Kush'nu as the will of the tribes totem spirit, and of the dead. As such, much of what the Vetzut does is designed to placate or earn the favor of the spirits, especially before a major battle or the start of a military campaign.

All other able bodied males are either hunters who ensure the day-to-day needs of the tribe are met, or warriors. Many of the ranks of male Orcs are warriors. Warriors, contribute to society by staging small raids and otherwise being available for purposes of war.

Female Orcs are trained as equals until they reach maturity. At that time, they must fight hand-to-hand against a male Orc of the same age; until one, or the other is unconscious. If the female fails, she is sent to the tribes Huush'naag or "Breeding-Annex" where all such females are force-bred until they are no longer fertile. This is done to ensure the large number of Orcs necessary fight in any of the Orcs many military campaigns. If she wins, she has earned the right to fight as a warrior, and may take any husband she pleases. Any male who looses the fight, is removed from military service, and given hunting duties instead.

Orcs keep slaves, to see to the menial tasks in their society. Some taskmasters treat their slaves better than others. However, such slaves are treated as property. Many are treated cruelly. Female slaves can expect to be force bred with other slaves, or worse male Orcs. Male slaves work any land the tribe may posses. Slaves caught attempting escape are typically beaten, or maimed.

Half-Orcs are treated with mild contempt, and are considered weakened by their Human heritage. Many Half-Orcs live as slaves. However it is possible for a Half-Orc to prove himself, and attain status in the warrior-caste. Such happenings are rare, but not unheard-off, especially during major military campaigns.

Orcs believe that all peoples, themselves included, are becoming increasingly decrepit. This notion, a theological concept called Luul, compels the Orcs to wage war. In their view: only by destroying the weak in their society and others can the long-term survivability of any and all races be assured.