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== Races of Man == The ancient voyagers who came to Pergo were composed of many different races, created by unfathomable methods in order to handle the alien environs. Over time, some of these races died out or formed hybrids while others grew yet more distinct through natural evolution. These variant humans, or parahumans, are scattered across the globe, inhabiting even the most inhospitable and isolated areas. Some are images of physical perfection, with hypnotic grace and prodigious mental powers, others are freakish and barely human in appearance or action, bred for servitude or survival in the harshest climes, and still others demonstrate only subtle differences. === Creel === Creel are a hardy race that once spread throughout the world following the Great Ruin, but now their populations are dwindling and they find themselves unable to compete with or adapt to encroaching civilization. In the Analeton, Dolominio writes that a cabal of seers, having divined that the end of the world drew nigh, begged the intercession of the goddess Mardalae, Lady of Sorrows, to spare them from the destruction and upheaval to follow. She bid them take only two individuals of their choosing, for each man two women, and for each woman, two men, and flee far into the wilderness where she would protect them. Shortly thereafter, she transformed them physically and mentally in the manner best to deal with both the hardships of war, disease, and famine, but also with the psychological burden of the loss, and these were the progenitors of the Creel race. This legend very clearly predates Analeton, and numerous variants of it have appeared in cultures throughout the South. Increasingly, however, many scholars believe that the Creel existed well before the Great Ruin, but only thrived during the ensuing period afterward. Today, the Creel survive primarily in the arid, resource poor regions of south and central Provendo, and in the steppes between the Stadden and the Quanaradi ranges. Other areas in Otovan formerly had large Creel populations, especially in modern-day Pranatol and Siobia, but these have either relocated or died out completely. Creel are characteristically tall and long-limbed, subsequently they can cover ground with impressive speed. Their skull size is comparable to most other parahuman types, although their brow ridges are more pronounced and they have deep-set eyes. Most curiously, they have a series of fleshy deposits that trail down the backs of their necks and around their abdomen which are known to be utilized in the storage of water. Additionally, recent examinations suggest that these deposits have a greater than expected role in the moderation of body temperature. Their tough, leathery skin, while differing in intensity from person to person, is not a symptom merely of dry climate and exposure to sun, but is actually denser and of different composition than normal Crudag skin tissue, making it more resistant to puncture and sunburn. Generally, Creel have dark brown or black skin, but a few distinct groups are known for lighter pigments, including a population in eastern Keom with a reddish tint. Creel societies in the hinterland are centered around either extended family units in very isolated areas, or more commonly, as tribal entities. Naturally, their social norms and mores, religion, and language varies according to their location, descent, and interaction with others, although no anthropologists have uncovered the existence of written language in any Creel society. Similarly, Creel show a strong tendency toward illiteracy and other obstacles to learning. In general, they use only the traditional tools that their societies have used for thousands of years (even though some of these are quite “sophisticated” in their own specialized manner), and they have demonstrated little propensity for technical advancement or willingness to adapt tools introduced by outsiders. It is suggested that these qualities might be indicative of genetic inhibitions. '''Average Lifespan''': 62 years '''Average Height/Weight''' : 6’4”/170 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: Drozh Sterile: Crudag, Dandrit, Dreck, Lenje, Sireed '''Traits''': Cast Iron Stomach, Decreased Life Support (Water only), Filter Lungs, Subsonic Hearing, Telescopic Vision, Temperature Tolerance, Disturbing Voice (Non-Creel only), Dull, Obdurate, Unnatural Feature (Fleshy-deposits, among Non-Creel only) === Crudag === Crudag are probably the most numerous of the parahuman sub-species on Pergo now just as they were before the Great Ruin. Subsequently, they are considered to be the baseline by which all the other parahuman types are judged. They are not, however, “ordinary” humans by any measure; in fact, they are closer to the ideal humans of legend and heroic myth. Crudag are physically robust, with resilient immune systems and restructured metabolism designed to quickly process impurities and keep them perennially fit. These factors, in addition to improved organs, especially an improved vascular system and lungs with filtration systems, increased their natural lifespan considerably even in the absence of civilization. Crudag also have much sharper visual acuity and a considerable ability to see in the dark, as well an improved ear structure, which allows both better discernment of sound and gives them unusual grace and balance. Aside from a tendency toward being tall and a general disposition toward physical fitness, Crudag vary extensively, particularly in terms of facial bone structure, build, and skin color. Crudag populations are widespread, notably absent only on the Isles of Surroca far across the Allorinon Ocean and scarce only in the harsher climates, such as tundra or desert. Their societies tend to be large and complex, and they engage in city building, commerce, and political development much more so than most parahuman races. As a whole, Crudag also embrace progress in technical matters too. Beyond these generalizations, however, their numbers and are too great and their locations too varied to make more descriptions of their social, religious, intellectual, and cultural proclivities. Crudag stock was not designed for a niche or for servitude, thus they are every bit as diverse in these areas as the original Terrans, if not more so. '''Average Lifespan''': 120 years '''Average Height/Weight''': 6’0”/190 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: Dandrit, Dreck, Lenje, Sireed Sterile: Creel, Slees, Wondoz '''Traits''': Beautiful, Alcohol Tolerance, Disease Resistant, Extended Lifespan, Filter Lungs, Imaginative, Night Vision, Parabolic Hearing, Perfect Balance, Reduced Sleep, Telescopic Vision, Very Fit === Dandrit === Dandriti are a fairly numerous hybrid race, descended from Crudag and Sireed stock. They are fully capable of reproducing and have their own particular physiological characteristics as well as similarities with their purebred progenitors. Dandrit descent is virtually indistinguishable from Crudag stock based on appearance alone. The main differences are that they tend to be shorter and usually have slightly larger and rounder heads, owing to the Sireed half of their genes. They also appear in a variety of facial structures and skin tones, although most Dandriti come from northern and central Provendo, and are predominantly darker skinned. Curiously, most Dandriti are unable to grow their head hair beyond 2-3” in bulk, and so they will be most distinguishable in societies where long hair is common. They have nearly identical internal organs to Crudag, although they lack a functioning filter-membrane on their lungs and generally have less efficient kidneys and liver, making them more vulnerable to toxins than the Crudag. Likewise, they lack the fine control of their facial muscles for ear movement that the Crudag have. Dandriti do, however, share both parent races’ enhanced immune system. Although fully capable of processing complex and abstract thoughts, they lack the intuitive mathematical ability of the Sireed as well as the celerity of their neural pathways. One Sireed trait that did pass on well was their superior sleep cycle; as a result, Dandriti need about 15% less sleep than Crudag and their dreams are more vivid and fecund. While Dandriti exist wherever populations of Crudag and Sireed have procreated with one another, very large concentrations exist in only a few places: northern Provendo, historical home of the old ‘Dandrit Empire’; Lostram; and Keom. Dandrit civilizations also tend toward large populations and political, economic, and technical complexity. In many societies, Dandriti are considered more gregarious and prone to risk taking than average, although how true this is for the race as a whole remains to be seen. '''Average Lifespan''': 85 years '''Average Height/Weight''': 5’8”/180 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: Crudag, Dreck, Lenje, Sireed Sterile: Creel, Slees, Wondoz '''Traits''': Attractive, Alcohol Tolerance, Composed, Disease Resistant, Extra Fatigue, Fit, Perfect Balance, Pheromone Control, Reduced Sleep, Telescopic Vision, Proud === Dreck === Scholars still argue over whether or not the Dreck race is a variant parahuman at all, or simply a highly specialized branch of Crudag brought about through long isolation. Whatever the case, their divergent traits have enabled them to thrive in the inhospitable uplands of the north. As the controversy over their origins suggest, Dreck are visually indistinguishable from Crudag, although they are more racially uniform, tending to have fair or pale complexions, pointed noses, shallow eye sockets, and a pronounced forehead slope. It is the appearance and functionality of some of their internal organs that lends the most support to their classification as a sub-specie. Dreck have kidneys that are about 17% larger and more efficient than in Crudags, while their bowels are host to a unique form of flora that is speculated to improve their digestive capability. Their superior water-storage and nutrient processing, as well as super-keen eyesight have made them well adapted to life in the cold and dry mountains of northern Otovan. Psychologically, there are few differences between Dreck and their close relatives and so their societies are as varied and complex, if more independent, owing to their existence in deep wilderness or inhospitable mountain ranges. Dreck are found primarily in northern and central Otovan, particularly in the Hesperi, Quanaradi, and Bambilo mountains. Less numerous but still sizable populations are located in the western spur of the Stadden Mountains and the Serusilen River Basin. It is unknown just how plentiful Dreck are, but the reports of explorers and tradesman have led some to suspect that they may compose the majority of the Hangritic population. '''Average Lifespan''': 120 years '''Average Height/Weight''': 6’0”/190 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: Crudag, Dandrit, Lenje, Sireed Sterile: Creel, Slees, Wondoz '''Traits''': Beautiful, Acute Vision, Alcohol Tolerance, Composed, Disease Resistant, Extended Lifespan, Extra Fatigue, Water Storage, Filter Lungs, Night Vision, Parabolic Hearing, Telescopic Vision, Very Fit === Drozh === Drozh have long existed as slaves throughout the world and indeed appear to have been bred precisely for this purpose. Plentiful only in the fields and mines of the wealthy, the Drozh seem to have little capacity for independent action and other men view them with a mixture of pity and scorn. Physically, the Drozh are a good deal shorter than Crudags even accounting for their noticeable stoop, but of larger girth. They have thick, heavily muscled arms and legs with dense grey skin that is resistant to punctures and burns. Combined with their muscles, their bones are denser and they have a greater number of tendons, making them fearsomely strong for their stature. As a result, they excel in hard labor such as land clearance, mining, herding, plowing, longshoreman – essentially any activity that requires an abundance of strength and stamina, but little precision. Psychologically, Drozh are unusually docile and delight in simple amusements, quite content with their mundane toils. This is no doubt a matter of design rather than happy coincidence. They seem all together disinterested in higher intellectual pursuits and they seem incapable of complex abstraction, as is appropriate for a slave species. They have the capacity to learn the languages of their masters, but their vocabulary and comprehension is limited and their locution ponderous. Their lifespan also suffers from drastic, inbuilt limitations: a remarkable 95% of all Drozh die within a year of their 35th birthday. Despite this inherent inferiority, a small percentage of Drozh are more independent and clever than others, and naturally come to resent their servitude. In more barbarian realms, these ‘Wild Men’ are quickly killed, but occasionally a few escape to form their own rudimentary societies. Such was the case with the (grossly exaggerated) Wild Men tribes along the Drozh-Ghan river in ancient Siobia. Such individuals are exceptions, and the Drozh have produced no lasting civilization of their own. They are, however, immensely fecund – females have a gestation period about 15% shorter than Crudag females and typically give birth to two or three offspring at a time. '''Average Lifespan''': 35 years '''Average Height/Weight''': 5’2”/170 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: Creel '''Traits''': Extra Fatigue, Fit, Illiterate, Light Hangover, Reduced Sleep, Single Minded, Early Maturation, Chummy, Hidebound, Innumerate, Low Empathy, Self-Destruct, Subjugation === Lenje === Lenje are genetically close to Crudag stock, although they have some obvious features that could confuse them for the water-breathing Slees. Almost as much at home in the sea as they are on dry land, Lenjic peoples have created some of the most successful maritime societies, including Arqualan itself. In appearance, Lenje are a good deal shorter and stockier than Crudag, with nictating membranes and (if unaltered) have thin, flexible membranes that connect their toes and fingers together for aid in swimming. While obviously semi-aquatic, they cannot breathe water like Slees, although they have superior oxygen storage abilities and have collapsible lungs in the manner of marine mammals, allowing them to prolong and deepen their dives. The structure of their inner ear allows them to detect and differentiate sounds and vibrations in deep water. There is little divergence in facial structure or skin color among Lenjic populations, and they are almost universally olive colored. Their intelligence is roughly on par with Crudag, although they tend to enjoy a reputation for being shrewd and inventive thinkers. Historically, Lenje have been concentrated along sea coasts and deep rivers, particularly on island continent of Arqualan and larger isles in the Sea of Holinos, including Melbria and Isleesia. Their success has driven them across the world, however, so that they can be found from plain to mountain and sea to jungle. While pureblooded Lenje are still a sizable minority on Arqualan itself, they are less well represented throughout the rest of the empire. As a result of this, and decreased reliance on diving in their daily lives, most Lenje families have taken to surgically removing their children’s webbing shortly after birth (particularly the fingers, but occasionally the toes as well). Crudag-Lenjic hybrids compose an enormous part of the Empire’s population. '''Average Lifespan''': 100 years '''Average Height/Weight''': 5’6”/170 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: Crudag, Dandrit, Dreck, Sireed Sterile: Creel, Slees, Wondoz '''Traits''': Amphibious, Attractive, Disease Resistant, Extended Lifespan, Filter Lungs, Fit, Imaginative, Nictating Membranes, Night Vision, Oxygen Storage, Polarized Eyes, Reduced Sleep, Slow Eater, Ultra Hearing, Unnatural Feature (Webbed-Hands/Feet) === Sigrech === The Sigrech are, thankfully, few in number. A savage, monstrous people, their origins are shrouded in mystery and legend. Savage killers, blood drinkers, and cannibals, some attribute their existence to a curse or other deviltry. While most people have never seen a Sigrech, they would immediately know what they gazed upon. Sigrech have pale, mottled skin that appears to be peeling or otherwise decaying, even in an completely healthy subject. They lope more than they walk, their hunched spines supporting their massively muscled back and sinewy necks. Their faces tend to be much more angular than a Crudag and they have four pair of sharpened fangs that they wield to great effect in combat. Although fairy tales portray them as slow and stupid, those who have encountered them know that they are remarkably agile and fully capable of complex thought. In fact, during ancient War of the Blood Branch, where the armies of Dandreen hunted the Sigrech almost to extinction in the Carillon Mountains of northern Provendo, these monsters were feared as much for their sophisticated traps and ingenious weaponry as for their natural ferocity. These ancient Sigrech were known to have constructed buildings, used a written language and alphabet, practice metallurgy and have their own established religions. Wild Sigrech in the modern age seem far less sophisticated, although vulgar rumors still abound of Sigrech civilizations in the dark, forested mountains of the Stadden and in the Hangritic north, true home of all devils. To the extent that they are still encountered at all, however, it is primarily in small covens of about 5-10 Sigrech and their degenerate associates, secreted within large cities. Here, they orchestrate kidnappings and murders to sate their diabolical lusts, and have also been behind the poisoning of water and food supplies, assassination of officials, and subversion. The motive for these operations is matter of grave concern. '''Average Lifespan''': 350+ years '''Average Height/Weight''': 5’4”/240 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: None Sterile: Speculative '''Traits''': Cast Iron Stomach, Deep Sleeper, Disease Resistant, Enhanced Dodge, Extra Fatigue (2 levels), Light Hangover, Resistant to Poison, Bite, Discriminatory Smell, Extended Lifespan (2 levels), Field Sense, Infravision, Penetrating Call, Perfect Balance, Regeneration (Regular), Bloodlust, Secret (Possible Death if true identity discovered), Subsonic Hearing, Chauvinistic, Chummy, Frightens Animals, Cannot Swim, Dying Race, Dominance (limited to one generation), Pallor, Semi-Upright, Unattractive, Unnatural Feature (take your pick), Unusual Biochemistry === Sireed === The Sireed population is much smaller than, say, that of the Crudag or Lenje, although they are very widespread. Gifted with impressive mental abilities, the usually close-knit Sireed communities are powerful and influential component of many governments and institutions, wielding more power than their numbers would suggest. Physiologically, Sireed possess sturdy, well-regulated bodies with formidable immune systems and efficient organs that speak of extensive genetic alteration in the distant past. Likewise, they possess a highly adaptive metabolism so that their overall health only suffers from extremes of hunger or over-indulgence. They are almost universally slighter and less athletic, both in appearance and reality, than Crudag and their main distinguishing feature is the slightly bulbous character of the backs of their heads and a sharp, narrow jaw line. The most impressive part of sub-specie, however, is their prodigious mathematical abilities. Many Sireed deal with numbers and equations with an intuitive ease that humbles the academics of other races, and so Sireed scholars are renowned for their advances in pure mathematics, physics, astronomy, and architecture. For similar reasons, they have a natural affinity with music and have produced many of the greatest composers of the age. On the other hand, they are not innately more innovative than the Crudag norm. These gifts also predispose them to less desirable predilections, particularly an over-fondness for gambling. While widespread, the Sireed tend to concentrate in settled areas, with especially high proportions in major urban centers. Sireed communities are closely knit and outsiders are treated politely, but kept at a distance. Traditionally, the Sireed have acted to distinguish themselves from their neighbors both culturally and genetically, both because of feelings of superiority and the strong desire to maintain their peculiar traits, which rarely manifest in hybrid offspring. Consequently, their neighbors often harbor resentment or suspicion, especially considering the disproportionate wealth and influence Sireed hold. While individuals of the race have arrived at the inner circles of power of many states, there are only a few historical examples of predominantly Sireed kingdoms from antiquity. '''Average Lifespan''': 85 years '''Average Height/Weight''': 6’0”/170 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: Crudag, Dandrit, Dreck, Lenje Sterile: Creel, Slees, Wondoz '''Traits''': Absolute Timing, Autotrance, Composed, Disease Resistant, Eidetic Memory, Lightning Calculator, Pheromone Control, Reduced Sleep, Telescopic Vision, Recovery, Attentive, Slow Healing, Compulsive Gambling === Slees === Slees are an unusual and rare sub-specie specially adapted for life in the oceans. Once numerous and widespread, their numbers and influence have diminished in modern age. As water-breathing humanoids, Slees have a large gill structure running from their shoulders to the middle of their backs. They also have pale, bluish skin, a disproportionate face with large eyes and a small nose and mouth. Their fingers and toes are elongated with webbing more pronounced than the Lenje. A true aquaform, an active Slees are much more comfortable in the water, although they still have functional lungs to breathe air. In fact, they sleep on land. Slees can operate comfortably underwater for periods up to twelve hours and are primarily limited by temperature regulation and chemical imbalance problems caused by prolonged immersion. They universally prefer salt water, as their biochemistries are best attuned to it; they tend to bloat in freshwater. While they are highly communicative and no less intelligent than other parahumans, the Slees have maintained a relatively low level of technological sophistication and only rarely form cohesive states. Although they spend more than half of their lives on land (especially coastal and river/marsh land), their settlements are typically small and their civilizations lack the capacity for large-scale construction. They are excellent fishermen, however, and are also skilled in aquaculture. Primarily they are valued as explorers and guides as well as for their excellent knowledge of drugs and other chemicals extracted from sea life. Slees prefer to breed amongst themselves, since hybrid offspring are not fully functional aquaforms. '''Average Lifespan''': 100 years '''Average Height/Weight''': 5’4”/140 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: None Sterile: Creel, Crudag, Dandrit, Dreck, Lenje, Sireed, Wondoz '''Traits''': Aquatic (-50%, can breathe air), Nictating Membranes, Oxygen Storage, Reduced Sleep, Unnatural Feature (skin color, phalanges, facial features), Ultra Hearing, Temperature Tolerance, Pressure Support === Wondoz === The Wondoz are among the strangest parahuman races on Pergo. A kind of arboreal human, they thrive in even the densest and inaccessible woodlands on the planet. Physically, Wondoz are short but sinuous, and they appear even shorter because of their hunched posture. Their faces are generally smaller and rounder than a typical Crudag, but they are otherwise similar in skull structure. Wondoz have very long arms with retractable claws useful for climbing and swinging across tree branches and thick vines. They also have prehensile feet, but these are limited primarily to hanging and grasping, as their legs lack the mobility for the efficient usage of tools. Because of their odd posture, the Wondoz are very slow on land, but are unequaled in their ability to traverse and track through forests. Their biochemistry is also attuned to survive the strong venom and poisonous attributes of some jungle flora and fauna so that they can digest many plants and animals that would kill another man. There are only minor differences between Wondoz mental traits and the Crudag norm, and they express interest in literature, music, natural and applied sciences, religion, history, and trade. In fact, they place great value on their social structure and there have been several sophisticated Wondoz dominated civilizations in the past. A few of them have even expanded far beyond the forests, where their considerable engineering skill helped them construct renowned urban centers that still exist today. Although Wondoz make up only about 8% of the global population, they are champions in their niche areas, particularly forestry and engineering, and their peculiar architecture is always in demand among the affluent. As in the past, they continue to live in jungles and forests, primarily in the rainforests of equatorial Otovan, the jungles of Renoga, and the alpine forests of Amblend and Clestrica. '''Average Lifespan''': 62 years '''Average Height/Weight''': 4’10”/100 lbs '''Possible Breeding''': Fertile: None Sterile: Creel, Crudag, Dandrit, Dreck, Lenje, Sireed, Slees '''Traits''': Attentive, Brachiator, Chummy, Claws, Disease Resistant, Extra Manipulators (feet – grasping only, no tool use) Gluttony, Imaginative, Perfect Balance, Pheromone Control, Reduced Hit Points, Reduced Life Support (can digest more items, limited to home biome only), Unattractive, Unusual Feature (long arms, prehensile feet)
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