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= WEALTH AND GEAR = '''Wealth'''. Per SWAE a base Wealth die is a d6. Those whom took the Poor Hindrance only have a d4 Wealth die. The Rich edge grants a d8 Wealth die and the Very Rich edge grants a d10 Wealth die. [[File:SWD5.blaster.jpg | 300px | left]] Updated Wealth and Buying Rules. First your Wealth die cannot Ace (but your Wild Dice can but only up to the max roll of your Wealth die. So it does not matter unless you are rich+). Prices are listed from Cheap (bonuses to your Wealth check of +1 or +2) to Moderate (bonus or penalty to your Wealth die of +0 to -1), Expensive (penalty to Wealth dice of -2 to -3) or Very Expensive (-4 or more). Generally, once per game session you can purchase one Moderate or cheaper item without making a check. Those with the Poor Hindrance can only purchase one Cheap item per session without a check. Those with the Rich edge can purchase one Expensive item or less once a session without having to make a check. Those with the Very Rich Edge get one Very Expensive item or less once per session without having the make a check. Basic success with a Wealth check lowers additional Wealth checks that session by -1. A Raise means you are do not suffer a penalty to Wealth checks. One penalty is removed for each new session of play. Rewards are now direct one-time bonuses to the heroes Wealth checks. This is probably the only way one can afford various items. Once used with a successful Wealth check they are gone. Availability of an item refers to how rare or plentiful an item is. Most items are standard availability and don’t require a check to find. Anything '''Licensed''' (L) or '''Scares/Uncommon''' (U) requires a Networking check to find in 1d6 hours and suffers a -1 to the purchasing check. '''Restricted''' (R) items require a Networking check at -2 to find in 2d6 hours and a -1 or -2 to the Wealth check. '''Illegal''' (I) and '''Military''' (M) items require a Networking check at -4 and 2d6 days to find someone willing to sell them. Both impose a -2 to -4 or penalty on the Wealth check to purchase. '''Artifacts''' (A) are not available generally at any price. Things like lightsabers or Military Capital Ships. ==== New Weapon Features/Notes ==== :'''Fire''' – if the target is successful hit with a Fire weapon it must make an Agility check -2 or catch fire. While on fire at the start of its round it suffers 2d6 (ignoring non-sealed armor points). See SWA pg. 127 for the effects of being on fire and how to extinguish these fires. :'''Holdout''' - gain +2 to Stealth when hiding on own body :'''Ion''' – Ignores armor and force field points of armor, deals full damage to droids and vehicles and is always considered a Heavy weapon verses vehicles. However cannot destroy the vehicle or droid from this damage. ½ the repair time to ‘fix’ and add +2 to all rolls when removing ion damage. Deals ½ damage to non-Droids beings and has 0 AP vs. any armor they are wearing. :'''1½ Handed''' - normally used 2-handed but can be used one handed if Min Str is one die step higher, without penalty. :'''Stun''' – when set to stun the weapon deals the base damage and if its’ enough to deal Shaken also requires a Vigor check or be Stunned for one round per 'wound' dealt, or one minute (10 rounds) with a critical failure on this check. The damage cannot kill and Wounds inflicted by the weapon heal back at one per minute, or a Healing check with one minute of work (healing an additional stun 'wound' level per raise). Droids are immune to stun setting damage. == ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS == {| class="wikitable" border="0" |- | '''NAME''' || '''DAMAGE''' || '''AP''' || '''MIN STR''' || '''WT''' || '''COST''' || '''NOTES''' |- | Electro-lance || Str+d10 || 2 || d6 || 6 || -3 (L) || Reach 1, 2-handed. Parry lightsabers. Raise on damage is d10 |- | Force pike || Str+d8 || 2 || d6 || 6 || -1 (L) || Reach 1, ½ Handed. Parry lightsabers |- | Lightsaber || Str+d10 || all || d4 || 1 || A (U) || See below |- | Power Knuckles || Str+d8 || 1 || d4 || 1 || +0 || Holdout, Stun. Considered unarmed |- | Power Whip || Str+d8 || 2 || d4 || 1 || +0 (L) || Reach 2, Stun. Can grab at reach |- | Stun baton || Str+d10 || 0 || d4 || 3 || +0 || Stun only, Touch attack |- | Vibro-knife || Str+d6 || 4 || d4 || 1 || +0 (L) || Holdout. Dagger unpowered |- | Vibro-blade || Str+d8 || 4 || d6 || 2 || -1 (L) || Shortsword unpowered |- | Vibro-sword || Str+d10 || 4 || d8 || 4 || -2 (L) || Longsword unpowered |- | Vibro-axe || Str+d12 || 4 || d10 || 8 || -2 (L) || 2-handed. Greataxe unpowered |- |} All advanced melee weapons but the lightsaber require power cells to operate. For non Lightsabers these last about an hour of continual use before requiring recharge or replacement. Generally cost +2 for each, +0 for a set of 5 and weight ½lb each. Lightsaber crystals last for years. [[File:StarWars.lightsaber2.jpg | 150px | left]] '''''Lightsabers'''''</br> Without the Jedi Trainee edge an attacker is at -2 to Fighting and -1 to its Parry. Lightsabers ignores all non-Force Field Armor Points and the Hardness Rating of items is halved. Targets are considered unarmed unless they are wielding a lightsaber or a weapon that can "Parry lightsabers" (via weapons or powers). Lightsabers are not mass produced, but rather constructed by each Jedi (or Sith) as part of their training. The art of constructing a lightsaber is carefully guarded by both Orders, although one could be constructed from generic parts purchasable on most planets for +0 price depending on the locale and availability. This price includes all but the most important part: the crystal. The lightsaber crystal affects the length and color of the blade, and rare ones may provide other bonuses as well (GM’s call). The modern Jedi usually goes on a quest to find his first. A Jedi or Sith may construct several lightsabers over the course of a lifetime, each reflecting changes in his personal taste and abilities. Construction of a lightsaber requires at least Veteran Rank and usually takes around a month of dedicated work once all of the parts have been assembled, although it could be completed in less time if the builder is very good. This requires a Focus skill check with a month work. A -1 to the check can shave off a week of time, -2 for only requires two weeks or -4 to make the check in just one weeks’ time. Constructing one’s own lightsaber grants a +1 bonus to Fighting but only for you. == RANGED WEAPONS == {| class="wikitable" border="0" |- | '''NAME''' || '''RANGE''' || '''DAMAGE''' || '''AP''' || '''ROF''' || '''SHOTS''' || '''MIN STR''' || '''WT''' || '''COST''' || '''NOTES''' |- | Blaster carbine || 25/50/100 || 2d8 || 3 || 3 || 50 || d6 || 7 || -1 (L) || Stun, 3RB, 1½ Handed |- | Blaster E-Web || 50/100/200 || 3d8 || 8 || 3 || 200 || n/a || 200 || -5 (M) || HW, snapfire, tri-pod mounted |- | Blaster, light repeating || 30/60/120 || 2d8 || 3 || 4 || 200 || d8 || 24 || -2 (M) || Snapfire, 2-handed |- | Blaster pistol, holdout || 6/12/24 || 2d6 || 3 || 1 || 10 || d4 || 1 || +0 (R) || Holdout |- | Blaster pistol || 15/30/60 || 2d8 || 3 || 1 || 50 || d4 || 3 || +0 (L) || Stun |- | Blaster rifle || 30/60/120 || 2d10 || 3 || 3 || 100 || d6 || 12 || -2 (L) || Stun, 3RB, 2-handed |- | Bowcaster pistol || 10/20/40 || 2d10 || 4 || 1 || 6 || d6 || 6 || -2 (U)* || 1½ Handed |- | Bowcaster rifle || 20/40/80 || 2d12 || 4 || 1 || 6 || d10 || 18 || -2 (U)* || 2-handed |- | Disintigator Rifle || 20/40/80 || 3d8 || 6 || 1 || 20 || d8 || 16 || -3 (I) || 2-handed |- | Flamer, wrist mounted || Cone || 3d6 || 0 || 1 || 10 || d6 || 6 || -1 (M) || Fire |- | Ion pistol || 5/10/20 || 2d8 || Ion || 1 || 40 || d4 || 2 || +0 || HW, Ion |- | Ion rifle || 15/30/60 || 2d10 || Ion || 1 || 80 || d6 || 10 || +0 || HW, Ion, 2-handed |- | Sniper blaster || 50/100/200 || 2d10 || 4 || 1 || 30 || d8 || 24 || -2 (R) || Scope, Snapfire, 2-handed |- | Stun Pistol || 10/20/40 || 2d8 || 0 || 1 || 50 || d4 || 2 || +1 || Stun only |- |} All ranged weapons require a power cell for the ammo listed. Powers cells generally weigh 1lb each, except for E-Web which weigh 10lbs each and Bowcaster clips that weight 2lb each. Cost for all but the E-Web are +2 each (and include any restriction like military, etc. to check). The E-Web are +0 each. : *'''''Bowcasters''''' are +0 price for Wookies and on certain out of the way worlds. The price is not so much how expensive the weapon is but do to its rarity and more primitive then most weapons found in the Republic. == EXPLOSIVES == No mercenary or bounty hunter can feel truly safe without a grenades dangling from their belt. To set an explosive charge or defuse a set bomb requires a Repair skill check. {| class="wikitable" border="0" |- | '''NAME''' || '''DAMAGE''' || '''AP''' || '''WT''' || '''COST''' || '''NOTES''' |- | Concussion grenade || 3d6 || 0 || 2 || +0* (R) || MBT, thrown |- | D-Mine || 4d12 || 50 || 150 || -2 (R) || Fire, HW. Cone or LBT |- | EMP grenade || 3d6 || Ion || 2 || +0* (L) || Ion, MBT, thrown |- | Frag grenade || 3d6 || 4 || 2 || -1* (M) || MBT, thrown |- | Stun grenade || 3d6 || 0 || 2 || +0* || MBT, thrown, stun only |- | Thermite Detonator || 4d10 || 20 || 5 || -2 (R) || Fire, HW, LBT |- |} : *These prices are for a set of 4 grenades of the same type. Thrown grenades have a range of 5/10/15. == ARMOR == Armor is not overly common within the Star Wars universe but many troopers, soldiers, bounty hunters and mercenaries often employ it if they are facing combat situations. {| class="wikitable" border="0" |- | '''NAME''' || '''ARMOR''' || '''MIN STR''' || '''WT''' || '''COST''' || '''NOTES''' |- | Armored flightsuit || 4 || d6 || 16 || -1 (L) || Full body. +2 Vigor high-g man. Vacuum (18hrs) |- | Battle armor, heavy || 10 || d10¹ || 80¹ || -3 (M) || Full body. +2 die steps Strength. +2 vs. hostile environments |- | Battle armor, light || 5 || d6 || 18 || -1 (L) || Full body. +2 vs. hostile environments |- | Battle armor, medium || 8 || d8¹ || 32¹ || -2 (L) || Full body. +1 die step to Strength. +2 vs. hostile environments |- | Battleframe || 3 || d6¹ || 20¹ || -3 || +2 die steps Strength. Pace & Run +2 |- | Blast helmet || 4 || d4 || 6 || +1 || Head. Comlink, +4 vs. flash/blind |- | Blast vest || 4 || d6 || 10 || +0 || Torso |- | Combat jumpsuit || 3 || d4 || 8 || +0 || Torso, arms, legs |- | Combat spacesuit || 5 || d6 || 16 || -2 (L) || Full body. Vacuum (18hrs) |- | Duraweave duster || 4 || d4 || 6 || -1 || Torso, arms, legs |- | Fleet armor || 14 || n/a¹ || 400¹ || -5 (M) || Full body, Size 2, Str d12+2, Fly 6 in z-g, Pace & Run -2. Vacuum (24hrs). |- | Ixian battleframe || 4 || d6¹ || 20¹ || -3 (L) || Torso, arms, legs. +2 die steps Strength. Concealable (-2 Notice) |- | Scout trooper armor || 4 || d6 || 12 || -2 (R) || Full body. Comlink, Nightvision & Thermal, +2 vs. hostile environments |- | Trooper armor || 6 || d6 || 24 || -2 (R) || Full body. Comlink, Nightvision & Thermal, +2 vs. hostile environments |- | Vacuum suit || 2 || d4 || 12 || +0 || Full body. Vacuum (24hrs) |- |} ¹- Strength Min and Weight of armor is only considered or count against the wearer when it does not have power. == MISCELLANEOUS GEAR == BASIC GEAR</br> '''Aquata Breather''': Aquata Breather is a compact mouthpiece designed to supply the user with 6 hours of breathable air underwater, and in other similar environments. It comes in many varieties for all different species. Wt. none, Price +0.</br> '''Bacta Tank''': A full-immersion tank filled with bacta, this device is used to treat serious injuries over the long term. Due to its weight and expense, bacta tanks are only available in major medical facilities. Characters immersed in a bacta tank may make recovery checks every hour, but automatically gain one level of Fatigue for each wound healed (can’t kill). Wt. 5 tons, Price -8.</br> '''Breath Mask''': provides 12 hours of breathable air in most environments and +4 to Vigor tests vs. air born Toxins, Gases etc. They do not work underwater or in a vacuum. Wt. 2, Price +1.</br> '''Comlink''': clear communication within 50 miles and low-orbit on most worlds. Wt. none, Price +1.</br> '''Chronometer''': keeps track of Galactic Standard (Spacer) Time, as well as automatically picking up and reporting local planet-side time. Can be added to a Comlink or Datapad. Wt. none, Price +2.</br> '''Datapad''': This is a simple text and data recorder with a keypad & a readout screen. Wt. 0.5, Price +1.</br> '''Death Sticks''': Cigarettes, a pack of 20. Vigor check or Distracted and Vulnerable for 1d6 minutes afterwards. Wt. none, Price +1.</br> '''Glowrod''': Provides full light within 5” and Dim darkness conditions within 15”. Or can be used as a flashlight at double ranges but only within the beam. Battery lasts years. Wt. 0.5, Price +2.</br> '''Macrobinoculars''': Computer enhanced images out too several kilometers (-1 Notice per 1,000”), +2 Notice checks. Wt. 3, Price 0.</br> '''Medpac''': containing bandages, disinfectants, and distilled Bacta injections, this kit gives the user +2 on all Healing skill rolls. Wt. 3, Price 0.</br> '''Restraining Bolt''': are used to maintain control over droids. It can be used to remotely shut down a droid’s motor functions. It takes an action to place a bolt onto a willing droid, removing a bolt requires a Repair check (-4 by the Droid wearing it; can try a max of once per day). When engaged, droid considered Incapacitated. Sold as pair, as the bolt and controller. Wt. 1 each, Price 0.</br> '''Restraints''': A pair of synthetic-plastic restraints, Agility or Strength -4 roll to escape, once an hour but causes a level of Fatigue. Wt. 1, Price +1.</br> '''Sabacc Deck''': deck of electronic of card for Sabacc. Wt. none, Price +2.</br> '''Spacers Food''': vitamins and mineral packed food, per day. Wt. 1 each, Price +2 for 5 days of food.</br> '''Syntherope 20 yards''' (10"): Strong enough to support 1,000lbs from a liquid dispenser. Wt. 1, Price +1.</br> '''Utility Belt''': Includes a medpac, 20yd of synthe-rope, and 4 days of spacers’ food. Wt. 6, Price 0.</br> '''Voice Synthesizer''': Programmed to speak known languages, with any number of prepared phrases or can type out conversations, etc. Wt. 1, Price 0.</br> [[File:StarWars.smuggler.jpg | 350px | left]] CLOTHING</br> '''Civilian Garb''': includes worker utility clothing and everyday clothing. Includes shirt, pants, shoes, belt and light jacket or cloak. Wt. 6, Price +1.</br> '''Executive Wear''': formal wear of business and corporate leaders. Wt. 8, Price -1 or more.</br> '''Formal Wear''': Current high fashion. +1 Persuasion checks for those impressed by such. Wt. 12, Price -3 or more.</br> '''All-Weather Cloak''': Includes advanced heat and cold weather resistant fabric, boots and pouches. +2 Survival checks and Vigor trait tests in hostile environmental conditions. Wt. 8, Price -1.</br> '''Skin Suit''': very light vacuum suit that includes a clear plastic helm. Vacuum sealed for 24 hours. Wt. 4, Price 0.</br> '''Wet Suit''': specialized torso and limb suit that can retain moisture. For aquatic species (with dependence on immersion), these suits act as being “submerged in water” for an hour each day (at least a week without needing maintenance, generally just fresh water). Wt. 8, Price 0.</br> SPECIAL GADGETS AND GEAR</br> '''Camo-Suit''': skin-tight body suit and hood that can adapt to background. Add +4 to Stealth when standing still and +2 when moving. Wt. 8, Price -4 (L).</br> '''Data-Tap''': Electronic kit to break into secure computer systems (Holonet, etc.). +2 Hacking checks when trying to bypass a computer or device security protocols. Wt. 1, Price 0 (R).</br> '''Eagle Eye-I Contacts''': these contacts sharpen the wearer’s perception without negatively affecting appearance. They provide a +2 to vision-based Notice rolls, and come in a variety of colors. Wt. none, Price -1.</br> '''Eagle Eye-II –Night Visor''': these light goggles include +2 to vision-based Notice rolls and grant the wearer the ability to see in low-light (as the Night Vision edge). Wt. 2, Prices -1.</br> '''Exoskeleton''': This device can be worn beneath loose clothing and enhances an individual’s core Strength by +2 steps. Wt. 15 (weight does not count towards encumbrance when on), Price -2.</br> '''Grapple Gun''': pistol that can shot a spike up to 100yds of sytntherope and lift up to 500lbs (Pace 5, no running, a round). Wt. 5, Price +1.</br> '''Ixian Diagnostic Computer''': this handheld contains a wealth of information & helpful tips concerning all things technology. Gain a +2 all Knowledge base skill checks. Wt. 2, Price -2.</br> '''Jetpack''': this is a backpack device that allows limited flight. Pace 10 (run d6+4), 10 charges (each round of either flight or ‘hover’ uses a charge for a Size +0 being). Wt. 14, Price +0 (R).</br> '''Multi-Tool''': With its varied functionality, no good mechanic is ever without his multi-tool. It provides a +1 to Repair checks. Wt. 5, Price +0.</br> '''N-Reticule Accusight Visor''': this Visor enhances the user’s ability to pick out individual targets and focus on them. It provides a +2 on sight-based Notice rolls and a +1 to Shooting. Wt. 1, Price -2 (R).</br> '''Rifle Scope''': adds +1 Shooting and ½ Range Penalties with the Aim maneuver, +2 Notice, Wt. ½, Price 0. Add Low-Light and Thermal upgrade, Price -1.</br> '''Security Kit''': Tools for breaking electronic locks. +2 Thievery check to bypass electronic security locks and doors. Wt. 3, Price 0 (I).</br> == CYBERNETS == [[File:StarWars.Cyborg.jpg | 300px | right]] Found in SFC pg. 30-31 but needs to be updated to Adventure Edition rules and the Wealth check, Strain works as found there. The [x] is how many times that piece of cybernetics maybe taken. It generally requires an hour of surgery in a hospital per Strain Point and at least a week of rest per Strain Point (or 24 hours in a Bacta Tank who emerges with two levels of Fatigue). The surgery cost -2 for up to 3 Strain, -4 up to 5 Strain, -5 for 6 more Strain. :'''Adrenal Surge''' [1] (+2 to recover from Shaken and Stunned. Stacks with Combat Reflexes. Strain 2, Cost -3) :'''Aquatic Package''' [1] (Can breathe in any oxygen-filled liquid and can move full Pace underwater. Strain 2, Cost -3) :'''Armor''' [3] (+2 Armor Points. Strain 1, Cost -2) :'''Attribute Increase''' [3] (each implant increase one attribute +1 step. Each step after d12 adds +1. Spirits and Vigor from this increase do not increase Strain. Cost -4, Strain 2) :'''Auto-Doc''' [1] (Automatically heals one wound per day and adds +4 to rolls to resist Bleeding Out. Also have a 50% chance per day of any disease or poison. Strain 2, Cost -4) :'''Combat Specialty''' [U] (gain a Combat Edge, ignoring all requirements other than other Edges. Does not stack if the character has the Edge. Strain 2, Cost -3 for Novice and Seasoned, -4 for higher rank) :'''Communication''' [1] (Internal comlink. Strain 1, Cost -1) :'''Cyberjack Interface''' [1] (Wireless connection to electronic devices and computers. Adds +4 to Electronics. Also gains a +4 to Research when doing Networking if connected to the HoloNet. When trying to bypass a security system adds +2 to Hacking against the system (generally a Penalty to the check of -2 to -8 or more). Failure causes a level of Fatigue via feedback. If the system is particularly powerful and well protected it causes 2d6 or 3d6 damage (or even more). Armor offers no protection from this damage. Strain 1, Cost -2) :'''Face Changer''' [1]: Requires 5 minutes and a Smarts roll. Does not change shape or size, and can only look like Species that are fairly similar. Can be used to duplicate a specific face and voice with video and voice recordings. Strain 3, Cost -4) :'''Filter''' [1]: +4 bonus to resist airborne disease, poison, deadly gases, and Thin and Dense Atmosphere. Strain 1, Cost -3) :'''Leg Enhancement''' [3] (+2 Pace and increase Run die by one step. Also increase jumping distance by +1”. Strain 2, Cost -4) :'''Mule''' [1] (Increase carrying capacity as if characters Strength was one die higher. Stacks with any Edge that also increase carrying capacity (such as Brawny and Soldier). Strain 2, Cost -3) :'''Skill Chip Slot''' [2] (Allows access to a Skill Chip, each that must be purchased separately. Two Skill Chip Slots allow the character to have two chips active at a time. A d4 skill cost +0, d6 cost -1, d8 costs -2 and d10 costs -3. This does not add to the skill but will replace or over rides it. It is a free action to switch a chip but takes a full round for the chip to download and activate. Chips are about the size of a thumbnail at no significant weight. Strain 1, Cost -2) :'''Trait Bonus''' [U] (flat +2 bonus to any one skill or attribute, but only once per trait. Strain 1, Cost -5) :'''Vision Enhancement''' (1) (visual magnification 50x, thermal and low-light vision. +2 to sight-bases Notice skills and eliminates illumination penalties if in appropriate mode. Changing modes is a free action. Strain 1, Cost -5) :'''Weapon, Melee''' [2] (retractable claws or blades attached to forearm bones. Extended as free action and instantly, deal Str+d6 damage. AP-1. Strain 1, Cost -3) :'''Weapon, Ranged''' [2] (a hold-out blaster pistol or blaster pistol is installed in forearm. It is very concealable when holstered within the arm. Strain 1, Cost -3 plus cost of weapon). == SAMPLE VEHICLES == '''SURFACE VEHICLES''' *''Note that these vehicles can use remaining Mods for cargo. Each mods holds 200lbs x Size.''</br> These are only a few examples. See the SPC Update below for the rules on creating additional vehicles. '''Fast Landspeeder''': Small, fast and popular repulsorlift vehicles, the fast speeder is limited to rising no more than a few meters above any surface. Able to comfortably seats two, or uncomfortably seat four, these vehicles are also popular with security forces for rapid response agents. '''Medium Vehicle: Size 3'''; Handling: +1; Top Speed: 230 MPH; Toughness: 15 (4); Crew: 1+3; Wealth Pen: -4; Mods (+8 remaining): Exposed Crew, Ground Repulsorlift (1), Handling +1 (2), Speed IV (4). '''Speeder bikes''': Also known as hover bikes, speeder bikes are open-air repulsorlift vehicles, usually carrying one or two passengers. Speeder bikes emphasize speed and maneuverability over conventional speeders and are popular with thrill-seeking teenagers and military scouts. A typical speeder bike had a maximum altitude of 30 feet and can thus maneuver deftly over very rough terrain. Some companies manufactured extras, like sidecars. </br> :'''Light Vehicle: Size 1'''; Handling: +2; Top Speed: 240 mph; Toughness: 9 (2); Crew: 1+1; Cost: -3; Mods (+0 remaining): Exposed Crew, Ground Repulsorlift (1), Speed IV (4). '''Swoop Races''': a stripped down landspeeder with huge hyper-changed repulsolift engines attacked. These vehicles are very fast but hard to control and offer little room for anyone but the operator. :'''Large Vehicle: Size 4'''; Handling: -1; Top Speed: 575MPH; Wounds* +1; Crew: 1; Wealth penalty -6; Mods (+0 remaining): Poor Handling -1, Fewer Crew 2 (+2), Speed XI (22) '''Submersible''': These small, commercial submersibles are common on every planet with large bodies of water. Used for everything from commuting to police patrol, they fill the same role as air and land speeders do, but underwater. Various manufacturers make dozens of different designs, but it is rare to see a submersible that was not manufactured on the world where it is used. :'''Large Vehicle: Size 4'''; Handling: +0 (-1 in water); Top Speed: 45 MPH (22 on water surface, 11 underwater); Toughness: 20 (5); Wounds* +1; Crew: 1+5; Wealth penalty: -7; Mods (+12 remaining): Amphibious, Submersible (4), Speed II (4). '''AIR VEHICLES'''</br> '''Airspeeder''': This light, unarmed airspeeder is a reliable and serviceable craft, popular with many. Capable of transporting four passengers and 500 pounds of cargo easily, many families use this speeder on a daily basis. :'''Medium Vehicle: Size 3'''; Handling: +0; Top Speed: 500 MPH; Toughness: 15 (4); Crew: 1+4; Cost: -5; Mods (+7 remaining*): Repulsorlift Aircraft (2), Speed IV (6). '''MILITARY SURFACE VEHICLES'''</br> '''AT-RT''': The All-Terrain Recon Transport was used by the Grand Army of the Republic by Clone Troopers of the Clone Wars. It carried one trooper in an ‘exposed’ cockpit and they were very fast and maneuverable even when compared to the later models of AT-STs. Armaments include a nose mounted repeating blaster cannon and an anti-infantry mortar launches. :'''Medium vehicle: Size 3'''; Handling: +1; Top Speed: 70 MPH; Toughness: 22 (8; heavy); Crew: 1; Cost: -6 (M); Mods (+0 remaining): Armor II (2), Exposed Crew, Fixed Weapon Mount (4), Improved Handling I (1), Reduced Crew (+1), Reinforced Chassis I (1), Sensor Suite (1) (+4 Notice vs. sound, motion, strong chemicals, radiation, or electrical fields up to 1000 yards), Speed IV (4), Targeting System (1). Walker (2 legged) (2). :'''''Weapons''''': Forward Blaster Cannon – Range 300/600/1,200; Damage 3d10; AP 8; ROF 3 :Forward fixed Grenade Launcher – Range: 100/200/400; Damage 4d6; AP 0; ROF 1; Medium Burst Template; Ammo 20 '''AT-AT''': An All-Terrain Armored Transport is a four legged armored walker with a crew of six, passenger capacity for forty fully armed troopers and can carry up to four speeders. It is generally armed with a pair of fire-linked heavy laser cannons and a pair of fire-linked medium blasters mounted on the pivoting cockpit. :'''Colossus vehicle -Size 12'''; Handling: -1; Top Speed: 30mph; Toughness: 62 (21; heavy); Wounds*: +3; Crew: 6 +54; Wealth penalty -15 (M); Mods (+4 remaining): Armor VI (6) (Heavy), Environmental Sealed (2), Handling I (3), Hanger (10), Reinforced Chassis V (15), Sensor Suite (1) (+4 Notice vs sound, motion, strong chemicals, radiation, or electrical fields up to 1000 yards), Speed I (3), Walker (6) (4-legged) :'''''Weapons''''': Two forward fix twin linked Blaster Cannon – Range 300/600/1,200; Damage 3d10+2; AP 8; ROF 3; +1 to ''Shooting''. :Two forward fixed dual-linked Laser cannons - Range 600/1,200/2,400, Damage 4d10+2, AP 15, ROF 1; +1 to ''Shooting''. '''Scout Speeder Bike''': A highly maneuverable repulsorlift vehicle equipped with comlink jamming devices and armed with a forward blaster cannon, a scout speeder is a popular tool for reconnaissance and rapid battlefield transport. A typical model is capable of seating up to two people and has maximum altitude of 10 meters. :'''Moderate Vehicle: Size 2'''; Handling: +1; Top Speed: 235 MPH; Toughness: 14 (3); Crew: 1+1; Cost: -5 (R); Mods (+0 remaining): Exposed Crew, Fixed Weapon Mount (1), Ground Repulsorlift (1), Jammer System (Electronics skill check -4 to use comlink within 50”) (1), Reinforce Chassis I (1), Sensor Suite (1) (+4 Notice vs. sound, motion, strong chemicals, radiation, or electrical fields up to 1000 yards), Speed IV (4), Targeting System (1). :'''''Weapon''''': forward fix E-Web Blaster – Range 200/400/800; Damage 3d8; AP 6; ROF 3; Heavy Weapon. '''MILITARY AIR VEHICLES'''</br> '''Cloud Car''': Generally designed around a twin pod design, cloud cars were used for atmospheric defense and patrol operations. Each pod was equipped with a cockpit and a weapon mount that usually held a blaster cannon. Propelled by a combination of an ion engine and a standard repulsorlift, the engines were exposed to help prevent overheating. :'''Large Vehicle: Size 4'''; Handling: +0; Top Speed: 600 MPH; Toughness: 25 (12 heavy); Crew: 2; Cost: -7 (R); Mods (+2 remaining): Armor IV (4), Reinforce Chassis I (1), Replsorlift Aircraft (2), Sensor Suite (1) (+4 Notice vs sound, motion, strong chemicals, radiation, or electrical fields up to 1000 yards), Speed 4 (4), Vacuum Sealed (1). :'''''Weapons''''': forward fix twin linked Blaster Cannon – Range 300/600/1,200; Damage 3d10+2; AP 8; ROF 3; +1 ''Shooting''. == SAMPLE SPACECRAFT == Just a couple of examples of the more common ships of the Star Wars Movie Era. All Starship Armor is considered Heavy Armor and all weapons are considered Heavy Weapons automatically. '''STARFIGHTERS'''</br> Combat ships that are Size 6 and 8. '''TIE Fighter''': The TIE/ln starfighter, often referred to as the TIE Fighter, is the standard Imperial starfighter and is seen in massive numbers throughout the Galactic Civil War. The TIE fighter is used in large enough numbers to overwhelm the enemy defenses regardless of quality. The actual craft is solidly designed around twin ion engines and fire linked laser cannons, though the lack of integrated shielding or onboard life support has caused most pilots to regard it as a death trap. :'''Tiny Starship: Size 6'''; Handling: +3; Top Speed: 10 space (base 1,000mph); Toughness: 31 (12); Wounds* +1; Crew: 1; Energy: 25; Wealth: -7 (M); Modifiers (+5 remaining): AMCM (1), Armor III (3), Atmospheric (3), Fixed Weapon Mount (1), Improved Handling I (3), No Internal Life Support (as Exposed Crew just for life support), Planetary Sensor Suite (1), Speed VI (6), Targeting System (1). :'''''Weapons''''': Twin linked forward fixed Laser Cannons – Range 600/1,200/2,400 (space 6/12/24); Damage 4d10+2; AP 15; ROF 1; +1 to ''Shooting''. '''X-Wing Series Fighter''': The X-wing carries four fire-linked laser cannons and two proton torpedo launchers. Other warheads, such as concussion missiles, can be fired from the launchers with significant refit by ground crews but the overall versatility of the proton torpedo is ideally suited to the X-wing's varied mission profile. The good shielding provides some protection for the pilot and astromech navigator. :'''Average Starship: Size 8'''; Handling: +2; Top Speed: 7 space scale (700mph); Toughness: 36 (11); Wounds* +2; Crew: 1 +1 Astromech droid; Energy: 40; Cost: -9 (R); Modifiers (+5 remaining): AMCM (1), Armor II (2), Atmospheric (4), Fixed Weapon Mount (4), Force Field (4) (Threshold 8, Max 80), Planetary Sensor Suite (1), Reduced Crew (+1), Reinforced Chassis I (2), Speed II (4), Slow Hyperdrive (4), Targeting System (1). :'''''Weapons''''': Quad linked forward fixed Laser Cannons – Range 600/1,200/2,400 (space 6/12/24); Damage 4d10+4; AP 15; ROF 1; +2 ''Shooting''. :Forward fixed Photon Torpedo – Range 500/1,000/2,000 (5/10/20); Damage 8d10; AP 15; ROF 1; 1 square space area; Ammo 4 torpedoes, Capital weapon '''TRANSPORTS'''</br> Starships sized 12 and 16. Anything larger (20+) is considered a Capital Ship. For this size of vessels unused Mods can be converted to cargo space. Generally can carry ½ Size in tons of cargo for every Mod used. '''YT-1000 Light Freighter''': A popular ship amongst smugglers and independent cargo haulers, the YT series freighters are fast, well-armed, easily modified, well shielded and require a minimal crew. Requiring a pilot and co-pilot for normal operations, the YT series is armed with a duel-laser turret for a gunner.</br> :'''Greater Starship: Size 16'''; Handling: +0; Top Speed 4 space scale (400mph); Toughness: 42 (11); Wounds* +4; Crew: 2+6; Energy: 60; Wealth penalty: -11; Modifiers (+48 remaining): Atmospheric (6), Armor I (2), Backup Hyperdrive (2), Force Field (8) (Threshold 16, Max 160), Planetary Sensor Suite (1), Reduced Crew (+8), Slow Hyperdrive (8), Standard A.I. (1), Turret linked (2) :'''''Weapons''''': Duel linked turreted Laser Cannons – Range 600/1,200/2,400 (space 6/12/24); Damage 4d10+2; AP 15; ROF 1; +1 to ''Shooting''.
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