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=== FEATS === You must qualify for any Prerequisites. Unless otherwise noted you can only take a specific Feat once. :'''Acrobatic Strike'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Acrobatics skill. If you succeed moving past or through an opponent’s threatening space with a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, your next melee attack against this opponent has Advantage (but only the first one). :'''Action Surge'''. Prerequisite: Heroic level 2+. You can push yourself beyond your normal limits. On your turn, you can take one additional Action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. After a short or long rest you regain the use of this ability. :'''Actor'''. You have Advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Performance) skill checks when trying to pass yourself off as someone else. You can also mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by another creatures. You must have heard the person speaking or the creature making sounds for at least one minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows the listener to determine that the affect is faked.''' :'''Additional Magic Points'''. Prerequisite: Magic User 1+. You gain an additional 5 Magic Points to your total. Can be taken multiple times, each time adding an additional 5 Magic Points to your total. [[File:SR.D5.Soldier.jpg | 250px | right]] :'''Armor Proficiency (Heavy)'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Armor (Medium). Gain proficiency with heavy armor. :'''Armor Proficiency (Light)'''. Gain proficiency with light armor. :'''Armor Proficiency (Medium)'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Armor (Light). Gain proficiency with medium armor. :'''Astral Tracker'''. Prerequisite: Astral Projection talent. You gain Advantage when doing Astral Searches or Skill checks to search for information in astral space. If you exceed the '''DC''' by 5 or more you also halve the basic time required to do the search. :'''Athlete'''. When you are prone you only require 5 feet of movement (instead of ½ your speed) to stand up. You can make a running high jump or running long jump after only moving 5 feet, rather than the normal 10 feet and you have Advantage when attempting to jump. :'''Bravery'''. You are hard to scare. You have Advantage on any save against the '''''Frightened''''' condition. :'''Brawler'''. You know how to fight dirty and with whatever is at hand. You add your proficiency bonus when attacking with Improvised Weapons and your unarmed damage increases to 1d3 (1d4 for large size). Also when you take an Attack action with a melee attack you can spend a Bonus action to make an unarmed attack with your off-hand as part of your Attack action. :'''Brutal Critical'''. Prerequisite: Improved Critical, level 5+. You roll an additional +2d weapon dice of damage to the damage total when determining the extra damage for a critical hit. :'''Brute Force'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Computer Use skill. You know all the tricks for when you get into Matrix combat. Your persona gains a +1 insight bonus to Attack rolls and +2 insight bonus to Damage rolls with Matrix combat. :'''Bullet Storm'''. Prerequisite: Strength 13+, Weapon Proficiency (Light or Heavy Firearms). Spray and pray! You are skilled at creating larger threat area of your automatic weapon attacks. When you use an Autofire feature with a weapon, you can change the area of effect (see Auto Fire in SPECIAL SITUATIONS AND ACTIONS) from a 10x10ft area-of-affect to either a 15x15ft area or a 5x30ft straight line area. With Heavy Autofire weapon you can change the standard 15x15ft area-of-affect to a 20x20ft area or a 10x30ft area instead. :'''Bypass'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Computer Use skill. You know all the tricks to bypassing Matrix security. When using Matrix programs Sleaze or Sneak you impose Disadvantage on the target’s saving throw or enemy Scan checks against Spoof. You can use this feat a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. After a short or long rest you regain these abilities. :'''Careful Shot'''. Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot. When you take the Aim maneuver when making a ranged weapon attack you gain an additional +2 bonus to you Attack roll and Damage result. These effects do not stack with the extra damage provided by Deadly Aim. Nor can you use it with weapon property of Burst Fire or Autofire. :'''Charger'''. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking this Bonus Action, you add an additional +1d(x) weapon dice of damage to the damage roll with a successful melee attack (i.e. with a sword you would deal 2d8 damage, or 3d8 with a critical hit). :'''Charging Fire'''. Prerequisite: level 3+. When you take the Dash Action, you can take a normal Attack Action at the end of your movement as a Bonus action if you are making weapon ranged attacks. :'''Charmed Life'''. Prerequisite: Heroic class. When you spend a Karma Point to adjust a 1d20 check, roll 1d8+2, instead of 1d4+1. You can also spend two Karma Points in a round instead of only one (but still only one on any specific d20 roll). :'''Combat Caster'''. Prerequisite: Spellcasting Talent. You have Advantage on your Constitution save to maintain a spell you are concentrating on when you take damage. This stacks with the bonuses of Focused Caster. :'''Comlink Upgrade'''. Prerequisite: proficiency with Mechanics skill. You can do hardware upgrades for a comlink. See GM section on UPGRADES. :'''Contacts'''. You gain either two basic contacts that are indifferent to you or one moderate contact who is friendly to you. You can take this feat multiple times, each time picking the contacts above as you wish. :'''Crush'''. Prerequisite: Pin. If you successful pin an opponent with a grappling attack, you immediately deal bludgeoning damage equal to your unarmed or natural weapon damage, whichever is greater, as a free action. You cannot push, throw opponent or trip any targets while you are using pin in the same action. :'''Cybernetic Surgery'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Medicine skill, Surgery Expertise. You can install cybernetic prosthesis into living beings. The surgery requires a medical facility and at least on hour of uninterrupted work with a '''DC15''' Wisdom (Medicine) check. A failure generally only results in lost time, but a natural 1 causes a persistent '''''Reeling''''' condition on the subject until a successful separate surgery is used to remove it. :'''Danger Sense'''. You have an uncanny sense of danger. Any effect that you cannot see, such as a hidden trap, has disadvantage attacking you or you have advantage on any save it requires. You can also use your Reaction to stop an unseen foe within 30ft of you from gaining Advantage with any of its attacks against you. You can’t be blinded, deafened or incapacitated to gain these benefits. :'''Deadly Aim'''. Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. You can do extra damage by lowering your chance to hit. Before your attack roll, you take a penalty to attacking up to your Proficiency bonus, and increase your damage roll by a twice the amount (i.e. if you lower your proficiency bonus to attack by -2 you gain a +4 bonus to range damage). You can’t lower you attack bonus below that of your base proficiency bonus, and these penalties and bonuses last until the start of your next round. These affects do not stack with Careful Aim feat. Nor can you use it with a weapon properties Autofire, Burst Fire or Double Tap. :'''Determined'''. Pick an attribute that you do not gain your proficiency bonus with saving throws. You now gain your proficiency bonus with this attribute’s saving throws. You can take this feat multiple times, applying it to any Saving Throw that you are presently not proficient with. [[File:SR.D5.Girl2.jpg | 300px | left]] :'''Disarming Strike'''. Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+. When you successfully strike a creature with a melee attack, you can spend a Bonus action to also attempt to disarm the target. The target must make a Strength save check '''DC''' equal to the damage that you dealt with your successful strike plus you Intelligence modifier (Min 1). On a failed save, it drops one object in its hands of your choice at its feet. :'''Do Science on it!''' You gain your proficiency bonus on any one Intelligence or Wisdom based skill you are proficient with (even if you have Expertise; thus gains tripple your bonus with the skill). After a short or long rest you can use this ability again. :'''Double Attack'''. Prerequisite: level 5+. You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack Action on your turn. :'''Doxing'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Computer Use skill. You know how to find info on the Matrix. As a free action you gain Advantage with your next Search or Scan a system or to run a Tracker program against another decker. You can use this feature up to your Intelligence modifier times (min 1). After you complete a short or long rest you regain this feature again. :'''Dreadful Rage'''. Prerequisite: Rage talent. While you are raging you gain Resistance to ballistic, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing types of damage (magic or otherwise). :'''Dual Weapon'''. Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. You gain a +1 to your melee Armor Class while you are wielding two separate melee weapons in each hand. You can use any two one-handed weapons fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are using are not light. You can also draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to stow or draw only one. :'''Duel Weapon Expert'''. Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+, Duel Weapon feat. When wielding two one-handed weapons, one in each hand, you now add your ability modifier bonus to damage with your bonus attack. :'''Durable'''. Prerequisite: Constitution 13+. Your minimum hit point recover is twice your Constitution bonus on Hit dice rolls during a short or long rest and when you use your Heroic Recovery. Re-roll any 1's on these results. You regain one addition Hit Dice (up to max) after each long rest. :'''Empowered Spell'''. Prerequisite: Magic User 1+, Spellcasting Talent. Pick one Combat spell that you can cast. You can now add your Traditions ability modifier to the damage when you cast this spell. You can take this feat multiple times, each time it applies to a different combat spell you know. :'''Extra Heroic Recovery'''. You can take a Heroic Recovery one additional time per long rest. You can take this feat one additional time allowing you to take up to three recoveries per long rest. :'''Extra Rage'''. Prerequisite: Rage talent. You can rage one additional time before you take a long rest. You can take this feat multiple times, each time you can rage one additional time per long rest. :'''Far Shot'''. Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot. You now triple the base weapon range with ranged weapons (i.e. your range with a Colt Manhunter changes from 50/250 to 150/250). :'''Feinting Attack'''. Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+. Using a Bonus action before your Attack check, you choice one creature within your melee reach. You have Advantage on your next attack (but only one attack) verses this target and if you hit with this attack, you add your Intelligence bonus to damage. You can use this ability a number of time equal to your Intelligence modifier. You must complete a short or long rest to regain these uses. :'''First Aid'''. Prerequisite: proficiency with Medicine skill. This character to use their Action to attempt a Wisdom (Medicine) check on behalf of a creature afflicted with the '''''Reeling''''' or '''''Stunned''''' condition against a '''DC15'''. A successful check removes the condition. If the check exceeds the '''DC20''' he instead removes both conditions (if the creatures is suffering from both). :This feat also adds two additional capabilities to a Medical Kit, each costing one unit of supplies per application from the kits capability. First a character may use an Action and immediately heal a stabilized creature 1d6+4 HPs, plus an additional number of HPs equal to the creature's total Hit Dice plus your Wisdom modifier. Second, when stabilize a dying creature, if the healer's check results is '''DC20'''+, not only is the creature restored to 1 HP and no longer is unconscious, that creature also healed by the same amount above. A creature may only benefit from these feature again after taking a long rest. :'''Focused Caster'''. Prerequisite: Spellcasting Talent. You have good concentration. Add your proficiency bonus when making a Constitution save for Concentration. This stacks if you are already proficiency with Constitution saves. This feat can be combined with the Combat Caster feat. :'''Frigging love Science'''. As a bonus Action you have Advantage on one of the following skill checks if you are also proficient with the skill – Computer Use, Life Science, Mechanic, Medicine, Physical Science or Technology. After you have completed a short or long rest you regain the use of this feature. You can take this feat again, each time allowing you to use this ability an additional time before requiring a rest. :'''Full Throttle'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with vehicle type you are operating. You have Advantage with vehicle checks attempting to ‘Increase Speed' maneuver and even if you fail the check you still increase your vehicle's speed by 50% (see VEHICLES AND DRONES). :'''Gimmick'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Computer Use skill. When you activate a Program that is not an attack or one that forces a Saving Throw or when you issue a routine command to a computer that you have been granted access it only requires a bonus action instead of an action. See the MATRIX for more info on this. :'''Goading Attack'''. You can attempt to goad a target into focusing their attacks on you. With a successful melee attack, you can spend a Bonus action and if your attack roll hits any attack rolls by the target makes against any foes that is not you are at Disadvantage until the start of your next turn. :'''Hardening'''. You have some natural defense in the Matrix. You have a Hardness rating equal to your Intelligence modifier (Min 1) verse Black IC damage and the same amount with your save verses Dumpshock (see the MATRIX). [[File:SR.D5.Dwarf.jpg | 300px | right]] :'''Healthy''': Prerequisite: Constitution 13+. During a short rest you can recover on level of Exhaustion. You must complete a long rest to use this ability again. :'''Heavy Melee-Weapon Expert'''. Prerequisite: Strength 13+. When wielding a heavy melee weapon two-handed you re-roll all 1s and 2s when rolling your damage dice. :'''Hot Wire'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Mechanics skill. You gain Advantage when attempting to Jury-Rig repairs (see Repairs in VEHICLES AND DRONES). Also if you exceed the '''DC''' by +5 the repairs do not go away at the end of the encounter. :'''Improved Critical'''. Prerequisite: level 3+. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a rolls of a 19 or 20 (so long as a 19 plus modifiers would successfully hit the target). :'''Improved Determinedness'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with the saving throw. Pick a saving throw that you are proficient with and add +2 to your saving throw total with it. You can take this feat multiple times, each time it applies to a different saving throw that you are proficient with. :'''Improved Heroic Recovery'''. Prerequisite: Heroic level 3+. When you use your Heroic Recovery ability you regain +2d(x) of your best HD (if multi-classed) with this recovery. :'''Improved Mobility'''. Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+, Mobility. When you take the Dash Action, difficult terrain doesn’t cost extra movement on that turn. All creatures that can make opportunity attacks against you, do so at Disadvantage if you moved at least 15ft that round. :'''Improved Wound Damage Threshold'''. You increase your wound damage threshold by +5, and you gain a +1 bonus to your saving throw to recover from the '''''Reeling''''' condition. You can take this feat multiple times, each time you increase your damage threshold by 5 and you add and additional +1 bonus to your saving throw to recover. :'''Linguist'''. You learn four additional languages of your choice. You can take this feat multiple times, each time learning four additional languages. Also any time you encounter a language that you do not know, you can make a '''DC20''' Intelligence check and you understand and communicate at a basic level. Each additional time you take this feat adds +2 to this check. :'''Lucky'''. Prerequisite: Heroic character. The maximum number of Karma Points per level increases by three and you gain these three additional Karma Points each time you level. You can also spend two Karma Dice a round instead of only one (but still a maximum of only one per d20 roll). You can take this feat one additional time, granting you six additional Karma Points at each level. :'''Lunging Attack'''. When making a melee weapon attack on your turn, increase your reach by 5 feet for one melee attack. If you spend a Bonus action, all melee attacks this round have their reach extended by 5 feet. :'''Malware'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Computer Use skill. You have Advantage on Computer Use checks to improve a systems attitude towards you. You also impose Disadvantage on a systems saving throw against your Exploit program. You can use this second feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (min 1). After you have completed a short or long-rest you regain the features usages. :'''Maneuvering Attack'''. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend a Reaction to move one of your comrades into a more advantageous position. Chose a friendly ally whom can see and hear you and understand you; that creature can use its Reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target of your successful attack. :'''Martial Arts'''. Your unarmed strike increases to 1d4 bludgeoning damage (1d6 for Large creatures) and when you take a melee attack Action in a round you can spend a bonus action to make an additional unarmed martial strike attack. :'''Martial Arts Expert'''. Prerequisite: Martial Arts, level 3+. Your unarmed strike increases to 1d6 bludgeon damage (1d8 for Large) and you no longer need to spend a bonus action to gain an additional melee martial strike attack with your melee Attack action on your round (free action). :'''Martial Arts Master'''. Prerequisite: Martial Arts, Martial Arts Expert, level 8+. Your unarmed strike increase to 1d8 bludgeoning damage (1d10 if Large) and you gain +2 bonus insight to your Armor Class and Dexterity saving throws. :'''Medic'''. Prerequisite: proficiency with Medicine skill. You are trained and patching up wounded comrades in the field, extending their staying power. If you have a Medical Kit, during a short or long rest, those allies with you gain Advantage with their Hit Dice rolls plus additional number of HPs equal to ½ your Heroic levels (round up) + your Wisdom modifier for each Hit Dice that they spent. :This feat also adds an additional capability to the Medical Kit, costing one unit of supplies per application. A character with this feat can attempt to restore expended Hit Dices to a single creature. This requires a '''DC10''' check and one minute of work. Success restores one expended Hit Die, or two Hit Dice if the check is '''DC20''' or higher. A creature must complete a long rest before it can benefit from this use again. :'''Meditation'''. Prerequisite: Magic User 1+. Your calm state of mind allows you to better recover lost Magic Points. While taking a rest increase the die type for recovering magic points to 2d4 + mage level for a short rest or 3d6 + twice mage level for a long rest (including if you spend a Hit Dice, see MAGIC-USERS). :'''Menacing Attack'''. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend your Bonus action to frighten the target. The target must make a Charisma saving throw '''DC8''' + your proficiency bonus + you Charisma bonus. If the target fails it gains the '''''Frightened''''' condition from you until the end of your next turn. If the target is equal to or exceeds your character’s level, it can spend a Karma Point as a Reaction to remove the condition instantly. :'''Melee Defense'''. Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+. If you are wielding a melee weapon you are proficiency with you can try and fend off attacks. Before your attack roll, lowering your Proficiency bonus, and increase your Armor Class by a like amount but only verses melee attacks. You can’t lower your attack more then you proficiency bonus, and these affects last until the start of your next round. :'''Mighty Swing'''. Prerequisite: Strength 13+. Before you make a melee weapon attack with a weapon that you are proficiency with, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you deal +1d(x) weapon die of damage with the attack. If you have multiple attacks, this only applies to one of your attacks (your choice and before your attack roll). You cannot combine this damage with the Power Attack feat. :'''Mobility'''. Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. If you make a melee attack against a creature, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature until the start of your next turn, whether you hit it or not. [[File:SR.D5.Charmed.jpg | 300px | left]] :'''New Spells'''. Prerequisite: Spellcasting talent. You learn how to cast two additional spells. You can take this feat multiple times, each time learning two additional new spell. :'''New Spirit Type'''. Prerequisite: Summoning talent. You can now summon one additional type of spirit that is allowed by your tradition. You can take this feat multiple times, each time gaining the ability to summon a different type of spirits that you tradition allows (8 types). :'''Outwit and Outthink'''. On your action and until the end of your next turn, you can make a weapon attack checks using your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier (whatever is best) for attack and damage, instead of Strength or Dexterity. After a short or long rest you regain the use of this ability. You can take this feat multiple times, each time allowing you to use this ability again before requiring a rest. :'''Over Watch'''. You are adept at providing cover from enemy’s movement. While wielding a ranged weapon you can, as a bonus action, designate two adjacent 5ft squares within the weapon’s basic range. You are considered to be threatening this area and you can make opportunity attacks with your ranged weapon. You can use both the Double Tab and Burst Fire weapon features when making this attack. If the weapon has the Autofire weapon feature you can cover that’s AOE instead, but you must expend the minimum number of rounds for that attack (i.e. 10 rounds for Autofire, 20 rounds for Heavy Autofire Only weapons). The weapon must have the rounds to use this feature. :'''Pack Tactics'''. You are especially good at ganging up on foes with your allies. When you are adjacent to an ally and a foe in melee combat, you grant your ally(s) Advantage on her melee attack rolls. If you and an ally are flanking an enemy (see DMG pg. 251), you both have Advantage on your melee attacks. :'''Parry'''. Prerequisite: Strength 13+. Requires a readied melee weapon or shield to use ability (or Martial Artist Master feat). As a Reaction, you can substrate 1d10 + your Strength modifier + your Character level from any one melee attack that has just hit you (you can choice to wait until after the damage is rolled to determine if you wish to ‘parry’ a specific attack). :'''Phishing'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Computer Use skill. Your Agents programs are not at disadvantage when you are log-off the Matrix. When you are online they gain your proficiency bonus to their AC, attack, skill and abilities checks and saves. :'''Pin'''. If you succeed on a grappling attack (PHB pg. 199), the target also suffers the '''''Restrained''''' condition until the end of your next turn. You cannot push, throw opponent or trip any targets while you are using pin. :'''Point Blank Shot'''. You gain +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls with ranged weapons against targets within the weapons base range. :'''Power Attack'''. Prerequisite: Strength 13+. You can do extra damage by lowering your chance to hit. Before your attack roll, by lowering your attack bonus, you increase your melee damage by twice that amount with a successful hit (i.e. taking a -2 to attack gains +4 bonus to melee damage). You can’t lower your attack bonus lower than your base proficiency bonus, and these penalties and bonuses apply until the start of your next round. You cannot combine this with Might Swing feat. :'''Precise Shot'''. Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot. You can shoot or throw a ranged weapon at opponents engaged in melee combat with one more of your allies without suffering Disadvantage on attacks. :'''Precise Spells'''. Prerequisite: Spellcasting talent. You know how to fire spells into melee combat to affect the right target. You are not at Disadvantage with your Magical attack roll when attacking into melee combat where your allies are present. :'''Programmer'''. Prerequisite: proficiency with Computer Use skill. You are a skilled programmer and can now write you own programs in ½ the time. See the Computer Use skill and the MATRIX for extra details. :'''Psychometry'''. Prerequisite: Astral Perception and/or Projection. This awakened being is able to hold an item in its hands or touch a surface or small spot and perceive any residual auras of a past. At the end of a one minute ritual, where the awakened being can take no other actions, make an Arcana skill check. With a '''DC10''' you get a few vague flashes of strong emotions of the object or vicinity within the last 48 hours. With a '''DC15''' you get more information or you can see back one week, but only the strongest emotions and only vague pictures. With a '''DC20''' you get more detailed information (see a person’s face, know their name, their emotional state, etc.) or can perceive farther back but again only in very vague terms. Higher '''DC''' results grants you more information determined by the GM (and possible future flashes as well). :'''Pursuit'''. Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. You are trained to keep your enemies close. When you can use your Reaction to make an Opportunity Attack you can also Move up to your Speed to remain in melee combat with it as part of your reaction if the target moves out of melee with you. If the creature can move without providing an OA you cannot use this feature. If the creature moves faster than you do you then it is no longer in melee with you at the end of your reaction but you still move up to your Speed closer to it. In all cases you must move towards the retreating foe. :'''Push'''. Prerequisite: Strength 13+. After making a successful melee attack against an opponent up to one size category larger then you, you can choose to move the opponent 5 feet in any direction as a Bonus Action. You cannot use push on an opponent with an ‘imposed’ Speed of 0 (like from being grappled or restrained). If your push would move them into a solid object or into the fighting space of another creature the target falls prone in its current space instead. You cannot push the same target at the same time as you might use the crush, pin or throw opponent feats against them. :'''Quick Draw'''. You can draw or stow any number of one handed items or weapons on your action, instead of normally only being able to draw or stow one. You can also switching firing modes between Auto-Fire, Burst Fire and Single Fire with only 5ft of movement (see weapon properties). :'''Quick Refresh'''. Prerequisite: Magic-User 1+. You can regain magical energy more effectively in combat. When use an Action and spend a Karma point or use an Action and take a level of Exhaustion to regain magic points you gain back 2d4 + twice your mage level (see MAGIC-USER). :'''Quick Reload'''. With a firearm with the following weapon property you can reload one round per 5ft of Move speed for a Feed firearm and 5ft of Move for a Reload firearm or 10ft to collect spent magazines, etc. :'''Reckless Attack'''. Prerequisite: level 2+. You can throw aside concern for defense to attack with fierce determination. At the start of your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing this grants you Advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls using Strength until the start of your next turn. But all attacks against you (melee and ranged) have Advantage until the start of your next turn. :'''Relentless Rage'''. Prerequisite: Constitution 13+, Rage talent, level 10+. Your rage keeps you fighting. If you drop to 0 hit points while you are using your Rage trait, make a '''DC10''' Constitution save. If you succeed you instead drop to a number of hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. Each time you use this feature after the first time, increase the '''DC''' by +5. If you fail, you fall to 0 Hit Points and are unconscious. After you have completed a short or long rest, the '''DC''' resets at 10. :'''Scientist, Not a Soldier'''. When you take the Disengage action, you can make a single ranged weapon attack as part of the action but you only deal ½ your normal damage if you successfully hit. :'''Sculpt Spells'''. Prerequisite: Spellcasting talent. You know how to protect your friends from your own spells. With Area of Effect spells you can exude a number of targets to not suffer the effects of the spell equal to your Traditions attribute modifier. :'''Shake it Off'''. Prerequisite: Constitution 13+. You make your recover from the '''''Reeling''''' condition at the beginning of your round, not at the end. If you fail you can still use your Action to try and recover on your turn with Advantage. If you make it you are no longer at Disadvantage to your attack, skill and ability checks that round. If you fail this roll you are still at Disadvantage to your attack, skill and ability checks that round and can try again next round (at the begining of your round). :'''Shield Proficiency'''. You are proficient with all shields. :'''Sidestep'''. Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. As a Reaction, you can substrate 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + Character level, from any one ranged attack that has just hit you (you can choice to wait until after the damage is rolled to determine if you wish to sidestep a specific attack). :'''Skill Expertise'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Skill. You apply your Proficiency bonus twice with this skill. You can take this feat multiple times, it applies to a different proficient each time. :'''Skill Proficiency'''. You gain your proficiency bonus with any two skills that you are not trained with. You can take this feat multiple times, each time apply your proficiency bonus with two new, previously untrained skills. :'''Slippery'''. You are hard to pin down. You have advantage on any save or check that imposes the '''''Grabbed'''''' condition. This has no effect on the '''''Restrained''''' condition however. :'''Spell Sniper'''. Prerequisite: Magic User 1+, Spellcasting Talent. You gain the benefit of the Aim maneuver with combat spells as a free action (no movement restrictions either). :'''Spirit Foe'''. You know how to fight elementals and spirits. Whenever you are fighting a manifest spirits (elemental or natural) you gain a +2 insight bonus to both your attack rolls and damage rolls against them. Also ignore any Resistance that the creatures have when it is physically manifesting. :'''Spirit Friend'''. You have a natural affinity with spirits. First, most free spirits do not see you as hostile and will not attack you unless you provoke it (by attack it, etc.). You also gain a +2 moral bonus to all Charisma based skills when interacting with free spirits. If you are a magic user you gain a +1 insight bonus to all Conjuration tests. :'''Sniper'''. Prerequisite: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. You marksmanship training has enable you to make incredible shots. While wielding a Heavy Firearm or Heavy Weapon and when you take the Aim maneuver, as an action you make a single ranged attack at Advantage so long as your target is at least 50 feet away from you. If both the dice rolled succeed with this attack check (i.e. with advantate you roll two d20 and take the better result. If both would have hit anyway then), add +2d(x) weapon damage die to the final damage (i.e. an assault rifle that deals 2d8+2 damage deals 4d8+2 damage and 6d8+2 with a critical hit). This feat cannot be used with weapon properties Autofire, Burst Fire or Double Tap. You also cannot apply Deadly Aim feat with this attack. It can be combined with the Careful Aim feat. :'''Superior Critical'''. Prerequisite: Improved Critical, level 12+. You weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of an 18 through 20 (so long as an 18 or 19 would successful hit the target). [[File:Sr.D5.Fighter.jpg | 300px | right]] :'''Suppressing Fire'''. With much practice, you have become skilled at suppressing enemies with your Autofire. When making an Autofire attack, all targets within the area of effect must also make a Wisdom save '''DC8''' + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity bonus or have their Speed reduced by ½ (round down to the nearest 5ft) until the start of your next turn. A creature that suffered damage from your Autofire attack itself is at Disadvantage to this save. :'''Surgical Expertise'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Medicine skill. When performing surgery you now have Advantage on your Wisdom (Medicine) in a medical facility and a base check in a non-facility environment with a surgery kit. Surgery is used to remove persistent conditions, etc. :'''Suspicious'''. You don’t trust easily. You have Advantage on any save or check to resist any skill, power or ability that would impose the '''''Charmed''''' condition against you. :'''Sweep'''. Prerequisite: Strength 13+, Level 3+. When you take the Attack action, you instead make a single melee weapon or unarmed attack check against every target within your melee reach (friend or foe). You make a separate attack against each target and deal damage separately with each successful hit. If you melee reach allows you to attack enemies behind others they gain cover (generally ½) against your attack. :'''Take a Knee'''. You can crouch quickly and brace your elbow against your knee for a secure firing position. If you spend all of your Movement this round (Speed 0), you can make one additional range Attack as part of your attack action. You cannot use the weapon features Autofire with this feat or to throw a weapon. You also cannot use this feat if you are within melee reach of an enemy’s attacks and you are considered ‘prone’ against Melee attacks until the start of your next turn. :'''Throw Opponent'''. Prerequisite: Trip. If you successfully trip an opponent you can cause the opponent to fall prone in an unoccupied space you desire up to 10 feet beyond your reach and it suffers bludgeoning damage equal to your base unarmed attack damage +1d6 bludgeoning damage. You cannot use the crush, pin or push feats against the same target in that you throw in the same attack. :'''Throwing Expert'''. Attacking at long range with a throw weapon (daggers, grenades, etc.) does not impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack roll (or advantage on the save). Also with a Bonus Action you can throw one additional simple ranged weapon on your turn. :'''Toughness'''. You gain +5 hit points to your total. You can take this feat multiple times, each time gaining +5 hit points to your maximum total. :'''Tracer'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Computer Use skill. You can substitute your Intelligence (Computer Use) skill for Charisma (Gather Information) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks so long as you have access to the Matrix when search out information. :'''Trip'''. When you have successful hit a target with a melee attack you can attempt to make the target fall prone in the space it was occupying. This is a free contested ability check of your Strength (Athletics) check against your opponents Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check; whichever is better. If you win, the target falls prone. You cannot use the crush or pin feats against the same target that you use trip in the same attack. :'''Triple Attack'''. Prerequisite: Double Attack, level 11+. You can attack three times, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. :'''Upgrade Gear'''. Prerequisite: proficiency with Mechanics skill. You are trained at installing and upgrading certain types of gear. When you take this edge you must choose one of the following types – Armor, Drones, Miscellaneous, Weapons or Vehicles. You can take this feat multiple times, each time you can upgrade a different type of gear. See GM section of UPGRADES for description. :'''Upgrading Gear, Advanced'''. Prerequisite: proficiency with Mechanics skill, equivalent basic Upgrade Gear feat, level 9+. Choose one type of gear that you have the Upgrade Gear feat with. You can now install advanced and even break-through upgrades with that gear. You can take this upgrade multiple times, each time you can install advanced upgrade a different type of gear. :'''Vehicle Combat'''. Prerequisite: Proficient with vehicle you are controlling or Drone Pilot for drones. When an attacker that you can see hits a vehicle you are in control of with an attack, you can use your Reaction to halve the attacker’s damage against your vehicle. You are also considered proficient with any of the vehicles weapons that you are piloting or driving or controlling via a Rigger control. :'''Weapon Expertise'''. Prerequisite: Proficiency with weapon group. For one weapon group that you are proficient with, you gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using weapons of this group. You may gain this feat multiple times, each time you must select a different weapon group. :'''Weapon Proficiency'''. Choose one of the following weapon groups – simple weapons, martial weapons, light firearms, heavy firearms, heavy weapons or super heavy weapons. You now gain your proficiency bonus with all weapons of the selected group. You can take this feat multiple times, gaining your proficiency bonus with more groups of weapons. :'''Whirlwind Attack'''. Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+, Level 3+. When you take the Attack action, you instead make a single melee weapon or unarmed attack check against every target that you wish (can miss friends if you wish) that is within your melee reach. You make a separate attack against each target and deal damage separately with each successful hit. If you melee reach allows you to attack enemies behind others they gain cover (generally ½) against your attack. :'''Widget Bag'''. You have a bag for of useful spare parts and supplies for almost any situation. The total amount of parts and savage that you have is worth 200¥ +50¥ per your level. During a rest you can scavenge for spare parts and components in most areas and gain an additional 1d4 x10¥ for a short rest (but only once a day) and 1d6 x25¥ with a long rest.
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