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=== Vestiges of Fecundity === All life at heart harks back to reproduction. From the simplest asexual division of single celled life to pollination, spawning and sexual reproduction Fecundity is inseparably intertwined with life. The Progenitors were reputed to be beings of boundless fertility who could birth armies and grant others a hint of the divine power within themselves, exalting and polluting in a single act. Small traces of these abilities still linger within the Tribe, but small traces of the progenitors power are potent indeed. The earliest relics of the Tribe depicts the Vestige of Fecundity as a heavily pregnant figure, either human or fish. Later relics frequently link Fecundity to agriculture with portrayals of wheat, grapes and other crops. The histories and myths of the Tribe claim that Dagon was the most fertile of the Progenitors and his children, the Dagonites, have a greater grasp of this Vestige than any other Strain. The Bahamutans, the Lahamin and the Thalassans all show a natural inclination to master the powers of Fecundity. [PICTURE: The Icon of Fecundity: A figure is supplicant in prayer is positioned center in a row of four stylized stalks of wheat. Apart from an obvious pregnancy the figure has no features. This image serves as a watermark.] ==== Birthright of Fecundity ==== The Birthright of the Vestige of Fecundity is the '''Crimson Tithe'''. By letting his blood mingle with that of another, the Leviathan may open a mystical channel that permits him to infuse a valid subject with his Ichor. This requires an open wound sufficient to draw blood (or one level of bashing damage to represent the creation of one) for both the Leviathan and the intended beneficiary, who must remain touching – generally, the transfer looks like a “blood brothers” declaration, with two freshly-cut limbs held together. The Leviathan may transfer Ichor to the target at his maximum rate of expense, until he decides to stop, breaks contact, or the subject is holding the maximum amount of Ichor that he can. This has no effect on creatures who do not possess an Ichor pool. * '''Cost''': Varies ==== Lord of the Sea (Ancestral Channel) ==== ''From the sea was life incubated, and to the sea all owe their allegiance.'' * "Depth 0": Birthright of Fecundity * "Depth 1": The Leviathan may use his Animal Ken skill to interact with creatures. He speaks with and understands creatures, using the Animal Ken skill in place of normal Social skills. Creatures of Size 2 or lower may be given commands, but will oppose the Leviathan's roll with their Composure + Power Trait (if any). They will follow to the best of their ability, but will not perform directly suicidal actions. * "Depth 2": As above, and any non-sentient creature whose Size does not exceed the Leviathan's current Size may be given commands, subject to the same limitations of the Depth 1 iteration of this Channel. * "Depth 3": As above, and the Leviathan adds his Sheol to uses of the Animal Ken skill. * "Depth 4": As above, and the Leviathan automatically detects all non-sentient life within the radius of his wake, ignoring concealment. * "Depth 5": As above, and once per round the Leviathan may reflexively command any one animal within the radius of his wake. * "Depth 6": As above but once per day when within a large body of water – cap successes at cubic miles – The Leviathan can emit a summoning call. For every success on a Presence + Animal Ken roll the leviathan summons one deadly marine creature to the battle (see Antagonists for some possibilities) and enough smaller creatures to provide -1 to everyone's visibility as well as ranged attacks. As a reflexive action the Leviathan may command the swarm to create a clear line between two people that lasts the rest of the turn. '''Adaptations''' * King Under the Trench (OOO): While he is Dreaming the Leviathan may use Lord of the Sea on any creature within his Wake. ==== Magnanimous Host to All (Ancestral Channel) ==== ''Teeming with symbiotic creatures that can not properly survive in the lessened world, the Leviathan's body sustains these creatures in exchange for the benefits they provide.'' When the Leviathan gains this Channel, he designates a Symbiont skill. * “Depth 0”: Birthright of Fecundity * “Depth 1”: The Leviathan's symbiont skill gains the 9-again property. * “Depth 2”: As above, but now the symbiont skill gains the 8-again property. * “Depth 3”: As above, and +1 dice to the symbiont skill. * “Depth 4”: As above, and instead +2 dice to the symbiont skill. * “Depth 5”: As above, and the Leviathan reflexively chooses a second skill to gain the above benefits. The Leviathan may choose a different skill each time he reaches this Depth, and ignores Untrained penalties. * “Depth 6”: As above, and when acting unopposed or unresisted the Leviathan may expend 1 Willpower to perform a check with a symbiont skill as a rote action. The Leviathan chooses only the best re-roll mechanic (9-again, 8-again, rote action, automatic successes) for any given roll. Additional dice provided by this Channel do not stack with dice bonuses from skill-based Ancestral Channels. Otherwise, all bonuses apply. '''Adaptations''' Multitudinous Horde (OO to OOOOO): The Leviathan may designate multiple Symbiont skills (up to his dots in this Adaptation) and choose which one to apply this Channel's benefits to. He may reflexively switch between skills for 1 Ichor. One in Many (OOOO, Requires One Brain Many Minds, No Mysteries of the Flesh, Sheol 4): When transforming into Depth 6, or with a Transformation action in Depth 6, the Leviathan may choose to become a swarm of creatures. See [[Chapter 5 | http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/LeviathanTempest:ChapterFive#Sidebar:_Swarms]] for rules on swarms. A Leviathan who favors this Adaptation over their regular Apotheosis may start to display markers of the swarm and colony organisms even in lesser Depths. This Adaptation always turns the Leviathan into a swarm with Size equal to their Apotheosis form (the A Mountain Walked Adaptation if currently active is included), when they revert any lost Size is translated into Lethal damage at the usual rate. Dead creatures fail to reintegrate leaving gaping pits of flesh. ==== Incubation of the Second Self (Descendant Channel) ==== ''Leviathans capable of incubating the second self can reproduce without any outside aid, essentially cloning itself. This does not have to be brought to full term, or even sent along the exact same path, allowing the Leviathan to bring forth new creatures from its flesh.'' ** Dice Pool: Resolve + Medicine + Sheol ** Action Type: Extended (Each roll represents an hour of concentration and physical strain.) The Leviathan is capable of parthenogenesis, creating an egg hosted within its body which will hatch over time, producing a near-copy of the Leviathan him or herself. The only certain difference is the inability of this Channel to reliably produce another Leviathan or a normal human - the result is almost always a Hybrid unless special ritual measures are taken. Even these can only ''slightly'' increase the chances of the egg producing a normal human or full Leviathan. It takes 3 successes to produce the egg, which gestates for (10 - Sheol) months. For every roll made the Leviathan binds one point of the Ichor "bound" into the egg. Until it is hatched the Leviathan cannot regain this "bound" Ichor. While hosting an egg which contains more bound Ichor than his or her Stamina, the Leviathan suffers a -2 penalty to all dice pools due to physical strain. Upon hatching, the egg deals (Bound Ichor - host's Stamina) lethal damage to its parent. A Leviathan may host up to its Sheol in eggs at one time. * “Depth 0”: Birthright of Fecundity * “Depth 1”: The Leviathan may spend 1 Ichor to make an egg-creation roll. * “Depth 2”: As above, but the Leviathan may devote rolled successes to reduce the gestation time of the egg by one month per successes, to a minimum of one week at "0" months. * “Depth 3”: The Leviathan may expend 1 additional Ichor to divide successes on a given roll, creating or improving multiple eggs. Each egg will impose its own strain penalty, and the penalties are cumulative. When doing so the Leviathan must bind one point of Ichor per egg per roll. Binding Ichor does not count as spending Ichor for the per-turn limit on spending Ichor. * “Depth 4”: As above, but the Leviathan may devote successes to "sculpt" the resulting creatures, altering their features slightly. Entirely human changes with no mechanical effect (difference in appearance, gender, race) require three successes. Increasing attributes (maximum of 5) require one Success per dot and each dot must be brought separately, reducing Attributes require one success per dot removed. Hybrid mutations (see the Antagonists chapter) can be added or removed for (dot rating +2) successes, the Leviathan must stick to the limits of the Hybrid template and the associated Lahmasu Strain. The Leviathan can remove the Lahmasu template to create an ordinary Hybrid for five successes but cannot add a different Lahmasu strain or an offspring with no mutations. * “Depth 5”: As above, but the Leviathan may "template" his personality onto the egg. This requires a number of successes equal to his Tranquility; the resulting creature has the Leviathan's Tranquility (or equivalent in Morality), Virtue, and Vice upon birth. It also prioritizes its Skills (primary, secondary, etc.) in the same fashion. This costs the Leviathan a ''dot'' of Willpower, and may be a Tranquility violation. * “Depth 6”: The Leviathan may expend 3 additional Ichor to make rolls solely for the purpose of embedding his spiritual essence into an egg. The egg must first have the Leviathan's personality template. This requires (five + Leviathan's Sheol) successes, and additionally costs a ''dot'' of Sheol. At the death of it's "parent," roll the fledgling's Resolve in an opposed check against the deceased Leviathan's Sheol. If the parent succeeds, the imprinted essence hijacks the body, replacing its Vestiges, Sheol, Mental and Social Attributes and Skills with its own and calling the dead Leviathan's soul into it's new home. The losing essence is annihilated (in the case of a tie, everyone loses.) Hijacking a body in this fashion is a Tranqulity-1 transgression, but serial immortality's not a bad gig. ===== Sidebar: One Bad Mother ===== The creatures spawned by Incubation of the Second Self use the Hybrid template by default - usually of the Lahmasu sub-breed most typical to the Leviathan's Strain. On a game-mechanical level, this is the only outcome that occurs without the use of outside effort, such as a ritual, to attempt to beat the system. Even these should be a matter discussed between players and storytellers. Thematically speaking, the Tribe has yet to discover a reliable way to reproduce "safely," both in the sense of "increasing the number of Leviathans" or "having a child that isn't monstrous." It's not fair, but it's part of what happens to monsters. Genetically speaking, they're "near-matches" to the Leviathan when under scientific scrutiny - close enough that it'd draw attention. It's of some interest to the Tribe, however, that most forms of biological damage and imposed mutation (the hazards of life as a Leviathan) don't transfer to the egg. It most resembles "what the Leviathan would have looked like had they been born as a Hybrid," and does not carry Lamarckian markers of the parent's changes. A templated personality will lead the spawn to pursue a similar course as its parent, but nothing can ensure a complete duplicate. Rumors persist that certain ancient Leviathans perfected Adaptations or rituals that ensured that even the children of their children would carry a soul imprint - meaning that the press of time would ensure the possibility of their return. Occasionally, Legions have formed around this idea, either seeking to defeat death or to protect the Tribe and humanity from the depredations of a returned horror from bygone days. Beyond ritual attempts to affect the traits of an egg, the most common and gruesome thing that Leviathans and other Ichor-users can do with an egg is ''consuming'' it. The Ichor bound into the egg can be harvested in this fashion, but doing so is a Tranquility-3 transgression, or a Tranquility-1 transgression for a Leviathan that consumes its own young. '''Adaptations''' * Easy Birth (OO, Requires Stamina 3): In Depth 3 and below, the Leviathan reduces the effective bound Ichor of all eggs by 1 for the purpose of damage upon birth and physical strain penalties. * Fast Growth (OO): In Depth 3 or below the Leviathan can cause their child to grow rapidly after hatching. Every success compresses one years growth into one week. With seven compressed years the unskilled penalty and exp costs for Mental and Social skills increase by 1, at fourteen years they increase by 2. This penalty can be removed with extensive education and socialization. * Genetic Memories (OO): In Depth 4 or below the Leviathan can spend successes to implant genetic memories in their offspring. This can add dots to Skills for one Success per dot (you must buy Skills in Sequence, adding two dots of Academics would cost three successes). Alternatively they could spend one success to give the child memories of three events from the Leviathan's perspective. These memories have less impact than experiencing the event first hand, which is not to say they have no impact. * Opportunistic Parasitism (OOOO, Requires Sheol 3): In Depth 3 and below, the Leviathan may transfer an egg that it is hosting to a helpless creature of Size 5 or greater. This requires a minute of time and inflicts three levels of bashing damage. The Leviathan's Ichor remains bound in the egg, but from that point onward only the host suffers from potential strain penalties and will suffer damage upon the egg's "birth." Traumatic and grisly surgery, at the very least, will be required to remove the egg early. Such surgery usually deals lethal damage equal to the egg's bound Ichor. * Traumatic Parasitism (OOO, Requires Opportunistic Parasitism and Strength 3): In Depth 3 and below, upon scoring an exceptional success against a target using a natural weapon that deals lethal damage, the Leviathan may attempt to reflexively transfer an egg from its body into that of the target. The subject must be Size 5 or greater, and rolls its Stamina (+ Power stat) in an opposed roll against the Leviathan's Sheol. The subject may add any bonuses related to staving off disease to its roll. Most will also spend Willpower, unsurprisingly. * Hyperparasitism (OOO, Requires Opportunistic Parasitism): In Depth 3 and below, when presented with a helpless host containing an egg created by another Leviathan, the character can "overwrite" the egg with one of its own, using the energy bound in the egg to feed its own spawn. The Leviathan makes use of this Channel to create an egg inside the host. This uses the normal system, but the character may need not bind any Ichor until he has made more rolls then the egg's own bound Ichor. This consumes the replaced egg, which is generally a Tranquility violation. * Reflexive Consumption (OOO): In Depth 3 and below, the Leviathan may reflexively consume an egg that it is hosting, regaining the bound Ichor as noted in the sidebar. * Restoration of Life (OOOO, Requires Assimilation, Genetic Memories and Sheol 3): The Leviathan imprint both the personality and memories they have absorbed into an egg, bestowing life once again for a Willpower Dot and a number of successes equal to the target's Morality. This goes beyond the distant memories provided by the Genetic Memories Adaptation, from the clone's perspective they are the exact same person in a new body. Implanting memories has no effect on the physical body, which means that by default the clone will be born as a near genetic duplicate of the Leviathan. Most clones are re-sculpted extensively, either to create something as close to the original body as possible within the limits of the Hybrid template, or to reward or punish the clone with a body of the Leviathan's devising. If the body has enough mutations to decrease the clone's Intelligence, apply two mild or one sever derangement per lost dot of Intelligence as the Leviathan damages the mind by forcing it into an incompatible body. It must be noted that creating a clone does not "use up" the assimilated memories, a Leviathan can clone one person many times. Devouring a person for the explicit purposes of cloning them, even with their informed consent, does not prevent the Leviathan from having to make the usual Tranquility check for cannibalism. ==== Womb of Terrors (Descendant Channel) ==== ''The divine Ichor flowing through the Leviathan's blood gives birth to new and horrible life, clawing its way out of gore and shaped and directed by the will of the Leviathan who gave it life.'' ** Dice Pool: Stamina + Medicine + Sheol ** Action Type: Instant When the Leviathan has an open wound (is suffering at least a single level of lethal damage), it may shape creatures from its blood. Upon taking this Channel, the Leviathan designs three creatures which are born of its blood (see sidebar). It may call forth these creatures with a successful roll. The creatures instinctively take actions desired by the Leviathan without verbal instruction. If the Leviathan is not bleeding and wishes to activate this power, he may reflexively open the wound necessary if he has adequate tools at hand (or has hands that serve as adequate tools.) A Leviathan may only have a number of offshoots equal to its Sheol exist at any one time, buy may only have a single third-degree offshoot at a time. * “Depth 0”: Birthright of Fecundity * “Depth 1”: The Leviathan may summon its first-stage offshoot. It is present for one turn per success on the summoning roll. * “Depth 2”: As above, but it is present for three turns per success. * “Depth 3”: As above, but it is present for a minute per success. The Leviathan may expend 1 additional Ichor to instead call its second-stage offshoot, which is present for one turn per success. * “Depth 4”: As above, but first-degree offshoots are present for five minutes per success and second-degree offshoots for three turns per success. * “Depth 5”: As above, but first-degree offshoots are present for a half-hour per success and second-degree offshoots for one minute per success. * “Depth 6”: As above, but first-degree offshoots are present for an hour per success and second-degree offshoots for five minutes per success. The Leviathan may expend 3 additional Ichor to instead call its third-stage offshoot, which is present for one turn per success. ===== Sidebar: Horrors made Flesh ===== Upon purchasing the Channel Womb of Terrors, the Leviathan's player may design three Offshoots. As the Leviathan's Sheol increases, these Offshoots become more powerful, but their general form remains the same. The Offshoots need not be graduated versions of the same beast, and it's acceptable - in fact, highly appropriate - that their outward forms are alien, amalgamations of various beasts with fearsome appearances. An Offshoot can usually not be mistaken for any natural animal. Each Offshoot has "base" Traits and a pool of points which the Leviathan's player uses to customize the beast. Once determined, an ability is set and the assigned points cannot be re-assigned. Leviathans who possess an Evolution can often share it's benefits with any Horrors they create. While every Evolution is different and the Storyteller must use her judgement a good rule is that if an Evolution must never make Womb of Terrors impractical to use. A Leviathan who can survive in outer space will be able to create Horrors that can survive in outer space. The Storyteller may choose to put a point cost on abilities unlocked by evolutions. Horrors are treated like animals, using the higher of their Dexterity or Wits to determine Defense. They lack fine manipulation and cannot hold or use most tools unless a trait is purchased to permit this - and even in this case their intellect is too limited to apply most tools effectively. They are entirely amphibious and may breathe water and swim at full Speed. They execute commands to the best of their intelligence. Note that it may be difficult to craft the core book's example animals as Offshoots - they cannot generalize (and that guard dog has phenomenal stats!) * First-Stage Offshoot: All attributes begin at one, Size 2, Speed species factor 5, no skills. Attributes and Skills cannot exceed 3. ** A first-stage Offshoot is built with a pool of points equal to the Leviathan's Stamina + Sheol. (Use the Leviathan's base Stamina, before any bonuses from Vestiges) * Second-Stage Offshoot: Physical attributes begin at two, all others at one, Size 3, Speed species factor 5, no skills. Attributes and Skills cannot exceed 4. ** A second-stage Offshoot is built with a pool of points equal to 3 + Leviathan's Stamina + Sheol. * Third-Stage Offshoot: Physical attributes begin at three, all others at one, Size 5, Speed species factor 5, no skills. Attributes and Skills cannot exceed 5. ** A third-stage Offshoot is built with a pool of points equal to 6 + Leviathan's Stamina + Sheol. * Basic Point Costs (Attributes in parenthesis refer to the Leviathan's stats, not those of the offspring) ** Physical Attributes: 1 dot per point ** Other Attributes: 1 dot per 2 points ** Physical Skills: 2 dots per point ** Other Skills: 1 dot per point ** Specialties: 1 per point ** Armor: 1 per point, max of (Stamina), bulletproof for +1 points. ** Natural Weapons: +1L per point, max of (Strength)L ** Speed bonus: +2 per point, max of (Dexterity) points * Other Tricks (Other traits are possible, with their price mandated by the Storyteller.) ** Flight: 1 point (at Speed) ** Venomous bite: Toxicity 3, immediate onset: 1 point (+1 Toxicity for +1 point, limit of +(Stamina) Toxicity) ** Rare sense (Echolocation, heat-based vision, etc.): 1 point each ** "Finer" manipulation: 2/3 points (may use simple tools and open doors, but -2 to all relevant rolls, -0 at 3 points) ** Regeneration: 2 (1 bashing per turn, 1 lethal per 15 minutes; third-stage Offshoots may regenerate 1 lethal per round instead) '''Adaptations''' * Open Hide (O): The Leviathan may reflexively open a wound without any tools to do so. This still inflicts a point of Lethal Damage. * Dread Champion (O): The Leviathan may opt to possess his third-stage Offshoot upon creating it. If he does so, he is considered insensate and unconscious, and the third-degree Offshoot becomes of Indefinite duration and uses the Leviathan's Mental and Social attributes, skills, and merits. The Leviathan may cancel this effect at any time, destroying the Offshoot and returning to consciousness. * Hone Champion (OOO, Requires Dread Champion and Sheol 4): When activating the Dread Champion power, the Leviathan may spend excess successes on the activation roll to increase the point-pool available to the Offshoot. Each success yields one additional point, which may be spent freely. Raising the Mental and Social traits of a third-stage Offshoot will not prevent its Mental and Social traits from being replaced by those of its creator when the Dread Champion power is activated. * Creator of Life (OO, Requires Sheol 2): The Leviathan may devise a new first-degree Offshoot and may now summon either of its options. This Merit may be purchased multiple times - up to the Leviathan's (Sheol -1). * Craftsman of Life (OOO, Requires Sheol 3): The Leviathan may devise a new second-degree Offshoot and may now summon either of its options. This Merit may be purchased multiple times - up to the Leviathan's (Sheol -2). * Sculptor of Life (OOOO, Requires Sheol 4): The Leviathan may devise a new third-degree Offshoot and may now summon either of its options. This Merit may be purchased multiple times - up to the Leviathan's (Sheol -3). * Reflexive Genesis (OOO): In Depth 3 and below, upon suffering lethal damage, the Leviathan may reflexively summon an Offshoot that it has access to in its current Depth. It must suffer levels of damage equal to the Size of the Offshoot to be summoned. * Verdant Talons (OOO, Requires Mortal-Devouring Armoury). In depth 3 and below, upon dealing lethal damage with the weapons provided by Mortal-Devouring Armory, the Leviathan may reflexively summon an Offshoot that it has access to in its current Depth - creating a horror from it's own Ichor and it's victims blood. It must inflict levels of damage equal to the Size of the Offshoot to be summoned, the Offshoot's birth also causes an additional point of Aggravated damage. ==== The Hydra's Rebirth (Descendant Channel) ==== ''A spark of unnatural life coruscates through the blood of the Tribe, its immense potency granting their very organs the ability to reproduce and evolve.'' * "Depth 0": Birthright of Fecundity * "Depth 1": You may convert Ichor into blood. You may expend 1 point of Ichor to heal 1 Bashing level of damage. * "Depth 2": You may reflexively convert your own blood into Ichor. For each level of Resistant Lethal damage you voluntarily suffer, gain 2 Ichor. Resistant damage is unaffected by the powers of this Channel. * "Depth 3": You may expend 2 Ichor to heal 1 Lethal level of damage. * "Depth 4": For purposes of healing, your Safe Ichor/Turn is increased by 1. * "Depth 5": 1 point of Ichor now restores 2 levels of Bashing or 1 level of Lethal damage. * "Depth 6": You may expend 4 Ichor to heal 1 Aggravated level of damage. Every time you do so, increase any non-Stamina Attribute by one for the remainder of the scene. No more than (Stamina) points of such healing can be performed each day. '''Adaptations''' * Resurgent Corpus (OO): You may expend a point of Willpower to use the lower of your Stamina or Composure as your Defense for a scene. * Dread Return (OOO, requires Sheol 3): That is not dead which can eternal lie. This Adaptation costs a dot of permanent Willpower to invoke. If you would be killed, you may fall into a trance-like stasis that appears, to any observer, just like death. The last level of aggravated damage does not slay you for (Resolve) hours - at Sheol 4 this becomes days, at Sheol 5 months - during which time you do not heal naturally but may expend Ichor to restore yourself or benefit from external treatment. You still receive Ichor from your cult's prayers and immersion in water. In this state, you are considered to be dreaming. If your body is fully annihilated (by incineration or some other means), you are truly dead. * Reap the Whirlwind (OOOOO, requires Sheol 5): Once per week, when you would be slain in combat as a result of filling your rightmost Health box with Aggravated Damage, instead you are restored to maximum Health and Ichor and reflexively shift to Apotheosis Form. This change is not optional but does not cost Ichor. For this scene only, you may remain in Apotheosis Form with no adverse consequences for up to (Stamina + Resolve) minutes. Distribute (Stamina) dots among your Attributes as if you had healed all the aggravated damage with Ichor. Among younger members of the Tribe, this Adaptation is sometimes affectionately referred to as "One-Winged Angel." ==== Everflowing Fetid Growth (Descendant Channel) ==== ''The Divine Ichor is as potent source of life, eager to burst forth in growth and bloom.'' **Dicepool: Sheol + Stamina + Survival ** Action Type: Instant or Extended (Each roll is one turn) By drawing on the potential for life within its divine Ichor a Leviathan may fertilize and gain dominion over the land and all the beasts that dwell within. With this Channel the Leviathan can increase physical Attributes and grant unique advantages to those in its favor: See the sidebar “Horrors Made Flesh” for options. The divine Ichor is as harmful as it is beneficial to mortals. Everyone who benefits from this Channel suffers a poison with a toxicity equal to the number of 1s and 10s rolled when activating this Channel as harmful mutations and cancers take root. Should someone take more damage than their Stamina upgrade one point of damage to Aggravated, until this point is cured treat the sufferer as having an Affliction. A roll of Intelligence + Medicine (Intelligence + Science or Intelligence + Survival in the case of plants) is sufficient to realize the disease is like nothing else known to medical science and possibly reveal the touch of a Leviathan for those who know what to look for. Naturally pressing on with this Channel to the point that it becomes life threatening is a Tranquility sin. Using this Channel on another Leviathan is impossible: Granting the power of the Divine Ichor to a Leviathan is redundant. Hybrids can benefit but it's harder: Deduct Depth from the dicepool (for multiple Hybrids use the greatest Depth). On a positive note Hybrids decrease the toxicity by their Depths. * “Depth 0”: Birthright of Fecundity * “Depth 1”: The Leviathan may grant increased physical Attributes to one recipient, this requires a transfer of Ichor as per the Birthright of Fecundity and lasts one turn per success. When using this ability on plants (or fungus) the only “Attribute” is size, unlike other effects of the Channel increased size is permanent. * “Depth 2”: As above but the Leviathan can use this Channel remotely providing there is an unbroken path of water between an open wound on the Leviathan and the recipient. * “Depth 3”: As above but the Leviathan may spend an additional point of Ichor to affect up to Sheol recipients at once. Successes are divided between recipients in whatever ratio the Leviathan desires. If the Leviathan spends additional Ichor the effects last for a minuet per success. * “Depth 4”: As above but the Leviathan may also grant natural weapons, speed and armor as well as items from the list of “Other Tricks”. When forcing plant-life to grow the Leviathan also gains control over the direction of growth. * “Depth 5”: As above but when using this Channel at range ignore the requirement for a path of water. The Leviathan may also opt to grant animation to plants (minimum size of 3) granting a Strength and Dexterity of one. Animated plants have no skills or unskilled penalties and qualify for the same enchantments with the exception of speed, they remain immobile. * “Depth 6”: As above but the Leviathan can spend three additional points of Ichor to affect all recipients in range at once. Should the Leviathan do so effects will last for one hour per success. '''Adaptations''' *Toxicophore (OO or OOO): In Depth 3 or lower a Leviathan may spend an additional point of Ichor to make all affected plants toxic. With two dots unprotected beings in physical contact with the plant suffer a -1 penalty on all actions. After the contact is broken, the penalty lasts for a number of turns equal to the amount of time spent in contact. At three dots increase the penalty by one for every two turns of physical contact. If it ever rises above the subject's Stamina + Resolve, they pass out due to pain. *Spore filled blood (O): In Depth 3 or lower instead of growing existing plants the Leviathan may instead grow entirely new simple plants or fungus from spores and seeds within their blood. When taking this merit select a group of plants like “algae”, “fungus” or “seaweed”. This merit may be taken multiple times for additional options. *Rapid Rot (OOO, requires Spore filled blood): In Depth 4 or lower the Leviathan can spend a point of Ichor and roll Stamina + Sheol to attack structures. Roots tear into foundations and rot eats away at a building’s heart. The range is touch but this attack does ignore durability. *Ah, Triffids (OOOOO, requires Sheol 3): In Depth 6 the Leviathan can add the following cruel features to animated plants under its control. **Blinding stinger, requires Size 5+ and costs 3 successes. This stinger is a 3 damage weapon with a range of 10 feet. Each success, contested by Stamina, gives -1 to all rolls that depend on vision. At a total of -5 the target is blind. Treat this damage as lethal for the purpose of healing and medicine. **Movement, requires Size 5 or less and costs 1 success. Plants only move at speed 2. **Communication, requires size 3+ and costs one success. The plants gain the ability to communicate with a form of drumming. This can be used as an early warning system for anything simple enough for an animated plant to recognize. Something along the lines of: “Humans”, “Motor Boats” or “Hybrids”. *One swamp, one mind (OOOOO, requires Sheol 4). The Leviathan gains the ability to unite itself with an entire ecosystem. While the leviathan slumbers the range of Everflowing Fetid Bloom increases by 100 feet an hour to a limit of Sheol miles throughout which they can use this Channel like normal. When using this Adaptation the Leviathan is considered to be dreaming, the inverse is also true: if the Leviathan is dreaming it may use this Adaptation. When combined with Spine of the world this Adaptation is stronger; it's effects cover the entire island.
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